Freedom & Artificial Intelligence

The Fires of Freedom

Dec 26 2022 • 20 mins

Freedom & Artificial Intelligence is the topic of today's episode.

If you listened to the last episode, Freedom & Christianity, there was a lot of talk about what underlies woke values and how these woke values are being rolled out – and rolled over us – in a way that I called “supremacy.” I make the case it is an extreme form of supremacy.

Artificial intelligence is being delivered by many of the same elite people who embrace and hold dear these woke values of which I am so critical. I believe Artificial Intelligence can be a great tool for humanity. It has revolutionized technology in many Industries and it has – and it – will solve some problems faced by humanity. But because of the underlying value structure of the people who are implementing AI we must ask ourselves: Is our embrace of AI, driven by the woke elite, an ultimate danger to our freedom?

AI is still in its beginning stages and there's a lot we don't know about it but its dangers are being discussed openly and that's a very good thing, which of course is the reason I'm making this podcast.

Stephen Hawking, the late legendary physicist, made the following comment about artificial intelligence:

“Success and creating effective Artificial Intelligence could be the biggest event in the history of our civilization or the worst, so we cannot know if we will be infinitely helped by AI or ignored by it or sidelined by it or, conceiving, destroyed by it.”

He's absolutely right and, as I think you know, Stephen Hawkings was an atheist.

Well, let's talk about the five different exceedingly dangerous aspects of Artificial Intelligence that threaten society…

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