wat cha talkin Jesus podcast

Sista Lasasaya

Having faith in people is way more challenging than having faith in Jesus! Or is it? Do you find yourself held hostage by your inability to trust Jesus? People will have you all jacked up; you heard me right! This podcast is designed for you if you are tired of the pharisee and Sadducee type of religion, the one that has that one finger pointed at you but totally forgets about the other three-pointed back at them!!! I am here to speak to the brokenhearted, the ones who have been wounded but are still seeking! This podcast is designed to IGNITE: that holy ghost fire for Christ, CHALLENGE: those who have left the faith due to the theatrics of the "church," and DARE: those who refuse to give the living word are solid try; we Christ followers aren't all bad. Don't let a few rotten grapes spoil the vine! I am flawed, and I DO NOT have it all together; I am willing to be open, transparent, and even vulnerable(straight anxious about this one!) Walk with me as I limp with Jesus through this process. Let's see what the Lord talking about on today's episode! read less
