Graceful Atheist Podcast

Atheists United Studios

A secular humanist podcast about Secular Grace after deconstruction and deconversion. Member of the Atheists United Studios podcast network.

The podcast takes an honest look at stories of faith transition from a life-altering faith, to doubt and deconstruction, to deconversion, and finally, to a thriving graceful life post-deconversion.

My name is David, and I am trying to be the Graceful Atheist. Join me and be graceful human beings.
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Religion & SpiritualityReligion & Spirituality


Sara: Christian Humanism
Sara: Christian Humanism
This week’s guest is Sara. Sara grew up in a Canadian Mennonite community and embraced it wholeheartedly. She was surrounded by evangelical Christianity and she thrived.As a young adult, she married and followed her husband into ministry. While he led, she helped as was expected of her. It didn’t occur to her until years later how little her own leadership skills had to be set aside.Sara’s husband started deconstructing his beliefs before she did, but as he was learning, she was also learning. Years later, she knew he’d become an atheist before he did.It wasn’t easy, but they made space for one another to learn and grow and move down their own paths. Today, Sara is a spiritual director for others and doesn’t have a specific label for herself, and it works just fine.“There’s a whole host of ways of being in the world…”LinksSara’s website quotes, recommendations, transcripts and more see the full episode show notes the Deconversion Anonymous Facebook group Atheist Podcast Merch! the podcast on Patreon Grace"Waves" track written and produced by Makaih Beats
Beth: Deconstruction from the Moral Majority
Beth: Deconstruction from the Moral Majority
This week’s guest is Beth. Beth grew up in a fundamentalist Christian home that revered James Dobson, Jerry Falwell and all those who created the “Moral Majority.” Her father was a pastor whose sermons centered on the End Times and protecting their families from the “shifting culture,” (read: all the movements happening in the 60’s and 70’s).As a teen, she lived a double life, keeping plenty of secrets from her parents. However, as a young adult, followed all the rules with the expectation that the “umbrella of God’s protection” would take care of her. It didn’t.It took decades of trying to do what was “right” and watching the promises of the Church come to naught before she finally took the leap out of Christianity. She now identifies as SBNR—spiritual but not religious. Beth is now able to trust her own judgment and make decisions that are best for her. No “umbrella of protection” needed.InteractFor quotes, recommendations, transcripts and more see the full episode show notes the Deconversion Anonymous Facebook group Atheist Podcast Merch! the podcast on Patreon Grace"Waves" track written and produced by Makaih Beats
Andrew: Dino Dad Reviews
Andrew: Dino Dad Reviews
Arline interviews this week’s guest, Andrew. Andrew is a self-named atheist “paleo-nerd.” He grew up home-schooled in a fundamentalist church in southern California. His whole schooling was religious and that included Young Earth Creationism.In high school, Andrew struggled with his shy nature and some depressive episodes. The church didn’t seem to have room for people like him. As a young adult, finally making his own decisions and living a life without fundamentalism everywhere, Andrew saw how much he could accomplish on his own. He had had the resources inside him but hadn’t known it.Now, as an atheist, he’s figuring out what life looks like for himself. It includes a wife and kids, online friends, lots of dinosaurs, and a happiness that isn’t perfect or perpetual but is enough.LinksDino Dad Reviews quotes, recommendations, transcripts and more see the full episode show notes the Deconversion Anonymous Facebook group Atheist Podcast Merch! the podcast on Patreon Grace"Waves" track written and produced by Makaih Beats
Megan: Catholic to Evangelical to Athiest
Megan: Catholic to Evangelical to Athiest
This week’s guest is Megan. Megan grew up in a fundamentalist Catholic home with an irrationally religious mother and an absent father. As a teen, she was invited to an evangelical bible study after school and after some serious “love bombing” by the youth group, she was a part of a community. “You get ‘loved bombed’ when you walk into a new church or into a new youth group, and they make you feel like you are the most welcome you will ever be and that your community is so indeed of you and your specific experience…”Evangelical Christianity worked well for Megan for years. She had questions and concerns but nothing that made her leave for good until she knew one of her kids was possibly LGBTQ. That was when she knew she’d have to figure out the religious future of her family.Now, she is an atheist and has never been more free. She’s living out secular grace, sealing up her boundaries, and being the whole person she ’s always needed to be. InteractFor quotes, recommendations, transcripts and more see the full episode show notes the Deconversion Anonymous Facebook group Atheist Podcast Merch! the podcast on Patreon Grace"Waves" track written and produced by Makaih Beats
Kris: Former Christian Leader to the Least of These
Kris: Former Christian Leader to the Least of These
This week’s guest is Kris. Kris grew up in a home with much wounding and suffering, an irreligious home that would shape her desire for God as a young adult. She became a christian when she was 22—a “poor, broken young mom.”For years, Christianity worked well for her. She found community, built a family, made friends. Church gave her a place to use her abilities and passions, but there was always a glass ceiling. In 2017, she and a friend went to a “biblical archeology” seminar. For the first time, Kris was learning from professors, not pastors, and the questions started coming. It wasn’t long before Kris realized she couldn’t go to church or be in a home group. She didn’t have the language for what was happening, but now she knows it was the beginning of her deconstruction. A strong leader with a kind and compassionate heart—and a love for Ozzy Osbourne—Kris is enjoying the life she’s found beyond religion.InteractDavid's intevew on Harmonic Atheist quotes, recommendations, transcripts and more see the full episode show notes the Deconversion Anonymous Facebook group Atheist Podcast Merch! the podcast on Patreon Grace"Waves" track written and produced by Makaih Beats
Jeremy Schumacher: Wellness with Jer
Jeremy Schumacher: Wellness with Jer
This week’s guest is Jeremy Schumacher. Jeremy’s story begins in the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod and it was as culty as it sounds. He started questioning the beliefs when he was ten, but it took twenty more years before he was able to leave.“Two things really kept me in [Christianity] longer than I needed to stay or wanted to stay: fear of hell…and everyone I knew and interacted with was Lutheran, just not having any sense of community outside of the church…”Jeremy is currently a “licensed marriage & family therapist with additional specialties in religious trauma and sports performance.” See his complete bio here.LinksWellness With Jer quotes, recommendations, transcripts and more see the full episode show notes the Deconversion Anonymous Facebook group Atheist Podcast Merch! the podcast on Patreon Grace"Waves" track written and produced by Makaih Beats
Nora: MK to the USA
Nora: MK to the USA
This week’s guest is Nora. Nora grew up in Argentina, the granddaughter of Italian immigrants, and Argentina still has her heart.When Nora was in middle school, her father believed God wanted him to become a missionary to the US. The family’s move to California was all loss, culture shock, and homesickness for Nora.Between church doctrine on divorce, enduring an abusive marriage, Christian Nationalism, and questions that kept coming, Nora stayed in Christianity as long as she could stand it. She truly tried to make it all work.“I did it on my own…I can say, for sure, God was not there for me, not emotionally, not spiritually, obviously not practically.”Nora is now “allergic to spirituality.”She’s an atheist, no longer needing any god or religion to dictate her life. She lives out secular grace, aligning her life with her deepest values.InteractFor quotes, recommendations, transcripts and more see the full episode show notes the Deconversion Anonymous Facebook group Atheist Podcast Merch! the podcast on Patreon Grace"Waves" track written and produced by Makaih Beats
Tracey: Focus on the Family to None
Tracey: Focus on the Family to None
This week’s guest is Tracey. Tracey spent her childhood in a white American Christian home where Focus on the Family reigned and “Obey right away” was the expectation.She was a believer as an adolescent but began asking hard questions in high school. As a young adult, she saw how prideful the leaders were and how easily Christians were pulled in.“That’s a theme through my whole experience of Christianity…Christians are actually attracted to narcissists…People are drawn to or encouraged to seek answers from narcissists.”As an adult, Tracey became Catholic, only to see the same threads running through—narcissism, misogyny, racism, abuse and more. In the past few years, Tracey’s found solace in yoga, meditation and nature. She’s grown and been changed, not through the religiousInteractFor quotes, recommendations, transcripts and more see the full episode show notes the Deconversion Anonymous Facebook group Atheist Podcast Merch! the podcast on Patreon Grace"Waves" track written and produced by Makaih Beats
Amanda: Deconversion From An Unnamed Cult
Amanda: Deconversion From An Unnamed Cult
This week’s guest is Amanda. Amanda comes from a rather surprising brand of Christianity she refers to as the “Serpent Seed Pentecostal Cult.” She goes into detail, and it’s quite a ride.Various things happened throughout her adolescence that made her wonder if Christianity was true, but her mother would violently put a quick stop to those doubts. By 17, Amanda left home to live with a friend, but that couldn’t last long.Amanda spent a decade trying out every religion under the sun but never found the one that could give real, solid answers.“Everybody thinks that they have the answer but nobody does.”Today, she knows she doesn’t need the gods to dictate her life. She’s living it to the fullest and always moving forward. InteractFor quotes, recommendations, transcripts and more see the full episode show notes the Deconversion Anonymous Facebook group Atheist Podcast Merch! the podcast on Patreon Grace"Waves" track written and produced by Makaih Beats
MJ: Dissident Daughters
MJ: Dissident Daughters
This week’s guest is MJ, the heart and mind behind the Instagram account, @dissident_daughtersMJ grew up in a conservative evangelical home where Focus on the Family reigned and her whole world consisted of family, church friends, and a few Christian homeschooling families. She believed wholeheartedly, feeling all the existential pressure as a child to “save” everyone around her.As a young woman, MJ was surrounded by social workers while in college, and these colleagues were curious. They didn’t ask theological questions; they asked political questions, but for MJ it was all connected. She went to her pastor and was dismissed again and again.“I started asking myself, What are the criteria? What are [church leaders] really looking for? They’re looking for somebody who doesn’t question, doesn’t challenge the status quo, doesn’t have a viewpoint that encompasses anything that includes the world along with Christianity.”Now MJ uses her love of books and art to encourage others to hear different perspectives—one’s inner life, relationships, systemic injustices, religion, and spirituality. Besides lengthening Arline’s personal To-Be-Read list, MJ’s Instagram has shown her that whatever one is convinced is true, there are other possible ways to view it.LinksInstagram quotes, recommendations, transcripts and more see the full episode show notes the Deconversion Anonymous Facebook group Atheist Podcast Merch! the podcast on Patreon Grace"Waves" track written and produced by Makaih Beats
Darrel Ray: Recovering From Religion
Darrel Ray: Recovering From Religion
Dr. Darrel Ray is the founder and President of the Board of Directors of Recovering from Religion and the founder and project leader of the Secular Therapy Project. See his full bio here.Dr. Ray grew up in a Christian home but was already skeptical of certain claims at the age of twelve. He stayed in church—singing and teaching—but was relieved to finally leave the church as an adult.He has decades of experience in psychology and has helped countless people who’ve been harmed by religion.“I’m guessing there are more people throughout history that have been traumatized by religion than any other single thing. Religion has built-in abuse.”LinksRecovering From Religion Therapy Project quotes, recommendations, transcripts and more see the full episode show notes the Deconversion Anonymous Facebook group Atheist Podcast Merch! the podcast on Patreon Grace"Waves" track written and produced by Makaih Beats