Freedom & "Femaleness"

The Fires of Freedom

May 17 2023 • 13 mins

Today's episode is on Freedom and being female. What better topic is there to speak about when being female is being erased by the corporate, government, academic, and cultural forces?

Of course, they can't erase being female because it's an objective biological category. But I ask you. Why are they trying to? What do you make of that? Is there anything about trying to eliminate female and femininity as an objective category that makes sense?

There is something about it that makes sense; that makes perfect sense, something absolutely logical. It just all depends on what your goal is.

If your goal is to have healthy, thriving human beings then you would honor and support femininity and masculinity as separate distinct complementary categories. If you cared about human thriving you would celebrate the difference; you would do as the French say and do, “Viva la différence”, because only with healthy functioning females – of sound mind and body – and healthy functioning males – of sound mind and body – can there be a healthy functioning next generation.

“Male” and “female” are not costumes or roles. They're two sides of what it takes to bring children into the world and raise them up – properly – and well enough to build a more robust and better future. They're the two sides of a family.

If you think of a family tree as links in a chain, every single one of those links is made up of a male half-circle and a female half-circle, so the chain of life links together. As far back as we can recall and as far forward as we can imagine, only a person hostile and destructive towards society would want to confuse and disable femininity and masculinity on such a grand scale.

In my opinion, that is exactly the reason for the transgender mania because the powers that be in this world – the too, too, too-powerful bankers and the way too-powerful corporate leaders, who view the world as their playground – quite simply want more power, more money, and fewer people.

What better way to have fewer people than to disintegrate masculinity and femininity; to weaken it, to question it, to dilute it…

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