Child Care Rockstar Radio

Kris Murray

Early learning leaders around the globe are breaking through challenges, leading the way in innovation, testing new best practices, and impacting children and families in a much more powerful and positive way than ever before. Each week, tune in to top child care business guru Kris Murray on the Child Care Rockstar Radio podcast for interviews with early childhood leaders and experts that will leave you inspired to get to the next level of success, whatever that means for you. Kris Murray is President of Child Care Marketing Solutions, and the Founder of the Child Care Success Academy, the world’s largest and most comprehensive business coaching program for early childhood entrepreneurs and leaders. She is the author of two top-rated books on early learning business, and the mom of two great kids. She and her team are based in the mountains of Colorado. Listeners are encouraged to visit and leave a message for a chance to have your questions/thoughts featured on a future podcast episode! read less


Crystal & Ricardo Romero: How to Increase Staff Retention by 10x in Seven Months
Crystal & Ricardo Romero: How to Increase Staff Retention by 10x in Seven Months
From 120% staff turnover annually to just 14% in seven months? It may sound like a dream scenario, but for Kris’s guests this week, it’s reality. Kris welcomes Crystal and Ricardo Romero from the New Mexico Early Learning Academy, currently serving three amazing locations. They share some game-changing tips on hiring the right people, onboarding, and staff retention. Crystal and Ricardo talk about working as a couple and how it helps their overall mission and keeps them both energized and focused, their approach to expansion, and the extra perks they offer to keep their staff satisfied personally and professionally. Get ready to be inspired!   Key Takeaways: [8:49] Crystal and Ricardo talk about their school, New Mexico Early Learning Academy,  currently with 3 locations. [11:05] Their different journeys into early childhood education. [14:23] Yes, Crystal and Ricardo spend almost every moment together, and they love it! [15:12] They share about their blended family and how their work and personal lives are fully blended. [16:24] How Crystal and Ricardo love spending their free time (together, of course) and being intentional about breaks. [19:31] Fun fact: if you need some cool shoe inspiration, check out Crystal’s renovated home office! It’s now a sneaker closet. [21:53] Crediting the Academy for success. [25:40] Remembering the basics of fostering authentic and meaningful relationships. [27:01] Crystal and Ricardo get into the specifics of hiring and making onboarding engaging and less intimidating. [31:14] More about how they reduced turnover from 120% to 14% in seven months. [32:47] Getting intentional about lowering the turnover rate. [34:24] Realizing the give and take of making staff happy and still meeting their goals while working on the overall mission and vision. [41:09] Overcoming any struggles as a husband and wife team. [43:08] The other businesses that keep Crystal and Ricardo busy. [47:27] Their approach to expansion.   Quotes: “I would say we spend about 90%, maybe more, of our time together. And honestly, it works really, really well.” — Crystal [14:39] “I think for us, we thrive off each other and the energy that we have to be able to make decisions and bounce stuff off each other has been really one of the key indicators on why we’ve been so successful.” — Crystal [14:52] “We lay it out there of what our expectations are, and communicate that clearly with each other.” — Crystal [15:24] “I tell Ricardo every day, there’s absolutely no way we could have accomplished where we’re at today if we didn’t have each other. What we have as a couple makes us dynamic in our business and our personal life.” — Crystal [15:43] “Intentional goals make for incredible outcomes, so we made sure that every goal we set in place is trackable and attainable.” — Ricardo [32:37] “I think as owners, we get caught in that mindset of this is my program, this is my school, these are our rules. But not realizing that at the end of the day, we need these people, and there's a lot of give and take that has to happen.” — Crystal [34:24]   Sponsored By: ChildCare Education Institute (CCEI) Use the code CCSC5 to claim a free course!   Mentioned in This Episode: Kris Murray The Child Care Success Company The Child Care Success Academy The Child Care Success Summit Grow Your Center Childcare Education Institute: Use code CDARenewal22 to get $100 off your renewal. New Mexico Early Learning Academy Ben Newman
Becoming the Provider of Choice with Scott Whitaker
Becoming the Provider of Choice with Scott Whitaker
What are the two keys to retaining more families in your program? And do you think that those two keys also apply to retaining staff? This week, Scott Whitaker, aka the “Membership Boy Wonder,” is here to answer those questions. Scott is the membership consultant at the Child Care Success Academy, and he has some great tips on how to set yourself apart in your community, how to compete with the increasing competition in today’s world, and how to do it in a way that’s fun for teachers, kids, and parents.   Key Takeaways: [3:48] Kris recaps her beautiful trip to the jungles of Ecuador. [5:01] More about The Pachamama Alliance. [10:19] Scott’s wife Kelly was a teacher, and they have been married for almost 29 years. [17:43] What are some keys to improving family retention or customer retention? [20:14] What are the results that the parents are looking for? [25:36] Creating a unique value proposition for schools to stand out and become the “provider of choice” in their community. [30:20] Retaining staff and clients through relationship-building and reward systems. [34:11] That which gets rewarded gets repeated. [36:26] You want your staff to believe in your value proposition. [42:46] Identifying target clients and your avatar through a state of abundance. [51:24] Allow the members of the Academy to help you and thrive in the community!   Quotes: “That’s really my goal, to make them the most impactful inside their niche so that they can help those businesses that are truly looking to grow and serve.” — Scott [9:38] “I can’t think of any better journey than taking an owner and helping them move from growing into a place of freedom into a place of an empire.” — Scott [16:34] “Retention is all about relationships and results.” — Scott [18:16] “As we look at this retention model, we have to look at it as a relationship and results with the child and relationship and results with the parents, and it’s got to be an equal focus there.” — Scott [19:00] “My first challenge to anybody and everybody considering identifying who their avatar is is to come from a place of abundance.” — Scott [42:47]   Sponsored By: ChildCare Education Institute (CCEI) Use the code CCSC5 to claim a free course!   Mentioned in This Episode: Kris Murray The Child Care Success Company The Child Care Success Academy The Child Care Success Summit Grow Your Center Childcare Education Institute: Use code CDARenewal22 to get $100 off your renewal. Pachamama Alliance OnlineJobs.Ph
Confident Leadership & A Strong Marriage with Rick and Nancy Kodama
Confident Leadership & A Strong Marriage with Rick and Nancy Kodama
The story this week starts with pizza, so you know it’s going to be a good one! Kris welcomes Rick and Nancy Kodama from Kid’s World Learning Center. Rick and Nancy are a husband-and-wife team based near Houston, Texas. They share some great tips on having a business together as a married couple for over three decades. They chat with Kris about their journey from owning Domino’s Pizza franchises to transitioning into early childhood education and give perspective on how having four sons affected their overall managing style and work-life balance. They also talk about how joining the Childcare Success Academy impacted Nancy’s leadership growth and confidence in running their school.   Key Takeaways: [3:42] Kris set herself a goal of visiting all seven continents and speaks a bit about her Amazonian adventures. [6:35] Rick and Nancy join from Texas. [8:00] Kid’s World started in 2012 and now has a capacity of 262. They have nine classrooms. [9:12] Rick and Nancy share more about their four sons and family background. [15:03] How they went from a Domino’s Pizza franchise to Kid’s World, and lessons learned along the way. [20:01] Remembering that you’re in a relationship business, and true connections matter. [23:09] Fun fact! Talk about a large family — Rick has over 150 relatives in California. [25:38] Leading without micromanaging. [26:37] What The Child Care Success Academy has taught them about leadership. [32:14] Communication, respect, and overcoming challenges as partners. [44:18] The “other” Nancy at Domino’s that inspired our Nancy. [46:18] What’s next for this husband-and-wife duo?   Quotes: “Our vision for our school is to serve more children in our community.” — Nancy [8:32] “With five locations, it was just not enough to sustain a supervisor. So it's either grow, or go.” — Nancy [16:06] “When people ask me how I spend 12 hours at the childcare, I say that’s nothing. Working 6‒6:30 pm is nothing.” — Nancy [19:32] “It’s not a transactional business. It’s a transformation business.” — Kris [20:36] “We’re not just watching your babies here, we’re teaching them. When I say we’re teaching curriculum, and all the things that I’m saying that we’re going to deliver, I make sure that my staff is going to do that. That’s what is important to me.” — Nancy [48:02]   Sponsored By: ChildCare Education Institute (CCEI) Use the code CCSC5 to claim a free course!   Mentioned in This Episode: Kris Murray The Child Care Success Company The Child Care Success Academy The Child Care Success Summit Grow Your Center Childcare Education Institute: Use code CDARenewal22 to get $100 off your renewal. Kid’s World Learning Center
From Floater to Executive Director with Shannon Vasquez
From Floater to Executive Director with Shannon Vasquez
Kris welcomes Shannon Vasquez, Executive Director of PB Schools. Shannon started as a floater in 2004 and has since grown the organization to 8 locations. In their chat, Shannon shares her journey from floater to leader and her goals for the upcoming year. She discusses how the Academy's training and coaching have helped her build confidence in her leadership abilities and implement strategic planning practices. She and Kris chat about growing collaborative teams and the importance of courageous leadership when facing challenges. Plus, Shannon shares some fun facts including one of her favorite ways to destress - watching true crime!   Key Takeaways: [7:37] Shannon talks about PB Preschool and celebrates her 20th work anniversary.  [8:26] Shannon started as a floater.  [9:47] Shannon’s favorite age to work with.  [10:08] What a typical week looks like for Shannon.  [12:27] Why starting from scratch can be a good thing.  [13:29] Challenges in hiring and retaining staff.  [13:33] Growth is happening, but there's still a long way to go in aligning company practices across two counties. [13:57] Shannon’s goals for 2024.  [14:55] An update on enrollment.  [15:50] The 8 schools combined hold a capacity of 878.  [16:37] Fun fact: Shannon is a crime fan!  [18:16] Shannon discusses the expansion.  [21:28] How the business changed and morphed over the last eight years. [23:41] Feeling like a more confident leader and making friendships inside the Academy.  [26:20] The importance of listening.  [28:32] Winning Director of the Year.  [31:03] How Shannon defines a childcare rockstar.    Quotes: “You can’t dwell on trying to make a decision, you’ve got to just make a decision. There’s no right or wrong. There’s an outcome. And if you don’t like the outcome, then you change direction. Don’t dwell, just keep on going, keep on moving.” — Shannon [20:31] “Every year, we continue to grow and put more policies, more procedures into place, and hold people accountable to those policies and procedures. And we’re just constantly succeeding.“  — Shannon [22:38] “They want you to support them and teach them how to be self-sufficient, but also give them the confidence and know that you have the confidence in them.” — Shannon [28:10] “A child care rockstar is someone who puts into practice high-quality business strategies that are driven by their vision and mission. And that not only is about the children but it’s about the people that are in the day-to-day grind.” — Shannon [30:49]   Sponsored By: ChildCare Education Institute (CCEI) Use the code CCSC5 to claim a free course!   Mentioned in This Episode: Kris Murray The Child Care Success Company The Child Care Success Academy The Child Care Success Summit Grow Your Center Childcare Education Institute: Use code CDARenewal22 to get $100 off your renewal. PB Schools LinkedIn Shannon Vasquez “Ep. 61 — Stackable Core Values, Branding, and Managing People Well with Karla McCurry”
Creating a World Worth Being In with Raj Jana
Creating a World Worth Being In with Raj Jana
Kris welcomes Raj Jana, co-founder and CEO of the mental health app Liber8. Raj shares his entrepreneurial journey and how he created Liber8 to help people manage stress and mental health. He and Kris discuss their passion for entrepreneurship and using their gifts to help others. They talk about the importance of improving our world and mindfully creating a world worth living in through compassion and small acts of kindness. Raj highlights Liber8 programs, including emotional lab reports and group coaching cohorts, which help users better understand their triggers and find tailored tools for personal growth.   Use Code CHILDCARE10 to get 10% off Liber8   Key Takeaways: [6:18] Raj talks about Liber8 and his journey in entrepreneurship. [8:30] How Raj finally got off the hamster wheel of healing to shift into real and inspired action. [9:33] The start of Liber8. [15:08] What Raj loves most about entrepreneurship. [18:47] The impact that The 4-Hour Work Week had on Raj and Kris. [21:16] Breakups can be emotional, but can also be a great time to rediscover yourself and peel back new, exciting layers. [22:36] How Liber8 can help with burnout. [28:05] What can someone expect when doing a session with Liber8? [28:56] How we can “be the ripple.” [36:05] The people who had an impact on Raj along his entrepreneurial journey.   Quotes: “What I love most about being an entrepreneur today is that I get to use my gifts, talents, and my brilliance to help people.” [15:57] “I don’t know of a more growth-fueled journey than the journey of entrepreneurship.” [16:40] “I do feel like entrepreneurship is my art.” [17:07] “If we can help the little humans be better learners and more emotionally resilient, then we can help the world because as the little humans get big, it’s just going to ripple out.” — Kris [29:30] “I think just about the most impactful thing we can do is to wake up to the fullness of ourselves, learn to love ourselves, and be that light from the inside out. And then just be that ripple in the world.” [31:10]   Sponsored By: ChildCare Education Institute (CCEI) Use the code CCSC5 to claim a free course!   Mentioned in This Episode: Kris Murray The Child Care Success Company The Child Care Success Academy The Child Care Success Summit Grow Your Center Childcare Education Institute: Use code CDARenewal22 to get $100 off your renewal. Raj Jana Liber8 Maverick Next
An “Easy Button” For Child Care Management with Daniel Andrews and Sasha Reiss
An “Easy Button” For Child Care Management with Daniel Andrews and Sasha Reiss
It’s all about the best and brightest in software automation for schools this week, as Kris welcomes Daniel Andrews and Sasha Reiss, co-founders of Playground, an innovative childcare management software company. They first share Playground’s unique story of being friends since high school and creating a solution for their own families’ childcare centers. Daniel and Sasha highlight Playground’s differentiating features, such as drop-in care management and integrated payroll modules, and they share insights into hiring practices and their vision for AI in childcare. At the end of the episode, Daniel and Sasha share lessons they’ve learned on scaling their own company and fun yet powerful ways to maintain a happy company culture.   Register for our ECE tech webinar with Playground here:   Key Takeaways: [3:15] Kris announces the two-day virtual challenge, The Road to Freedom. [6:31] Playground’s founding story. [8:38] How does Playground’s mission and technology stand out in a crowded space? [11:37] Perspective on ECE’s past of being a slower adopter of technology, and how that’s changing. [12:53] The “grandma test.” [15:38] The lessons Sasha and Daniel have learned about scaling and growing a business. [17:09] Some of the tools and technology Playground uses. [20:09] The grounding and stabilizing force of working with family. [22:44] Personal and professional inspiration. [25:29] What they look for in new hires. [26:36] Playground’s short but effective interview process. [31:29] What’s next for the Playground team? [33:13] Using AI to improve family interactions, especially with communication, engagement, and lesson plans.   Quotes: “I think our differentiated approach is the new technology that we’re bringing. A lot of that comes down to really solving the problems that we are building software for.” — Daniel [8:39] “If we want to be able to compete and if we want to be able to operate at the same level, we need to adopt the same tools that they’re using.” — Sasha [14:10] “A lot of the big problems that we faced have become significantly smaller by putting phenomenal people in front of those problems. If you find someone great, you can just trust that they’ll get the job done and that you don’t need to be managing the day-to-day.” — Daniel [16:54] “Working with family and then also building for family really grounds you on what the work you’re doing, who’s impacting, and why it’s actually getting done.” — Daniel [20:09] “It’s ultimately the three of us against the problem. It’s not us against each other. So realizing and recognizing what it is that we’re working for, and why we’re doing it ultimately helps us get into the right direction.” — Sasha [21:25]   Sponsored By: ChildCare Education Institute (CCEI) Use the code CCSC5 to claim a free course!   Mentioned in This Episode: Kris Murray The Child Care Success Company The Child Care Success Academy The Child Care Success Summit Grow Your Center Childcare Education Institute: Use code CDARenewal22 to get $100 off your renewal. Playground Linear Webinar: Emerging Technologies Revolutionizing the Childcare Industry
Unstoppable: A Global Vision of Massive Impact with Kishani Woldberhan
Unstoppable: A Global Vision of Massive Impact with Kishani Woldberhan
Kris welcomes the very inspirational Kishani Woldberhan of Kids Early Learning Centers, now operating four locations in Texas with plans for expansion into Ethiopia. Kishani talks about bringing Montessori-inspired education to underserved communities, and her vision for building two new schools in Ethiopia with a combined capacity of over 3,000 students. She offers valuable advice on setting clear goals, implementing strong systems and accountability, and using technology like Slack and QR codes to effectively lead a growing business. She and Kris also talk about embracing the difficult things and realizing the sky's the limit when it comes to realizing your vision.   Key Takeaways:  [7:12] Kishani joins the show from Arlington, Texas, and talks more about Kids Early Learning Centers. [7:39] Kishani talks about the four locations currently running and the plan to expand to Ethiopia. [10:11] Fun Facts: Kishani came to the United States on a VISA as a Montessori teacher from Sri Lanka. She is now a mother of five and a grandma! [13:30] Buying a center during the pandemic but opening it in 2021. [14:50] What sets KIDS Early Learning Centers apart in the market. [17:54] Working with Grow Your Center. [20:16] How they made their vision become a reality and why they are bringing the brand to Ethiopia. [22:35] The school will be from toddlers to high school. [26:33] Advice for others wanting to open up a school internationally. [29:02] The sky's the limit when you put in the hard work and act with purpose and strategy. [31:07] Keep the end in mind and work backward when working towards your goals. [32:03] Giving your staff the tools they need to succeed. [35:14] How Kishani communicates with her leadership team. [41:50] How being a member of the Academy has helped Kishani and the importance of finding mentors. [43:06] Keep your eyes peeled for Kishani’s program for a childcare management system, which will come out in June. [43:25] Fun Fact: Kishani is a party planner and decorator at heart.   Quotes: “We have dedicated teachers who love children and love to teach them.” — Kishani [14:50] “This is a partnership. It’s not just you dropping off your child, we babysit with your child.” — Kishani [15:30] “The sky's the limit as long as you know what you want and you go for it.” — Kishani [22:18] “Keep the end in mind and work backward.” — Kishani [31:07] “Nothing is going to come easy. It’s going to be difficult. If it was easy, everyone would do it.” — Kishani [31:44] “I worked so hard on getting systems and processes in place.” — Kishani [32:59]   Sponsored By: ChildCare Education Institute (CCEI) Use the code CCSC5 to claim a free course!   Mentioned in This Episode: Kris Murray The Child Care Success Company The Child Care Success Academy The Child Care Success Summit Grow Your Center Childcare Education Institute: Use code CDARenewal22 to get $100 off your renewal. Kids Early Learning Centers
My Solo Adventure in Hawaii
My Solo Adventure in Hawaii
Aloha! In this solo episode, Kris shares more about her month in Hawaii — why she decided to head to island life, the logistics behind her adventures, and how you can use her story as inspiration to make space in your life. She goes deeper into detail about the important strategic implementation steps that allowed her to live her best life and take time to relax, breathe in the salty ocean air, and be led by intuition. Kris talks about the importance of joining a Mastermind group that fits your personal and professional goals, more about ESOPs (Employee Stock Ownership Plan), and how to travel solo like a pro.   Key Takeaways: [4:12] Kris walks us through a grounding exercise to bring presence and mindfulness into the conversation. [6:52] Kris shares her experience of the major change from moving to Crested Butte, Colorado after living in Chicago. [8:55] Why Hawaii is so special to Kris and how visiting the islands has changed her life. [10:31] Intentionally creating space in her life. [11:18] Embracing the flow state and being led by intuition. [20:07] Some of the adventures Kris has enjoyed in Hawaii, including whale watching, snorkeling, and meeting new people. [22:17] Being confident while solo traveling. [25:37] Kris walks us through the intentions behind crafting her exit from the business. [28:10] The importance of finding a Mastermind group. [29:00] The pros and upsides of an ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Plan). [35:34] Kris talks about finding the new CEO and sharing the ESOP plan with the leadership team, along with why ESOP’s can be positive for employee retention. [45:31] Kris’s upcoming trips, including Ecuador and Burning Man!   Quotes: “I am becoming every day, a better, higher, and deeper version of myself.” — Kris [6:25] “I've created this new life for myself and I have intentionally created more space in my life. — Kris [10:31] “You need to find a group of peers and people that are walking your walk, who are successful, and who you can be coached up with and model their success for whatever that looks like for you.” — Kris [26:35]   Sponsored By: ChildCare Education Institute (CCEI) Use the code CCSC5 to claim a free course!   Mentioned in This Episode: Kris Murray The Child Care Success Company The Child Care Success Academy The Child Care Success Summit Grow Your Center Childcare Education Institute: Use code CDARenewal22 to get $100 off your renewal. Maverick1000 Mastermind Group
Kim Harris: Lifting People Up with “Big-Ups”
Kim Harris: Lifting People Up with “Big-Ups”
Kris welcomes the awesome Kim Harris, affectionately known as "Big Ups," from The Harris & Tucker School in Connecticut. Kim talks about getting her structures “right and tight” and how she stays on the pulse of good leadership. She talks more about the rich legacy of The Harris & Tucker School, and their mission to create superhero influencers and a culture that connects the whole community. She expounds more on Harris & Tucker’s values of respect, integrity, and faith-based education and how she has accomplished so many goals over the years, one of which was getting accredited.   Key Takeaways: [10:55] Kim joins the show and talks about Harris & Tucker schools, along with how it is a product of the civil unrest in the 60s. [12:00] Harris & Tucker becoming an urban epicenter and growth community. [15:23] Harris & Tucker is the only Black-woman, family-owned-and-operated, nationally accredited faith-based urban center in the area. [16:56] Kim speaks more about Harris & Tucker’s leadership structure. [20:56] The two big things that really set Harris & Tucker apart. [22:03] Creating superhero influencers. [24:28] Where did the phrase “big ups” come from? [25:04] Kim discusses taking on her new role after her mother’s passing and her vision for growth, including national accreditation. [27:03] The beauty of longevity in the community, along with values such as community connection and ongoing education. [28:02] Why the pandemic was the best thing that happened to the school. [33:26] The benefits they have seen since joining the Childcare Success Academy. [36:11] Automating operations and systems. [38:24] Plans for the cultural activities center. [41:27] The famous soap story! [44:13] Kim defines a childcare rockstar as someone who has helped to create a movement through transforming their community.   Quotes: “This is because of the mindset of two black women who came to Connecticut, and said that they were going to make a difference and do the things that they were going to do.” — Kim [12:22] “We walk our core values. We talk about it all the time.” — Kim [20:33] “We can talk about all the dreams and everything that we want to have in life, but if we don’t do the action part, it doesn't happen.” — Kim [22:30] “That's what we teach our kids here with the school — you have a chance to create your hustle, create your legacy, and to keep it going.” — Kim [44:14] “To be a childcare rockstar is a movement that just moves us all forward. I think when you arrive at the status of childcare Rockstar, you've helped to create a movement. ” — Kim [45:38]   Sponsored By: ChildCare Education Institute (CCEI) Use the code CCSC5 to claim a free course!   Mentioned in This Episode: Kris Murray The Child Care Success Company The Child Care Success Academy The Child Care Success Summit Grow Your Center Childcare Education Institute: Use code CDARenewal22 to get $100 off your renewal. Go Fund Me  Harris & Tucker
From Tolerating Mediocrity to Finding Big Momentum with John & Tracy LaBreche
From Tolerating Mediocrity to Finding Big Momentum with John & Tracy LaBreche
In this episode, Kris welcomes John and Tracy LaBreche from Ardent Preschool and Daycare, with seven locations in Alabama. John and Tracy share their journey into developing Ardent’s value system and building a strong and happy team. They talk about their desire to not burn their team out during the pandemic and facing staffing shortages and enrollment declines, and they discuss how they turned things around while maintaining a healthy work-life balance for employees. John and Tracy share some great insight into rewarding good attendance, their commitment to data-driven decision-making, and a few of their favorite benefits from joining the Academy.   Key Takeaways: [5:20] Ardent currently has seven locations, and close to 1600 students enrolled with a waitlist of just over 500. They also have 300 employees. [6:42] John and Tracy talk about how they got started in child care and how Ardent came to be. [10:15] In addition to their busy work life, John and Tracy have a large family with six kids. [12:23] Fun fact: if you are looking for a great tequila, ask John! As for Tracy, she will be reading a few of her favorite books including Traction, What The Heck is EOS, and The Alter Ego. [16:40] Tracy and John’s commitment to making sure the people, teachers, and admin are enthusiastic and passionate about Ardent’s mission. [17:46] Exceeding the expectations of parents. [18:10] Ardent is also a Christian company, so they include Christian-related Bible studies and curriculum. [25:42] Overcoming challenges over the pandemic by learning to push enrollment, stay focused, and not be complacent. [30:42] Now they are at 91% enrollment, which was their goal. [30:56] Coming off the Summit, John and Tracy rescaled, brought on one of their existing staff to be a full-scale enrollment specialist, and hired an internal recruiter to help with bringing teachers on board. [31:17] The importance of having a fast response to applicants and tracking all data. [36:44] How Ardent maintains good retention and a happy culture. [37:02] Breaking down Ardent to Ability, Respect, Dependability, Engaging, Nurturing, and Team Player. [47:46] The ROI of academy membership. [46:22] Culture is the glue that will hold you together in the face of challenges.   Quotes: “With our purpose of committing to excellence in all areas, we can deliver a childhood experience that is worth the investment of our parents.” — Tracy [17:11] “When we get testimonials or reviews from our parents, one thing that just always is a recurring thing is that we’ve exceeded their expectations.” — Tracy [17:46] “We always focus on people, process, and service. I have the right people doing things the right away to have excellent service. You can’t have one without the other.” — John [19:00] “You meet people where they are, and you leave them where they need to go.” — Tracy [25:20] “A healthy culture is where reality meets the road and the value system becomes a reality.” — Tracy [46:06]   Sponsored By: ChildCare Education Institute (CCEI) Use the code CCSC5 to claim a free course!   Mentioned in This Episode: Kris Murray The Child Care Success Company The Child Care Success Academy The Child Care Success Summit Grow Your Center Childcare Education Institute: Use code CDARenewal22 to get $100 off your renewal. Grafton Milne LinkedIn Childcare Center Success: How to Maximize Profits and Minimize Mistakes.  Move Your Bus
A Huge Vision for Better Mental Health in Kids and Adults with Marissa and Sunflower from Little Luminaries
A Huge Vision for Better Mental Health in Kids and Adults with Marissa and Sunflower from Little Luminaries
In this episode, Kris welcomes Marissa and Sunflower from Little Luminaries, two talented women partnering together to bring art, beauty, and mindset tools to empower children globally. They discuss how Little Luminaries aims to support children through self-celebration and resources for challenging conversations using their thoughtfully designed toys, decks, and other mindfulness creations. Marissa and Sunflower discuss their individual journeys and partnership in developing toys, curricula, and other products to support children's mental wellness. They also explore how to apply non-violent communication practices in business relationships and classrooms. Additionally, they talk about how they maintain alignment as business partners living on different coasts through clear communication, sharing their passion for creating resources to positively impact children and the future.   Key Takeaways: [6:27] Marissa and Sunflower talk about creating Little Luminaries. [7:18] Their shared passion for mental health. [11:41] The process of getting the artwork and artistic components just right. [12:05] How the animal affirmation cards work. [13:00] Marissa is a new mom of two and a teacher and Sunflower is a mental health and mindfulness coach in North Carolina. [17:30] How Little Luminaries helps children with their own self-image and supports them in learning more about sustainability and how we can live in harmony with our environment. [21:16] Fun fact: when Marissa and Sunflower aren’t dreaming up new business ideas, you may catch them lip-syncing on The Toy Boat. [22:15] Kris picks The Rooster! [24:38] Other products in the Little Luminaries line include decals, posters, and a mythical creature mystery pack. [30:00] How Little Luminary helps cultivate self-love and the ways it ripples out to take care of our communities and planet. [32:09] What is “nonviolent communication”? [44:11] Marissa and Sunflower have learned to be rocks for each other, so they can navigate challenges and grow together.   Quotes: “We both found that whenever we’re giving kids tools to celebrate who they are, instead of changing the parts that don’t fit in the box, we’re just seeing so much more pride and authentic celebration in themselves.” — Marissa [11:32]   “I think what inspired me to really step into mindfulness coaching is going on a deep dive myself and collecting all the tools, then starting to watch transformations happen in who I was and how I felt about myself and the world, in general.” — Sunflower [14:08]   “Our brains are like popcorn when we get together, just all these fun ideas.” — Marisa [24:31]   “I think that when we can cultivate self-love, we have so much more capacity to love our communities, to love our planet.” — Sunflower [30:00]   Sponsored By: ChildCare Education Institute (CCEI) Use the code CCSC5 to claim a free course!   Mentioned in This Episode: Kris Murray The Child Care Success Company The Child Care Success Academy The Child Care Success Summit Grow Your Center Childcare Education Institute: Use code CDARenewal22 to get $100 off your renewal. Grafton Milne LinkedIn Childcare Center Success: How to Maximize Profits and Minimize Mistakes.  Little Luminaries — use code “rockstar” for 25% off  @littleluminaries
Know Your Market with Grafton Milne
Know Your Market with Grafton Milne
In this episode, Kris welcomes Grafton Milne and shares a glimpse into his distinctive expertise in childcare real estate. Grafton gives practical insights on understanding your market through straightforward approaches, emphasizing clarity and actionable insights. He talks more about his latest book, Childcare Center Success: How to Maximize Profits and Minimize Mistakes, highlighting key practices such as measuring due diligence, nuanced market understanding, strategic planning, and the latest trends in real estate. Grafton also sheds light on some of his favorite go-to tools tailored to enhance your understanding of the market dynamics, in an industry where one neighborhood could make a world of difference.   Key Takeaways: [6:30] How Grafton fell into the niche of early childhood by happenstance. [7:29] Grafton’s degree was in marketing and advertising with a minor in business. [8:15] Grafton has a busy home life with four energetic young kids, who keep him and his wife very busy. [8:51] Fun fact: Grafton visited Scotland and Ireland and fell in love with the countries, so don’t be surprised if you ever see him learning the bagpipes! [9:26] The process of and inspiration behind Grafton’s new book, Childcare Center Success: How to Maximize Profits and Minimize Mistakes. [11:08] What does it mean to make sure you are getting the appropriate amount of due diligence? [12:17] How can you measure due diligence? [15:14] Tips for strategic planning and the cost-of-care model. [17:14] Examples of how real estate can positively or negatively impact a childcare center’s success. [19:21] How Grafton’s experience in commercial real estate in the early childhood niche sets him apart. [25:20] What Grafton would tell his 20-year-old self. [29:32] What we can expect from Grafton and his team in 2024? [30:06] Where are the hot markets now?   Quotes: “Different streets and different neighborhoods can make or break your business.” — Kris [3:05]   “The takeaway is, you’ve got to do some due diligence to make sure that you’re making an educated and informed decision.” — Grafton [12:29]   “You can’t overcompensate the importance of just taking care of your mental health and surrounding yourself with good people and good influences.” — Grafton [25:53]   Sponsored By: ChildCare Education Institute (CCEI) Use the code CCSC5 to claim a free course!   Mentioned in This Episode: Kris Murray The Child Care Success Company The Child Care Success Academy The Child Care Success Summit Grow Your Center Childcare Education Institute: Use code CDARenewal22 to get $100 off your renewal. Grafton Milne LinkedIn Childcare Center Success: How to Maximize Profits and Minimize Mistakes.  How Will You Measure Your Life? The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Limitless Buxton Reports
How to Double Your Revenue In Less Than 12 Months With Barb Tedrow
How to Double Your Revenue In Less Than 12 Months With Barb Tedrow
Kris is joined by the incredible Barb Tedrow, a Child Care Rockstar finalist at the Child Care Success Summit and proud owner of A Gold Star Academy. Barb takes center stage as she shares her remarkable journey and unveils the secrets behind her extraordinary success that propelled her business from $3 million to an astounding $6 million in revenue in just one year.   Hailing from the scenic landscapes of Farmington, New Mexico, Barb breaks down her formula for success, touching on key marketing activities, growth strategies, leadership insights, and the mindset that fueled her remarkable achievement. Barb talks about the unique features that set her schools apart, including a gardening program for children and a farm-to-table initiative that she integrated into classrooms. Barb also shares how life has changed after joining the Academy and how she implements the resources in a consistent manner with her staff as well.   Key Takeaways: [6:25] Barb joins the show from Farmington, New Mexico. [8:02] What led Barb to buy the center, and how they have grown, starting as a little center with 60 kids. [11:24] Where did the name Gold Star Academy come from? [13:01] Breaking news, hot off the press: Barb is opening up a 5th center! [14:25] Barb and her husband are currently empty nesters now. [16:37] Unique selling points that set her school and staff apart, including accreditation and establishing an award-winning garden program. [22:37] Farmington’s community spirit and generosity. [24:39] How she and her husband learned to outsource non-core tasks such as social media to focus on their strengths and save time and energy. [29:15] The importance of working with a team that supports your vision. [30:04] Advice for retention and keeping your team motivated. [33:03] Remembering to be kind and treat everyone like an equal. [36:06] Learn to delegate and give people responsibility, and why leaders shouldn’t always fear their employees will quit. [39:43] The amazing benefits Barb has gotten from being in the Academy. [42:07] Barb’s plans for expanding in 2024 and beyond in the state of New Mexico, and growing her consulting company. [44:54] Not only was Barb named Childcare Rockstar Nominee, but she was also just named the Farmington Chamber of Commerce Business Woman of the Year. Way to go!   Quotes: “Farmington made me who I am, so we're gonna give back.” — Barb [21:40] “As a business owner, you have to pick and choose your battles and what you're good at.” — Barb [22:03] “Let people help you. You can’t do it yourself, and it’s okay to ask for help.” — Barb [34:34] “If I had to do it differently, I think I would learn sooner than later to let go of trying to do everything myself. Learning to give people the responsibility and hold them accountable.” — Barb [37:34] “I took a revenue from $3 million to $6 million in a year. I attribute 90% of that to just being in the academy. I mean that because of the resources that are available to me.” — Barb [40:33]   Sponsored By: ChildCare Education Institute (CCEI) Use the code CCSC5 to claim a free course!   Mentioned in This Episode: Kris Murray The Child Care Success Company The Child Care Success Academy The Child Care Success Summit Grow Your Center Childcare Education Institute: Use code CDARenewal22 to get $100 off your renewal. A Gold Star Academy
Maria Ahrens: Helping Moms Feel Comfortable and Supported
Maria Ahrens: Helping Moms Feel Comfortable and Supported
Kris welcomes Maria Ahrens, Owner of Paper Planes Early Learning Center in Mount Sinai, NY, for an inspiring conversation on transparent and open communication and embracing the special parts of yourself in leadership. During their talk, Maria shares more about what makes Paper Planes unique and provides valuable tips for team engagement and teacher retention. She also reflects on the benefits of being part of the Academy and receiving mentorship in the industry.   Key Takeaways: [2:10] The inspiration behind Maria opening Paper Planes in September of 2020, and how opening during the pandemic affected their journey. [3:42] Paper Planes is licensed for 100 and has a special license for continuity of care. They have a current staff of 25. [4:44] How Maria got into the world of ECE. [5:29] Maria grew up in a ski resort in New York and worked in childcare centers there. [8:48] The transition of leaving Denver and going back to New York. [11:01] Fun Fact: Maria is a doula and certified birth educator. [12:35] One of the selling points of Maria’s business is her ability to connect with people and provide an open and transparent environment. [14:03] A few more of Paper Planes’ selling points are the play-based model, transparency in all departments, and training the staff to have hard conversations. [20:55] How Kris got into a good flow doing Facebook Live recordings. [22:24] The importance of making the teachers feel important and learning how to communicate in a way that helps others grow. [29:11] How the academy helps Maria stay on track with having systems in place. [31:27] Taking away the anxiety that comes with being understaffed. [34:44] How Maria overcame staffing challenges in 2022. [40:40] How Maria utilized Grow Your Center and the ways it freed up her time. [42:39] How Child Care Success and coaching have impacted Maria’s mindset and helped her with productivity, while spending time with her family. [45:20] What is next for Maria in 2024, both personally and professionally? [50:10] A reminder that you don’t have to stay stuck and it’s okay to invest in yourself. [52:19] You don’t have to spend a lot of money to make a lot of impact.   Quotes: “It chose me. I have loved babies in particular, since I was really, really young.” — Maria [5:00] “One thing that I’ve really loved about opening from scratch has been that I do see a difference in the culture because I built it this way.” — Maria [13:45] “My passion was babies and making moms feel comfortable, that was really my thing.” — Maria [14:32] “When kids feel loved and safe, they do better.” — Maria [14:36] “Part of what makes us who we are is that the parents have really strong relationships with the staff.” — Maria [16:25] “If you go in there with no expectation of the outcome and just saying whatever you’re saying with love and respect, the outcome is almost always going to be better than it would be if you were saying it as if you’re already wrong.” — Maria [27:02] “You don’t have to stay stuck.” — Maria [50:05] “You don’t have to spend a lot of money to make a lot of impact.” — Kris [52:18]   Sponsored By: ChildCare Education Institute (CCEI) Use the code CCSC5 to claim a free course!   Mentioned in This Episode: Kris Murray The Child Care Success Company The Child Care Success Academy The Child Care Success Summit Grow Your Center Childcare Education Institute: Use code CDARenewal22 to get $100 off your renewal. Paper Planes Early Learning Center Paper Planes on Facebook
Jessica Ferguson — The Latest on Loans and Funding To Grow Your ECE Business
Jessica Ferguson — The Latest on Loans and Funding To Grow Your ECE Business
It’s all about financial success this week as Kris welcomes Jessica Ferguson from Live Oak Bank, the nation’s largest SBA lender. Jessica talks about Live Oak’s commitment to helping small business owners and how they have grown from starting with veterinarians and dentists to 35 different industries, including ECE. Jessica shares some best practices in the world of lending and borrowing and gives some great tips to get your business financially prepared for the next level. She discusses the different lending options that Live Oak offers, and what they look for when taking on new clients.   Key Takeaways: [9:44] Jessica talks about Live Oak’s unique business model and how they have grown from conception. [10:47] Live Oak’s 35 different verticals, and why they were once dubbed the “doggie bank”! [12:52] Fun fact: Jessica lived abroad both in Spain and Argentina, and made lifelong friends that she still keeps in touch with today. [13:41] Some trends Jessica is seeing regarding early education and early childhood businesses. [14:50] The types of loan programs Live Oak offers. [17:38] Advantages and disadvantages of both conventional and SBA lending options for school owners. [22:29] What are the rates looking like now? [26:00] How Live Oak approaches and analyzes deals. [29:57] The benefits of working with a bank that knows the industry more than just a general lender. [32;46] How do they work with other borrowers? [34:27] Best practices for schools seeking financing. [38:38] Fingers crossed for interest rates coming (and staying) down in 2024.   Quotes: “It came down to this model of let’s find industries that have performed well through recessions that have good repayment history and who maybe don’t have the most robust personal financial statements.” — Jessica [14:40] “They are just really good borrowers that fit with SBA programs.” — Jessica [14:43] “I think it is a ripe time for acquisition opportunities.” — Jessica [15:01] “That’s also the nice thing about working with a bank that really knows the industry. We know what to look for, and what makes sense.” — Jessica [29:47] “Knowing what each person’s priorities are helps us work with that borrower to make sure that we’re putting them in the right product.” — Jessica [31:57] “Being disciplined about tuition increases is really important.” — Jessica [34:52]   Sponsored By: ChildCare Education Institute (CCEI) Use the code CCSC5 to claim a free course!   Mentioned in This Episode: Kris Murray The Child Care Success Company The Child Care Success Academy The Child Care Success Summit Grow Your Center Childcare Education Institute: Use code CDARenewal22 to get $100 off your renewal. Live Oak
Michael Ingram — A Legacy of Five Decades and Thousands of Families
Michael Ingram — A Legacy of Five Decades and Thousands of Families
Kris recaps the incredible Child Care Success Summit and sets her sights on next year’s event in Chicago. She then welcomes the amazing Michael Ingram of Bedford Heights Daycare, founded by his mom five decades ago. Michael discusses the impact that he and his mom have had on thousands of families in and around Cleveland, his drive to serve and give back to his community, and the things that set his program apart. Michael talks about the power of manifestation and mentorship, the beauty of stillness, and how he grew the confidence to take his business to the next level with the support of the Academy as a foundational piece. Michael is delighted that one summer job turned into a 22-year profession, and in this interview, you will learn why.   Key Takeaways: [8:35] Michael joins the show from Ohio and discusses more about Bedford Heights Daycare Center, or BHDC. They are going into their 50th year and have 125 students, ranging from 18 months through 13 years old. [11:13] One summer for Michael turned into 22 years. He talks about how his mom’s legacy in the school shaped his experience, and that she now still does what she loves while making a giant impact. [12:06] The turning point for Michael was when he started to look at it as a business and see how he helped his community. [14:31] Fun Fact: Michael is a yoga teacher and has traveled to India on an Ayurvedic retreat. [19:49] Michael manifested finding a therapy partner and providing additional support to children including ABA therapy, speech, OT, and social-emotional health services. [24:53] The component of multiple funding and how it affects your ability to grow your impact. [26:59] The importance of mentorship. [31:11] Getting rid of the monkey mind and how many great ideas come when we are still. [34:14] Michael’s advice for those who are struggling in their business and how the Academy can help. [41:17] Michael shares a beautiful Sanskrit Mantra.   Quotes: “My mom was an original girl boss when it maybe wasn’t as cool to be a girl boss.” — Michael [9:35] “It’s seeing the direct impacts that we could have on the community and how knowing our numbers and knowing how to fill the seats would not only make a beautiful life for us but also support all of the employees that we have in our building and support our families. So, that was probably the turning point in my journey in the childcare space.” — Michael [12:35] “I came in just thinking it was going to be a layover on a journey elsewhere. It’s afforded me an amazing life and has allowed me to give back to the community.” — Michael [13:19] “I just think that when you give back, things come back twofold.” — Michael [13:48] “It’s knowing that I don’t have to do everything and that I can hand things off and empower others to make those amazing things happen.” — Michael [27:14] “If you’re on that hot mess express and you’re not sure if you should join the Academy, you need to run and find the nearest coach. It will not only grow you as a person, but it will allow your business to just bloom.” — Michael [36:30] “The biggest strength of the academy is the positivity. We’re celebrating the winning culture and instead of complaining, we are celebrating.” — Kris [39:10] “When setting out on a journey, never seek advice from those who have never left home.” — Rumi [40:06]   Sponsored By: ChildCare Education Institute (CCEI) Use the code CCSC5 to claim a free course!   Mentioned in This Episode: Kris Murray The Child Care Success Company The Child Care Success Academy The Child Care Success Summit Grow Your Center Childcare Education Institute: Use code CDARenewal22 to get $100 off your renewal. Bedford Heights Daycare
Maria Dos Santos: From Venezuela to Florida: Driven By Impact
Maria Dos Santos: From Venezuela to Florida: Driven By Impact
In this episode, Kris welcomes the awesome Maria dos Santos, a childcare entrepreneur hailing from Florida with Venezuelan roots. Maria founded My First Academy, a thriving venture with three locations, each catering to around 100 children, and she’s not stopping there — she’s gearing up for the opening of her fourth location in December 2023. Maria’s commitment to her business and her “whatever it takes” mindset, deeply rooted in her upbringing, are evident in her approach to life and her work with her family and team.   During the conversation, Maria shares the unique benefits and value components that distinguish her school. Maria also discusses her leadership style and how she has nurtured her team while scaling her enterprise. Lastly, she shares the influential figures in her life and her ongoing commitment to giving back to her community and supporting families, parents, and educators.   Key Takeaways: [5:44] Kris gives up sugar!? What about Halloween? [6:59] The beauty that comes with sticking to your commitments. [11:23] Maria joins the show from Orlando, Florida. [11:57] Maria talks about My First Academy and getting the key for their fourth location. [13:19] What inspired Maria to get into the field? [15:09] Maria’s Venezuelan roots and working with her daughter. [18:05] Fun fact: Maria is a personal trainer and has traveled all over the world because of her father’s career as a Navy Seal. [19:09] What sets My First Academy apart? [28:19] Lessons from scaling and expanding. [31:21] What technology does Maria find useful? [34:35] What GYC services is Maria using? [37:01] Maria talks about what we can expect from her in 2024 and beyond.   Quotes: “I feel like if we start with one child at a time, I can make a difference.” — Maria [13:19] “The key has been always to learn to grow and to seek help.” — Maria [29:54]   Sponsored By: ChildCare Education Institute (CCEI) Use the code CCSC5 to claim a free course!   Mentioned in This Episode: Kris Murray The Child Care Success Company The Child Care Success Academy The Child Care Success Summit Grow Your Center Childcare Education Institute: Use code CDARenewal22 to get $100 off your renewal. My First Academy
Matt Arnerich: Fresh Ideas for Improving Parent Engagement & Relationships
Matt Arnerich: Fresh Ideas for Improving Parent Engagement & Relationships
This week, it’s all about making a positive impact on kids and their families, as Kris sits down with Matt Arnerich, the Director of Brand & Comms at Famly, a global software company supporting over 5,000 schools and centers across 18 different countries. In this interesting episode, Matt takes us on a journey through his personal journey into the childcare industry. He also discusses the power of parent engagement as a catalyst for the growth of early childhood businesses, shedding light on strategies for boosting enrollment through the magic of word-of-mouth and referrals from fellow parents.   Matt also unveils how Famly leverages the potential of AI to create connections between children, parents, and childcare leaders. He gives us a glimpse into the future, where Famly's software is set to extend its reach and touch the lives of even more communities on a global scale.   Key Takeaways: [9:25] What is Famly and what does it do? [13:03] How did Matt’s journey start? [14:25] Kris talks about being featured in Famly’s blog, and Matt shares how his background in copywriting helps him in his role at Famly today. [18:22] How Famly brings people in different countries together, yet also helps on a state-by-state basis. [20:56] Fun Fact: Matt plays cricket and even has a loose tooth to prove it! [23:09] How parent engagement can really make a difference for the business, and how Famly helps with parent engagement. [28:00] Communication with parents during the two busiest times in every center and every parent’s day: drop off and pickup. [31:08] The importance of emotional intelligence in children’s learning and how Famly can facilitate two-way communication between parents and teachers. [33:18] Famly can provide live translation in multiple languages, making it more accessible to parents who speak English as an additional language. [37:24] Matt’s advice for best practices of using Famly in and out of the classroom. [40:04] How Famly uses AI. [43:08] Matt’s advice to learn to say “no” a lot more.   Quotes: “There’s one reason why parent engagement matters, and it matters because of the children.” — Matt [24:40] “If you’re not being consistent in your approach with that child at home and the center, then you’re not going to give that child the best chance to flourish.” — Matt [25:07] “The business of early learning does cross all the borders of the countries. This is a global experience that we’re having, but at the same time, there are definitely nuances and differences between the countries and across the state.’ — Kris [27:33]   Sponsored By: ChildCare Education Institute (CCEI) Use the code CCSC5 to claim a free course!   Mentioned in This Episode: Kris Murray The Child Care Success Company The Child Care Success Academy The Child Care Success Summit Grow Your Center Childcare Education Institute: Use code CDARenewal22 to get $100 off your renewal. Famly — use code rockstar for 15% off The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth About Extraordinary Results, by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan
How to Exit Your Childcare Business the Right Way with Nathan Kelly
How to Exit Your Childcare Business the Right Way with Nathan Kelly
It’s an information-packed episode this week as Kris welcomes Nathan Kelly, an industry veteran and trusted figure from Founders Advisors. As the Director of the Consumer Practice at Founders, Nathan is responsible for business development, market process management, and coordinating the analyst team. In the conversation, Nathan talks with Kris about tips for business exits, expansion strategies, wealth building, key considerations for business owners, and the optimal timing for exiting your business. Plus, Nathan gives a sneak peek about an awesome new assessment tool that he will unveil when he takes the stage as one of the mainstage speakers at the upcoming Child Care Success Summit in Orlando!   Key Takeaways: [7:42] Some fun in store for the Summit, so make sure you join the waitlist. [11:57] More about Founders Advisors and the type of clients they serve. [13:03] More about Nathan’s personal life and being a busy dad of three. [14:34] Fun fact: Kris once competed in a mini ladies’ triathlon! [15:21] Nathan’s fun fact is that he once hiked 70 miles through the wilderness while in the Boy Scouts. [16:09] Tips for founders preparing for exit, and how long does the process usually take? [18:11] What are the most common pitfalls of people who want to exit? [21:49] The importance of measuring your KPIs. [23:10] What are some strategies that founders can develop in the three-year period while they get ready to exit? [25:35] The importance of market timing and personal timing. [28:29] How inflation has changed things and how leaders can make their pricing strategy reflect the current state of the market. [30:38] The two models in the childcare world: value-based and premium. [37:54] More about the assessment tool Nathan has created that will provide a quick and easy way to evaluate a business’s financial health and prepare for exit.   Quotes: “The reason that you hire an investment banker or someone like us is to create leverage when it is time to exit or when it’s time to take on growth capital.” — Nathan [16:53] “You generally have a lot more leverage over the buyers when you’re running a competitive process than you do when you try to do it on your own.” — Nathan [17:25] “People are seeing now that childcare is becoming more and more hard to find. The good quality businesses are out there fetching higher prices than in prior markets.” — Nathan [24:25] “It’s all about the team. If you invest in your team, your team will invest in you.” — Nathan [31:40]   Sponsored By: ChildCare Education Institute (CCEI) Use the code CCSC5 to claim a free course!   Mentioned in This Episode: Kris Murray The Child Care Success Company The Child Care Success Academy The Child Care Success Summit Grow Your Center Childcare Education Institute: Use code CDARenewal22 to get $100 off your renewal. Founders Advisors Nathan Kelly on LinkedIn
27 To 7: Fighting For Disruption with Allyx Schiavone
27 To 7: Fighting For Disruption with Allyx Schiavone
It’s a crucial episode this week as Kris and guest Allyx Schiavone address head-on the challenges we face and the steps we must take to address the biggest issues in childcare. Allyx brings a wealth of expertise as the Executive Director of the Friends Center for Children, boasting a remarkable 30-year career solely dedicated to early learning. Allyx also chairs the Childcare for Connecticut’s Future Coalition, passionately advocating for change while managing her own center day in and day out. Kris and Allyx talk about how to make change, why we still struggle with the same issues year after year, and some incredibly creative ideas for affordable housing solutions. Allyx shares her passion to work with real childhood rockstars, and let them know how valuable they are, even when society may not reflect it back.   Key Takeaways: [2:32] The average family who is in childcare with one or more children is spending 27% of their household income on childcare. [8:42] Allyx discusses the mission and values of the Friends Center for Children. [9:14] Because of their clear values and purpose, it makes the dynamic less transactional and more relationship-based. [10:45] They currently serve 122 children across two sites and are in a growth phase. By 2027, they will be serving about 275 children by opening up two other sites. [13:40] The challenges in access and affordability are systemic, so therefore, it requires a systemic solution. [14:05] It does feel like fighting at the coalition level because we are fighting for disruption against what is currently being done. [14:23] The focus of the coalition and their broad approach to creating healthy systems. [15:46] The top pillars of where change needs to be affected. [22:39] Using Vermont as a model of what it can look like when the business industry invests in our system. [25:00] Why do we continue to have the same issues? [30:02] Kris talks about her advocacy group, Child Care Champions. [34:02] What can owners, directors, and parents do to work together to be part of a solution and make a difference? [35:13] Planning group events and writing op-eds can help educate the public on what needs to be done to disrupt the system. [36:43] How can we move forward in our industry with a labor shortage and burnout epidemic that leaves us more than 80K providers short? [40:08] Allyx talks about the partnership with housing advocates and donors who invested in homes for teachers to live for free, which then opened up more money for all teachers to get a bigger raise. [41:08] How do they determine which teachers get the home? [47:05] Allyx talks about breaking the patterns from her own challenging childhood and how much of a blessing being a parent has been in her life. [49:08] To Allyx, the real rock stars are the women who show up, fight, and give their all even when society tells them that they aren’t enough. [50:56] The Emotional Wellbeing Program is where there is an advocate who thinks directly about the well-being of children, families, teachers, and staff. Not only is this created for culture, but for productivity as well.   Quotes: “27 to 7 guys is where we’d like to take it if we were going to have any help in providing childcare to everybody that needs it in this country and to continue to support the dual income and the workforce of men and women in this country.” — Kris [5:02] “We are fighting for disruption, and we must be part of the disruption to get the forces and the people that are at the table making the laws in this country and the decision makers to actually stand up and pay attention to us.” — Kris [6:32] “I get to be in partnership with amazing professionals and families and, of course, these amazing, eager, joyful, honest, and developing humans. What could be better?” — Allyx [8:32] “The fact that women are productive members in our economy and workforce, and the fact that we cannot adjust to that has to be about our socially ingrained belief.” — Allyx [10:08] “There’s a real access and affordability crisis in early education, and these challenges that are systemic require a systemic solution.” — Allyx [13:40] “We are really fighting at the coalition level, and I use that word fighting, because it feels like that a lot of the time. We are fighting for disruption in what is currently being done.” — Allyx [14:06] “That’s why the coalition is so critical because we cannot continue to carry the weight ourselves. We have been participating in our own rescue for hundreds of years, both as women and the industry.” — Allyx [29:08] “I look at the women that I work with and the amount of shame that we heap on them by putting them in positions where they can’t care for their own family, but they are caring for everyone else’s. To me, they are the rockstars and the heroes because they show up for those other children, even when society is saying to them that they aren’t enough.” — Allyx [49:08] “If you can get people to be their best selves, you are going to have better engagement from everyone involved, and that’s really the goal.” — Allyx [51:22]   Sponsored By: ChildCare Education Institute (CCEI) Use the code CCSC5 to claim a free course!   Mentioned in This Episode: Kris Murray The Child Care Success Company The Child Care Success Academy The Child Care Success Summit Grow Your Center Childcare Education Institute: Use code CDARenewal22 to get $100 off your renewal. Friends Center for Children  Child Care for Connecticut’s Future  First Five Years Fund