Hi, Kidney Warriors and friends, Dee. Moore here.
I'm excited and proud to announce that Diary of a Kidney Warrior podcast has been nominated to receive a GX Award in the Best TV Program or Podcast of the Year category.
Please, please, please can you go to www.thegxawards.com and vote for Diary of a Kidney Warrior podcast?
The voting closes Saturday, the 17th of August. So please, please vote for the podcast?
Until next time, take care and choose to live!
For updates and more, follow Dee Moore on:
Instagram: www.instagram.com/diaryofakidneywarrior
Facebook: www.facebook.com/diaryofakidneywarrior
Twitter: www.twitter.com/diaryofakidneyw
Tik Tok: @diaryofakidneywarrior
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChGUfib7lu9eKENlLJ6lafw
Kidney Care UK
Website: www.kidneycarekuk.org
Email: info@kidneycareuk.org
Tel: 01420 541 424
Facebook: www.facebook.com/kidneycareuk.org
Instagram: @kidneycareuk
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeqQTdAsEzXphqjHVtcTD-A
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