#56 Clare Ashamallah | Head of IC&E | Cairo, Egypt
Welcome to Connecting Dots!
Most people grow up imagining a dream career that encompasses their passion, makes money, and doesn’t feel like, well, work. But then adulthood hits, and most people think that they arrived at their job because that’s how life unrolled for them, and now they feel stuck. If you feel like you’ve also gone down the wrong career path, it’s not too late to make a change. Our today’s guest, Clare Ashamallah, instills courage to break free from an unfulfilled career by sharing her journey when she transitioned from being a Solutions Architect to working in corporate communications and eventually making her way to be Head of Corporate Communications at Ericsson, Middle East & Africa.
Besides comprehensively reflecting on a successful career transition, Clare also highlights the evolution in Human Resources, affecting talent acquisition and retention. She also discussed the millennial trend of swiftly bouncing from one company to another and if and when the idea can benefit an employee. An advocate of taking risks and experimentation, she fosters students and young professionals to make the right connections for their career paths.
So if you’re thinking about entering the job market, making a career switch, or simply excelling in your current role, I hope that this conversation with Clare inspires curiosity, conviction, and courage in you that can help you shape a future self you will be proud of. Remember that there is no way of guaranteeing success, but not trying might leave you with regrets.
YouTube: https://youtu.be/RE7Y4X8WcTQ
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