Fredom & Diversity

The Fires of Freedom

Feb 15 2023 • 16 mins

The topic for today's podcast is Freedom and Diversity.

In my life, I've had the outstanding opportunity to travel and live abroad quite a lot, especially compared to the average American. I have lived in England, France, Japan, and Russia during the first decade after my graduation from high school.

In addition to living in those four countries, I had the opportunity to travel for extended periods of time to places such as Brazil, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Singapore, Hong Kong, Okinawa, and Korea.

I've been really blessed. I’m not trying to brag about my travels, just to say I've been really blessed.
I’ve always had an adventurous spirit so I obviously sought out a lot of this world travel, first and foremost by joining the United States Air Force at age 18.

But even after my discharge, I sought out opportunities to live and work and travel abroad because I'm really drawn to diversity.

I enjoy and I'm fascinated by the differences between different kinds of people.

So, the big question for this podcast is this. What exactly is diversity? And in what kind of ways is it our strength?

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