Freedom & Trans-Identity

The Fires of Freedom

Apr 5 2023 • 14 mins

Today's episode is a current and delicate topic: Freedom and trans identity.

Trans identity is a topic you can’t avoid these days. It's everywhere. I decided to touch upon it because I believe at the heart of the question of freedom and trans identity is a deeper question and that is this. How do we judge what is good for human freedom from what is bad for human freedom?

How do we do that as a species? I believe that lies at the heart of the question of freedom and trans identity and I think it's of critical importance that we're talking about it.

If you listen to those from the Ivy League. they would say the question of what is good for human thriving and bad for human thriving; good for human freedom bad for human freedom resides in their circles. If we want to know what it is we should just ask the Cultural Elite.

Well, I'm afraid their monopoly on the answer to this question has brought us to this place in history, which is not a healthy one.

So, I have digressed a little bit, but the subject of freedom and trans identity is deeply philosophical and critical to overall freedom because it asks the question “How do we judge what is good for human freedom, bad for human freedom; good for human thriving, bad for human thriving?

I believe that there are three areas in which trans ideology is bad for human thriving and bad for human freedom: 1) the destruction of children's minds and bodies; 2) the destruction of cultural values that orient the prefrontal cortex in the human adult and; 3) the destruction of sports in a way that completely alienates half of society…

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