The Irrational Impact of Politics on the Market

Money Tree Investing

Oct 2 2024 • 56 mins

Election season upon us so you know that there will be an irrational impact of politics that is going to hit the market this fall. We also discuss the aging of political figures like Joe Biden and Donald Trump, and the impact of stress on leaders. We explore generational cycles, particularly the "Fourth Turning" theory, and reflect on media influence and propaganda, both in the U.S. and globally.

Today we discuss...

  • The U.S. presidential candidates and the physical and mental demands of the campaign trail, especially for older politicians.
  • They explore the concept of "fourth turning" and generational cycles of conflict, predicting ongoing societal tensions.
  • Global perspectives on the U.S. are discussed, contrasting media portrayals and public opinions abroad
  • How "truth" is often subjective, shaped by perspective and opinion, especially in political contexts.
  • Both sides in a debate typically view the other as misinformed or evil, leading to a polarized environment.
  • The upcoming election period is expected to be filled with misinformation and humor, as political discourse tends to devolve.
  • Investment markets exhibit similar behavior, where individuals often believe they can predict outcomes, leading to misguided confidence.
  • Historical economic events, such as the housing market in the late '90s and 2007, demonstrate patterns of irrational behavior among investors.
  • Wall Street often presents a biased perspective, promoting buying to maintain market stability and profits.
  • People become emotionally invested in their stocks or political affiliations, which clouds their judgment and objectivity.
  • Discussions of gold, silver, and cryptocurrency reveal that tangible assets are often viewed as safe havens in uncertain economic climates.
  • Emotional decision-making plays a significant role in how individuals approach investments, especially concerning real estate versus stocks.

Today's Panelists:

Kirk Chisholm | Innovative Wealth
Douglas Heagren | ProCollege Planners

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