Season 4 Episode 3: The First-Ever Sunbae Games
Dive into the delectable world of K-pop with The K-pop Sundae Podcast, where they serve up the juiciest insights, creamiest discussions, and most flavorful deep dives on all things K-pop. Join them as they sprinkle your ears with the sweet sounds of fandom, scoop out the latest trends, and top it all off with a cherry of K-pop knowledge. Indulge your senses and savor every episode, because this is where the K-pop universe melts in your ears!
The Seoul Patch Podcast
Sunbae Games Theme Music from Pixabay
With Additional Music & Sound Effects from
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Our Script
PowerPoint (Play Along with Us!)
The Sunbae Games
Where To Find Us
Twitter: kpopsunbaes
Instagram: k.pop.sunbaes
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Facebook: The K-Pop Sunbaes
TikTok: kpopsundae
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Cover Art - Elyse Shewan (Instagram:
Music by Joystock -