6: Gen. Chuck Wald, USAF ret. on the US relationship with Iran, present and future

Four Star Forum

18-06-2021 • 29 mins

President Biden completed his first meetings with Russian President Vladimir Putin this week. About the same time two Iranian ships that reports indicate were headed for Venezuela have changed course. No one is suggesting those events are connected, but those Iranian ships in the Atlantic Ocean remind the world that Iran wants to project power all over its region - and that its connections to Russia are strong. General Chuck Wald (US Air Force ret.) is President of the Jones Group Middle East. He’s former Deputy Commander of United States European Command. In this episode, he surveys the landscape in the Middle East now, and assesses the current and future allies and partners that could work with the United States to effectively contain Iran.

Photo: Gen. Wolfgang Schneiderhan, Chief of the Defense Staff, Federal Armed Forces of Germany, met with Gen. Charles F. Wald, U.S. European Command, deputy director, at the headquarters in Stuttgart, Germany, April 28, 2004. (U.S. EUCOM photo)

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