Healing Ground Movement

Dr. Carly Hudson, D.C.

At Healing Ground Movement, we believe that health is the culmination of 1,000 little choices a day. Each week, host Dr. Carly Hudson, D.C. sits down with a new guest to discuss their passion for health, movement and wellness. Interviews include specialists in the field of holistic and alternative medicine, as well as inspiring stories of healing transformations from athletes, artists, and performers of all kinds. As an infant, Dr. Carly suffered a devastating and life-threatening illness. She was left with “invisible disabilities” including balance disorders, muscle spasticity, and hearing loss. She had to begin again to learn how her body worked and so began her path of life-long learning and healing. With the gift of this injury, Dr. Carly has spent her life exploring how deliberate self care impacts our mind, body, and spirit. She started this podcast to dig deeper into the body's natural ability to heal itself. Our health depends on not just our food and the way we move, but also on our community and our sense of purpose. Like what you learn? Support us by donating via https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=SEB6Q5HS8W4DY read less
Health & FitnessHealth & Fitness


Opening Up to the Possibilities of Your Health and Wellness with Guest Andrew Rosenstock
Opening Up to the Possibilities of Your Health and Wellness with Guest Andrew Rosenstock
Andrew Rosenstock is a Certified Rolfer®, Board Certified Structural Integrator, Certified 1000 Hour Yoga Therapist (C-IAYT 1000), iRest Yoga Nidra Level II Trained Teacher, holds multiple certifications in massage and is a Reconnection-Certified Practitioner. He is very well versed in how we live in our bodies and how our bodies live and support us. In this episode, he talks about body, movement, and the impact that stories have on our lives. He explores the human condition, what it means to be living in a body with a mind going through the world, and how the openness that we have to reconsider our views of health and wellness impacts our total human experience.   A note from Dr. Carly: “This week’s podcast will be the last episode from the Healing Ground Movement. I have been recording weekly, and sometimes biweekly episodes, for the last 3 years. This started as a passion project to allow me to educate more people about health and wellness and how we should invest in our bodies. "I do not exaggerate when I say that this has been a life-changing experience for me. I have been able to meet an amazing array of health care providers, healers, authors, and expansive thinkers; many of whom I can now call my friends. We have had in-depth conversations about a diverse and extensive understanding of health and our personal responsibilities to finding it for ourselves. "At this time, with my life with my family, my chiropractic practice, and other projects that I have in the works, it’s time for me to take a step back from the podcast. It was a very hard decision that I mulled back and forth for months. And I am still not ready to say it’s over forever, just to say I am taking a break right now!” Today's episode is sponsored by: RAD Roller: http://radroller.refr.cc/healinggroundmovemen Join the Movement! Healinggroundmovement.com Healing Ground Movement on Instagram Healing Ground Movement on Facebook Healing Ground Movement on Pinterest Healing Ground Movement on LinkedIn Healing Ground Movement on YouTube Like what you learned? Donate to show your appreciation! Mentioned in This Episode: Andrew Rosenstock
Optimize Your Health and Your Life with Guest Geri Paige Butner
Optimize Your Health and Your Life with Guest Geri Paige Butner
Geri Paige Butner is a Business Coach who has spent more than a decade working in marketing. She has worked for corporations and helped launch startup brands from the ground up. After experiencing her own ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ moment, Geri realized the corporate lifestyle wasn’t for her, and her body could no longer keep up with the demands. In this episode, Geri talks about her shift from corporate life to a lifestyle that fits more of her needs and how it’s completely possible to optimize your life.  Key Takeaways: [1:45] You can have a job you love and a job that inspires you as well. [3:35] Geri was so used to climbing the corporate ladder, but never felt happy or fulfilled. [4:30] When things got a bit too much, Geri went on her own ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ journey. [7:30] Geri did not have healthy habits growing up. At school, she ate medium french fries and a large cookie every single day for lunch. [10:30] After Geri got back from her trip, she saw a big gap in her life. She realized her life was not optimal and her body was responding accordingly. [17:35] When Geri became more aware about healthy food choices, she was also very frustrated by the lack of good choices available. [20:35] Geri decided to stop drinking alcohol. This was hard to do because of the social conditioning around it. [22:40] Health is a choice you make every morning. [26:25] Health is a combination of mind, body, and spirit, and we can not separate these three things. [34:00] Geri quit her long standing-corporate career around the time COVID hit. [40:15] If you’re feeling stuck, it’s time to identify where your power truly is and tap into that. [46:35] Action step: Focus on giving yourself some intentional free time.  Today's episode is sponsored by: RAD Roller, Get $5 off any RAD Roller purchase of $25 or more at this link: http://radroller.refr.cc/healinggroundmovemen Join the Movement! Healinggroundmovement.com Healing Ground Movement on Instagram Healing Ground Movement on Facebook Healing Ground Movement on Pinterest Healing Ground Movement on LinkedIn Like what you learned? Donate to show your appreciation!  Mentioned in This Episode: Geripaige.com Geri on Instagram Geri on LinkedIn Download your Free Checklist for Starting a Business