A group of Iranian war ships is headed toward Russia this week to join a Navy parade in St. Petersburg. Protesters are demonstrating across Iran about a drought in one region of that country; and thousands of oil workers are on strike in that country for better pay and better working conditions. Adm. Bill Gortney (USN ret.) is former United States Northern Command and former commander of North American Aerospace Defense Command. He served three tours of duty in the Central Command area of operations that includes the Middle East. He reviews the possibilities of dealing with the threat from Iran. He's also a veteran Navy aviator, and he told me why the air fleet should be a greater factor in the service's capabilities projections.
Photo: Adm. William Gortney, commander, U.S. Northern Command, briefs the press on the state of the command at the Pentagon April 7, 2015. (Photo by Master Sgt. Adrian Cadiz)(Released)