uROk To Sleep - A Guided Meditation To Refresh, Renew and Re-energise

uROk Sleeping, Healing & Uplifting Meditations

Oct 23 2017 • 25 mins

Sleep. We all need sleep to rejuvenate our physical bodies, recharge our batteries, and refresh our minds. According to a heap of scientific studies however, far too many of us just aren't getting enough quality sleep each night to reap the mind, body and soul benefits we need to stay on top of our game. In this limited release podcast of Sari Mustonen-Kirk's latest Guided Meditation for Sleep, we are gifting our loyal listeners and subscribers a free play and/or download before we launch it to the wider market at USD9.95. Be quick to grab your download and let Sari's soothing voice together with the gentle sounds of Christopher Lloyd Clarke's music guide you into a wonderfully refreshing night's sleep. Awaken feeling relaxed, renewed and reenergised. Remember to like the episode and please do give us your feedback in the comments section. This episode will only be available until we launch the uROk Sleep Series in the coming weeks. Enjoy!

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