The Rise Higher Podcast

Amos "The Praying Man"

In "The Rise Higher podcast" show with your host: Amos "The Praying Man", we dive deep into the incredible concept of living in faith. Get ready to Rise Higher and discover the boundless power of faith! Join us on this transformative exploration, as we delve into the benefits of faith in fostering determination, perseverance, and unwavering motivation. Prepare to be inspired, empowered, and uplifted as we uncover the secrets to unlocking your fullest potential through faith. Subscribe to our channel to stay connected, as we regularly release shows on a weekly basis every Tuesday. We will have guests and interesting subjects to explore on personal growth, motivation, and faith-based success strategies. Together, let's embark on a journey towards a life filled with unstoppable motivation, unwavering faith, and boundless success!

Connect with the Divine through The Rise Higher Podcast hosted by Amos, The Praying Man. Our podcast is a sanctuary for conversations on faith, prayer, and the spiritual journey. By clicking the PayPal button below, you're not only supporting the podcast but also becoming a cherished member of our faith-filled community.

As a listener-supported initiative, your donation helps us bring you more insightful episodes, engaging discussions, and empowering insights from Amos and his inspiring guests. Join hands with us to elevate our understanding of faith and the transformative power of prayer. Your contribution truly makes a difference on this path of spiritual growth.

Step into a realm of deeper connection with God and fellow believers. Your generosity allows 'The Rise Higher Podcast' to continue touching lives with its uplifting messages. Thank you for being a crucial part of this journey with Amos, The Praying Man.

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Smile Your Way to Salvation: The Hidden Currency of Heaven. It's FREE...
Smile Your Way to Salvation: The Hidden Currency of Heaven. It's FREE...
🎙️ Episode 7: "Smile Your Way to Salvation: The Hidden Currency of Heaven"💰 Are you tired of feeling like you're constantly loving people that manipulate you? Ready to discover the priceless currency that opens the gates to the Kingdom of Heaven? Join Amos "The Praying Man" on this week's episode of The Rise Higher Podcast as we unveil the secret to divine salvation!In this eye-opening episode, we challenge the conventional wisdom that equates spiritual richness with material wealth, and other exciting topics. Amos dives into the profound truth and controversial thought that you only need a SMILE to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. 😇✨🌈 Let Psalm 56 be your guide as we explore the spiritual significance of maintaining joy in the face of life's challenges. "You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book." - Psalm 56:8Discover how a genuine smile, freely given and received, can be the key to unlocking the doors of heaven in your life. Amos shares practical insights on redirecting your focus from monetary concerns, toxic relationships, awful situations to the spiritual wealth that truly matters.🌟 Ready to redefine your understanding of prosperity? Don't miss this chance to reclaim your joy, your peace, and your place in the divine embrace. It's time to stop giving away your abudance and start embracing the priceless currency of a SMILE.🎧 Tune in now and discover the transformative power of a smile on your journey to the Kingdom of Heaven!#TheRiseHigherPodcast #DivineAbundance #SmileToEnterHeaven #ProsperityShift
Who Are You in The Eyes of God?
Who Are You in The Eyes of God?
In this upcoming episode of The Rise Higher Podcast with Amos the Praying Man, we delve deep into the profound question: "Who Are You In The Eyes of God?" Join us for an inspiring conversation that will challenge your perspectives and ignite your spiritual journey, as we read James 1 Trials and Tribulations. As always, we hope you've gained valuable insights, motivation, and a sense of purpose from our podcast. Your support means the world to us. If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, rate, and leave a review – it's a powerful way to help us reach more listeners on their path to personal growth and success. To further support our mission, consider making a donation of equipment (we need microphones to interview guests - Shure MV7s, lapel mics, or alike) or a monetary contribution through PayPal (you can find the link in the episode description). We also invite you to share your own stories or prayer requests with us at Connect with us on Facebook and TikTok to stay updated with the latest from The Rise Higher Podcast community, and don't forget to share your own "Rise Higher" stories using the hashtag #TheRiseHigherPodcast and #AmosThePrayingMan Join us again next week for another enlightening conversation. Remember, the power to rise higher is within you, and every day is a new opportunity to reach for your dreams. Until next time, stay blessed, stay inspired, and let your spirit soar as you contemplate, "Who Are You in the Eyes of God?"
How to Achieve Sacred Commitment to God
How to Achieve Sacred Commitment to God
Welcome to Episode 5 of 'The Rise Higher Podcast,' where we dive deep into the heart of faith and devotion. In this installment, we explore the profound and sacred bond between humanity and the Divine in 'How to Achieve Sacred Commitment to God.'Discover the timeless stories of commitment found in the teachings of Jesus, particularly in Luke 14 and 15, that illuminate the path to a more profound connection with God. We'll unravel the spiritual insights and transformative experiences that arise when we fully embrace God's sacred commitment.Join Amos 'The Praying Man' as he takes you on a journey through the rich tapestry of faith, shedding light on how commitment to God can elevate your spiritual journey to new heights. It's not just a podcast; it's an invitation to experience a deeper, more meaningful connection with the Divine.As we explore these sacred commitments, we're reminded of the enduring love and guidance that God offers to each of us. It's a reminder of the eternal promise, an invitation to walk the path with faith and unwavering trust. Don't miss this episode – it's a chance to rekindle your spiritual flame and elevate your connection to God.So, come join us in 'The Rise Higher Podcast' as we delve into 'God's Sacred Commitment.' It's an exploration of faith, a celebration of devotion, and a testament to the incredible, sacred bond we share with the Divine. Get ready for a transformative experience that will leave your soul inspired and your heart lifted.But that's not all! We want to let you in on something special. We're on a mission to make this podcast even better for you. To do that, we need your support. You can help us in two ways:Equipment Donations: If you have any spare recording equipment, microphones, or tech goodies lying around, we'd be thrilled to put them to good use to enhance the quality of our podcast.Financial Support: If you're unable to donate equipment but still want to be part of our journey, you can make monetary contributions to help us grow and continue sharing this inspirational content.The best part? "The Rise Higher Podcast" is absolutely FREE for all listeners. We believe that everyone should have access to these insightful discussions, regardless of their financial situation.So, what are you waiting for? Join us on YouTube and various podcast platforms to explore the spiritual realm with us. It's a heartwarming, soul-enriching experience that you won't want to miss. Tune in and let's Rise Higher together! 🌟🎧🙌
Incredible prayer of the Novena to Saint Michael the Archangel - For the 3 Days of Darkness - Days 1 to 9
Incredible prayer of the Novena to Saint Michael the Archangel - For the 3 Days of Darkness - Days 1 to 9
Saint Michael, Favorite among the Princes of Heaven, I offer you my praises and devotion, because God has created you so excellent and so perfect and has endowed you with such great care for his glory and such admirable submission to his divine decrees.Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in the fight against darkness. Be our protector against the perversity and stalking of the devil. May God manifest his power over him is our humble prayer. And you, O Prince of the Celestial Militia, with the power that God has conferred on you, cast Satan into hell, and all the other evil spirits that roam the world for the corruption of souls. Amen.Heavenly and most pure Messenger of God, let me find the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary and express my true love for Them. Listen to my request and I leave it to your divine Will and grace to consider the following…The petition:Saint Michael Archangel, Illuminate my path with your sword of fire, help me find enough Faith to defeat human temptations and separate the ethereal and physical entities of evil, that want to separate me from the path of the Father. Give me Health so that my body recovers from any illness and any addiction. Give me courage and tenacity not to fall into any temptation constructed by the beings of darkness or any person or group that works for them. Finally, I ask the Father, God Himself, to bless your efforts and your loyalty and shower love on humanity to protect us from the 3 days of darkness.Pray one Our Father, three Hail Marys and Glory Be.Concluding PrayerSacred Heart of Jesus, Your kingdom come.Blessed and praised be the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar, the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary, Mother of God and our Mother.Mary Immaculate, Protective Mother, Queen of Heaven, we humbly beg you to intercede for us. Pray God to send Saint Michael and his angels to remove the obstacles that oppose the reign of the Sacred Heart in the world.For the rest of the prayers of each 9 days in writing please reach out to
Increíble oracion de la Novena a San Miguel Arcángel - Para Los 3 Dias de obscuridad - Dias 1 a 9
Increíble oracion de la Novena a San Miguel Arcángel - Para Los 3 Dias de obscuridad - Dias 1 a 9
Day 1 OracionSan Miguel, Preferido entre los Príncipes del Cielo, os ofrezco mis alabanzas y devoción, porque Dios os ha creado tan excelente y tan perfecto y os ha dotado de un cuidado tan grande por su gloria y de una sumisión tan admirable a sus divinos decretos.San Miguel Arcángel, defiéndenos en la lucha encontra de la obscuridad. Sé nuestro protector contra la perversidad y acechanzas del demonio. Que Dios manifieste sobre él su poder, es nuestra humilde plegaria. Y tú, oh Príncipe de la Milicia Celestial, con el poder que Dios te ha conferido, arroja al infierno a Satanás, y a todos los demás espíritus malignos que vagan por el mundo para la corrupcion de las almas. Amén.Celestial y purísimo Mensajero de Dios, dejame encontrar los Sagrados Corazones de Jesús y María y expresar mi verdadero amor por Ellos. Escucha mi peticion y dejo en tu divina Voluntad y gracia que consideres lo siguiente.Peticion:San Miguel Archangel, Ilumina mi camino con tu espada de fuego, ayúdame a encontrar suficiente Fe para derrotar las tentaciones humanas y separar las entidades del mal etéreas y físicas que quieran separarme del camino hacia el Padre. Dame Salud para que mi cuerpo se recupere de cualquier enfermedad y cualquier adicción. Dame valentia y tenacidad para no caer en ninguna tentacion construida por los seres de obscuridad o cualquier persona o grupo que trabaje para ellos. Finalmente, Le pido al Padre, a Dios Mismo, que bendiga tus esfuerzos y tu lealtad y derroche amor a la humanidad para protegernos de los 3 dias de obscuridad venideros . Rezar un Padrenuestro, tres Avemarías y un Gloria.(Oración y Sello del primer día) –[Este Sello cambia todos los días, lea a continuación los sellos restantes)DIA 1Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, venga a nosotros Tu reino.Bendito y alabado sea el Santísimo Sacramento del Altar, la Inmaculada Concepción de la Virgen María, Madre de Dios y Madre nuestra.María Immaculada, Madre protectora, Reina de los Cielos, humildemente os suplicamos intercedáis por nosotros. Ruega a Dios que envíe a San Miguel y a sus ángeles para apartar los obstáculos que se oponen al reinado del Sagrado Corazón en el mundo.para los sigueintos sellos del dia 2 a 9 por favor mandonos un email a
Discover and Share this FULL Healing Prayer
Discover and Share this FULL Healing Prayer
If you're looking for a way to pray for your healing or for someone you love, then this is the prayer for you. Rejoice and follow along with this FULL Healing prayer and see how it can help you recover your strength, heal your body, and keep your faith strong against disease or anxiety. This prayer is perfect for when you feel lost or in trouble, or when you just want to find some peace and healing. Share it with your family and friends, and let the power of prayer help you find hope and healing in your life! Full Healing Prayer Holy Father, My Health is in your hands, I entrust you with my body and spirit, Help me find strength within me, To heal this ailment and face this recovery, The Father's love is in my Faith, The Father's love is in my spirit, The Father's love is in my body, There's no room for anything else! Father, I give you my body, So you may grant it strength and quick healing, So it withstands pain and doesn't yield to the darkness within, So it finds the energy needed to restore what's lost, The Father's love is in my Faith, The Father's love is in my spirit, The Father's love is in my body, There's no room for anything else! Father, I entrust you with my spirit, To guide it with your light and keep it from getting lost in this darkness, To resist the depression and sadness that come with this discomfort, To help me find the love I need to accept your commands, The Father's love is in my Faith, The Father's love is in my spirit, The Father's love is in my body, There's no room for anything else! Amen, Amen, Amen 🙏
How To Find Moments of Faith: Learning from Jesus in the Desert - Luke 4:4
How To Find Moments of Faith: Learning from Jesus in the Desert - Luke 4:4
In this exciting third episode of "The Rise Higher Podcast with Amos, the Praying Man," we explore the power of "moments" and how we can make faith-based decisions before taking action. Amos guides us through the process of pausing and reflecting before making significant moves in our lives.Amos shares the powerful story of Jesus in the desert from Luke 4:4, in which we describe the trials and tribulations that Jesus faced. In this account, Jesus is tempted three times by the devil, but each time, he rejects the temptations and renews his faith in God. Through this story, Amos highlights how we can confront our own internal struggles and temptations, and how faith in God can lead us toward making the right decisions.We also want to take this opportunity to thank our listeners for their ongoing support. "The Rise Higher Podcast" is free for everyone, but we rely on the support of our listeners to keep going with our mission of love. If you'd like to contribute and support our program, you can do so through donations on PayPal. Every contribution is invaluable in keeping the podcast running and continuing to bring inspiration to more people.If you're interested in learning more about how you can collaborate with us or if you want more information, feel free to contact us via email at in to this uplifting episode as Amos delves into the narrative of Jesus in the desert and shows us how we can apply these lessons to our own lives. Discover how to cultivate moments of pause and reflection, strengthening our faith and making decisions aligned with our deepest values. Get ready to be inspired and empowered as we explore how to face our crucial moments with renewed faith!
Como Encontrar Momentos de Fe: Aprendiendo de Jesús en el Desierto: Lucas 4:4
Como Encontrar Momentos de Fe: Aprendiendo de Jesús en el Desierto: Lucas 4:4
En este emocionante tercer episodio de "The Rise Higher Podcast with Amos the Praying Man", exploramos el poder de los "momentos" y cómo podemos tomar decisiones basadas en la fe antes de actuar. Amos nos guía a través del proceso de pausar y reflexionar antes de tomar acciones significativas en nuestras vidas.Amos comparte la poderosa historia de Jesús en el desierto según Lucas 4:4, en la que describimos las pruebas y tribulaciones que Jesús enfrentó. En este relato, Jesús es tentado tres veces por el diablo, pero en cada ocasión, rechaza las tentaciones y renueva su fe en Dios. A través de esta historia, Amos destaca cómo podemos enfrentar nuestras propias luchas internas y tentaciones, y cómo la fe en Dios puede guiarnos hacia la toma de decisiones correctas.También queremos aprovechar esta oportunidad para agradecer a nuestros oyentes por su apoyo continuo. "The Rise Higher Podcast" es gratuito para todos, pero necesitamos el apoyo de nuestros oyentes para seguir adelante con nuestra misión de amor. Si deseas contribuir y respaldar nuestro programa, puedes hacerlo a través de donaciones en PayPal. Cada contribución es invaluable para mantener el podcast en marcha y continuar llevando inspiración a más personas.Si estás interesado en aprender más sobre cómo puedes colaborar con nosotros o si deseas obtener más información, no dudes en contactarnos por correo electrónico en este episodio edificante mientras Amos nos sumerge en la narrativa de Jesús en el desierto y nos muestra cómo podemos aplicar estas lecciones a nuestras propias vidas. Descubre cómo cultivar momentos de pausa y reflexión, fortaleciendo nuestra fe y tomando decisiones alineadas con nuestros valores más profundos. ¡Prepárate para ser inspirado y empoderado mientras exploramos cómo enfrentar nuestros momentos cruciales con una fe renovada!
Descubre el secreto para crecer espiritualmente con fe y oración
Descubre el secreto para crecer espiritualmente con fe y oración
¡Bienvenidos al "The Rise Higher Podcast" con Amos "El Hombre Que Hora"!Sumérgete en un viaje espiritual único con nuestro anfitrión, Amos, también conocido como "The Praying Man", mientras exploramos cómo elevar tu fe a nuevas alturas. En este apasionante segundo episodio, vamos más allá de lo comun, adentrándonos en cómo abordar la vida desde una perspectiva de fe.En cada episodio, Amos te guiará a través de conversaciones enriquecedoras que te mostrarán cómo cultivar y nutrir tu fe en todos los aspectos de tu vida. Descubrirás que la fe no es solo un acto religioso, sino una forma de vida. A través de anécdotas personales, ejemplos inspiradores y sabiduría atemporal, aprenderás a aplicar los principios de la fe en situaciones cotidianas.En este episodio especial, nos sumergimos en un pasaje poderoso de la Biblia: Mateo 14. Amos desglosa meticulosamente el relato en el que Jesús camina sobre las aguas. A medida que exploramos cada detalle de este evento milagroso, Amos te revelará las lecciones profundas que podemos aplicar a nuestras propias vidas. ¿Cómo podemos enfrentar nuestros propios "mares agitados" con valentía y confianza? ¿Cómo podemos superar los obstáculos aparentemente imposibles con la misma fe que llevó a Jesús a desafiar las leyes naturales?Sintoniza "The Rise Higher Podcast" mientras Amos "The Praying Man" te guía a través de una experiencia transformadora. Aprende a apreciar la fe no solo como un acto religioso, sino como un enfoque fundamental para vivir plenamente. ¡Prepárate para elevar tu fe, enfrentar desafíos con valentía y caminar en la senda de una vida inspirada por la fe en acción!Además, te invitamos a contactarnos en Puedes pedir oraciones por tus seres queridos, hacer preguntas sobre versos de la Biblia y obtener más información sobre cómo donar al podcast. Mantener el podcast gratuito para todos los oyentes pero depende de tus donaciones y apoyo. Juntos, podemos seguir compartiendo la luz de la fe y la inspiración. ¡Te esperamos en "The Rise Higher Podcast" con Amos "The Praying Man"! ¡Que tu fe te lleve a alturas inimaginables!
Spiritual Growth through Faith in Motion
Spiritual Growth through Faith in Motion
Welcome back to "The Rise Higher Podcast" with your host, Amos “The Praying Man”. In this faith-filled second episode, Amos “The Praying Man” shares his deep insights and reflections on the biblical narrative, drawing powerful lessons and motivation. He eloquently explores the theme of faith through motivation, encouraging listeners to embrace courage and unwavering belief to conquer their fears and pursue their dreams.As the episode unfolds, Amos passionately discusses the importance of not being held hostage by our past. He imparts wisdom on how to break free from the shackles of past mistakes, regrets, and traumas. Listeners will be inspired to let go of the weight of their history and embrace a future filled with hope, resilience, and limitless possibilities.Furthermore, Amos delves into the topic of healing, illuminating the path to emotional and spiritual restoration. He provides invaluable insights on how to identify and address emotional wounds. Listeners will gain valuable tools and guidance to embark on their healing journeys, fostering personal growth and transformation.Throughout the episode, Amos “The Praying Man” offers heartfelt prayers, motivational quotes, and poignant reflections, creating an immersive and empowering listening experience. This solo episode provides a sacred space for listeners to deepen their faith, find motivation from within, and gain the necessary tools to heal and embrace their destinies.Join Amos “The Praying Man” in this soul-stirring episode of "The Rise Higher Podcast," where faith, motivation, healing, and spiritual growth intertwine to empower and uplift you on your life's journey.