Today's topic on The Fires of Freedom podcast is a very big and very fundamental subject: freedom and being human.
With so little freedom in the world and the threats to it growing day by day, this topic – freedom and what it means to be human – ought to be the primary subject of study, of debate, and discussion that the young people in the coming of age years (say 12 to 25) should be having, especially so in the still very Christian USA.
Nothing matters more than generation after generation being given the opportunity to learn about what others before them thought about these important subjects and to contribute to the conversation themselves. Nothing matters more because to understand freedom and the desire to be free – spiritually, cognitively, and physically – no matter how rare this condition is, this is nonetheless the highest manifestation of being human.
Of course, this is precisely why the debate and the conversation and the history have been stifled and it's been stifled deliberately by the most opportunistic and power-hungry among us.
Is this a conspiracy theory? No, my friends, this assertion is an easily understood biological fact. I'd even go further and say it should have been fully expected.
Those who are themselves biologists and evolutionary psychologist along with all of those who have intellectual power, frame the questions of “what is a human being” and “what is freedom” incorrectly and they do so – consciously or unconsciously – in order to place themselves at the top of the totem pole; in order to position themselves as the ones who get to call the shots – not only on the definition of what is it to be human but on all the societal implications that flow from the answers to that question.
Unfortunately, the academic elite world has incrementally, over time, again intentionally and willfully (or in some cases with unintentional blinders on) explored the question of what it is to be a human being and what it is to be free in a very constricted and limited manner, the constrictions of limitations they put on the contemplation of this question are quite convenient to them.