What the HELL Were You Thinking?

Dave Bledsoe

All the things that made the world the way it is now.   Welcome to the podcast takes your nostalgia, tells you the history behind it and makes you ask What the HELL Were You Thinking. Host Dave Bledsoe takes the history, politics and pop culture of the past fifty years and explains what it was like to live through it and why it is still ruining the world today. So join Dave, his hapless Producer Gavin St James every Monday for time capsule of truth! Find us at whatthehellpodcast.com, @thehell_podcast on Twitter, @whatthehellpodcast.bsky.social and the show name on Facebook. read less


Episode 456: "Stand By Your Man" Part 4 of Summer Series 2024
5d ago
Episode 456: "Stand By Your Man" Part 4 of Summer Series 2024
Show Notes Episode 456: “Stand By Your Man” Part 4 of Summer Series 2024 This week Host Dave Bledsoe finds himself in ethical hot water when he gets drunk and starts confessing to things he really ought to keep to himself. (Like literally! It happens in the first ten minutes of this episode.) On the show this week we kick off the finale of Summer Series 2024 with part one of a two part show about the many peccadillos of William Jefferson Clinton! (A very horny man!) Along the way we learn things about Dave no one asked for and no one wanted.  Then we dive right into the history of the Man from Hope. (His biggest hope was getting some pussy). From his young life in Arkansas to his education at Dave’s alma mater (Dave never graduated from there, and they keep threatening to sue him for saying this) to his time at Oxford and finally Yale.  We introduce his wife and life partner who for good and bad stood by her man. Then we move right along to his time in Arkansas politics. (Horn dogging all the way) and to his rise in national politics.  Then we meet some of the women (just some, the list is long!) who have had sex with Bill Clinton, whether they wanted to or not. (Things get icky).  Finally we talk about the lawsuit that brought Bill’s House of Horny Cards down. Our Sponsor this week is Leo Brisky, Divorce Lawyer, because, let’s face it, some people shouldn’t be married. We open with Bill and Hill on 60 Minutes and close with Roman Music, who will be faithful no matter what. Show Theme: Hypnostate Prelude to Common Sense The Show on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheHell_Podcast The Show on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/whatthehellpodcast/ The Show on Youtube:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjxP5ywpZ-O7qu_MFkLXQUQ The Show on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whatthehellwereyouthinkingpod/ Our Discord Server: https://discord.gg/kHmmrjptrq Our Website: www.whatthehellpodcast.com Give us your money on Patreon  https://www.patreon.com/Whatthehellpodcast The Show Line: 347 687 9601 Closing Music:https://youtu.be/SHHYQAbKFeY?si=WD_wsUR6pCNjixJB We are a proud member of the Seltzer Kings Podcast Network! http://seltzerkings.com/ Citations Needed: Troopers Say Clinton Sought Silence on Personal Affairs : Arkansas: The White House calls their allegations about the President’s private life ‘ridiculous.’ https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1993-12-21-mn-4179-story.html On Tortuous Route, Sexual Assault Accusation Against Clinton Resurfaces https://www.nytimes.com/1999/02/24/us/on-tortuous-route-sexual-assault-accusation-against-clinton-resurfaces.html Affidavit From Jane Doe #5 https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/special/clinton/stories/affidavit122398.htm Declaration of Gennifer G. Flowers https://web.archive.org/web/20080726150653/https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/special/pjones/docs/flowers031398.htm Declaration of Paula Jones https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/special/pjones/docs/jonesdec031398.htm Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
Episode 455: We Have Clearance Clarence Pt 3 of Summer Series 2024
Episode 455: We Have Clearance Clarence Pt 3 of Summer Series 2024
Show Notes Episode 455: We Have Clearance Clarence Part Three of Summer Series 2024 This week Host Dave Bledsoe stumbles in a butch lesbian bar and finds himself among people who will FINALLY buy him drinks. (They found him so harmless they adopted him!) On the show week we talk about the horniest Supreme Court Justice nominee since Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr., Horny Clarence Thomas! (Check your coke cans for pubes folks!) Along the way we chart Dave’s evolution from misogynist pig to soft soy boy. (One of the few good things he’s done with his life!) Then we dive right into our story about a young man, an abusive grandfathers and his dream to eradicate Civil Rights for African Americans and finally repeal that pesky 13th Amendment.(He might just do it!) We follow his life journey from black radical to radical fascism with stops in pornography, misogyny and gross sexual harassment on the way! We meet Anita Hill, the woman who stood up to Horny Clarence but was not a match for Genial Joe Biden.  Finally, we examine the legacy of Anita Hill for women and how Clarence Thomas fucking won in the end. (Not a happy story.) Our Sponsor this week is Rent-A-Justice, when you don’t have enough money to buy a Supreme Court Justice outright you can rent to own one!  We open with news coverage of Horny Clarence and close with Clarence Carter who be strokin’! Show Theme: Hypnostate Prelude to Common Sense The Show on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheHell_Podcast The Show on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/whatthehellpodcast/ The Show on Youtube:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjxP5ywpZ-O7qu_MFkLXQUQ The Show on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whatthehellwereyouthinkingpod/ Our Discord Server: https://discord.gg/kHmmrjptrq Our Website: www.whatthehellpodcast.com Give us your money on Patreon  https://www.patreon.com/Whatthehellpodcast The Show Line: 347 687 9601 Closing Music: https://youtu.be/NO0SFWYIZNg?si=uol1gdDxQQjihJ28 We are a proud member of the Seltzer Kings Podcast Network! http://seltzerkings.com/ Citations Needed: Wikipedia: Clarence Thomas https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clarence_Thomas#Early_life Unforgiven https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2007/11/12/unforgiven Ex-Companion Details ‘Real’ Thomas https://www.nytimes.com/2010/10/23/us/politics/23thomas.html Opening Statement of Anita Hill to the Senate Judiciary Committee https://web.archive.org/web/20180304163805/http://www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/PDFFiles/Anita%20Hill%20-%20Opening%20Statement.pdf Senators’ Private Deal Kept ‘2nd Woman’ Off TV : Thomas: Democrats feared Republican attacks on Angela Wright’s public testimony. Biden’s handling of the hearing is criticized. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1991-10-17-mn-911-story.html Becoming the Third Wave by Rebecca Walker https://heathengrrl.blogspot.com/2007/02/becoming-third-wave-by-rebecca-walker.html Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
Episode 454:  “Where The F**K Did I Say Build A Waterslide?” Pt 2 of Summer Series 2024
Episode 454: “Where The F**K Did I Say Build A Waterslide?” Pt 2 of Summer Series 2024
Show Notes Episode 454: “Where The F**K Did I Say Build A Waterslide?” Part Two of Summer Series 2024 This week Host Dave Bledsoe finds himself in a situation of over promising and under delivering vis-à-vie paying for the staggering amounts of drinks he has consumed. (The bouncers were not at all interested in the timeshare opportunity he offered in recompense.) On the show this week we turn back to the pulpit with the story of a man who loved God so much, he just HAD to build him a theme park. (And also stealing millions for himself) Reverend Jim Bakker. Along the way we discover that comes from a long line of people not good with money. (The difference being Dave just drinks with his money versus their trying  to help people)Then we dive into a brief history of religion in America and why it has so many con men. (Again people, THE MONEY!) From there we meet a young man from Muskeegon who met the girl of his dreams and set out to build an empire with his faith. (Using other people’s money, of course) We TRY to treat Tammy Faye as lightly as possible, we are not monsters. We meet Jessica Hahn, who was either Machiavellian jezebel or a twenty one year old victim of a powerful, amoral man. (We leave it to you to decide.) Finally we explain how it all fell apart. (You see, there was this waterslide.) Our Sponsor this week is St Matthew’s Accounting and Bookkeeping, trust the name Jesus trusted with his money. We open the show with ABC new coverage of the scandal and close with Heart Attack, who have been talking to Jesus. Show Theme: Hypnostate Prelude to Common Sense The Show on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheHell_Podcast The Show on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/whatthehellpodcast/ The Show on Youtube:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjxP5ywpZ-O7qu_MFkLXQUQ The Show on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whatthehellwereyouthinkingpod/ Our Discord Server: https://discord.gg/kHmmrjptrq Our Website: www.whatthehellpodcast.com Give us your money on Patreon  https://www.patreon.com/Whatthehellpodcast The Show Line: 347 687 9601 Closing Music: https://youtu.be/8BuVm0v9ZJQ?si=i1T2Ti4ogNiIWCnD We are a proud member of the Seltzer Kings Podcast Network! http://seltzerkings.com/ Citations Needed: Spartan Herald Journal Oct 7 1989 https://web.archive.org/web/20200213143115/https://news.google.com/newspapers?id=doYfAAAAIBAJ&sjid=nM4EAAAAIBAJ&pg=6009,3137616&dq=finding-refuge-in-a-doting-grandmother&hl=en FOR JIM AND TAMMY BAKKER, EXCESS WIPED OUT A RAPID CLIMB TO SUCCESS https://www.nytimes.com/1987/05/16/us/for-jim-and-tammy-bakker-excess-wiped-out-a-rapid-climb-to-success.html The Second Coming Of Televangelist Jim Bakker https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/kelseymckinney/second-coming-of-televangelist-jim-bakker The scandals that brought down the Bakkers, once among US's most famous televangelists https://abcnews.go.com/US/scandals-brought-bakkers-uss-famous-televangelists/story?id=60389342 Bakker Issues Denial of Rival TV Minister’s New Sex Allegations https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1987-04-26-mn-1576-story.html Wikipedia: Jim Bakker https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Bakker#Fraud_conviction_and_imprisonment Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
Episode 453: "I Have Sinned Against You" Pt 1 of Summer Series 2024
Episode 453: "I Have Sinned Against You" Pt 1 of Summer Series 2024
Show Notes Episode 453: I Have Sinned Against You  Part 1 of Summer Series 2024 This week Host Dave Bledsoe gets religion as he fervently prays for absolution of his bar tab. (Prayer is always the last refuge of a scoundrel and a deadbeat.) On the show this week we kick off Summer Series 2024 Let’s Talk About (Scandals) with part one, the story of a pious man who loved to “minister” to the sex workers just a little too much: Reverend Jimmy Swaggart. Along the way Dave explains why he is such a disappointment to his family. (Well one of the many reasons.) Then give you a brief history of why Christians are compelled to want you to be a Christian too. (Enjoy this copy of The Watch Tower.) Then we meet Jimmy Lee Swaggart, cousin to Jerry Lee Lewis and Mickey Gilley. (True, we looked it up!) We follow Jimmy’s rise from humble servant of the Lord singing in church to preaching on the television and finally the pulpit of a multi-million dollar international ministry. (Did he have his own private jet? You bet your ass he did.) We learn how Jimmy spent millions of tax free dollars every year. (Did he sponsor a private army in Africa that committed war crimes?  You bet your ass he did!) Finally, we find out what brought it all down for the Reverend. (A low rent hotel and a lower rent sex worker.)  Our Sponsor this week is Sin Away, we can’t absolve your sins, but we can plea bargain them down. We open the show with news footage of Jerry’s little goof ‘em up and close with Gates & Goodell who want you to conserve electricity. Show Theme: Hypnostate Prelude to Common Sense The Show on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheHell_Podcast The Show on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/whatthehellpodcast/ The Show on Youtube:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjxP5ywpZ-O7qu_MFkLXQUQ The Show on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whatthehellwereyouthinkingpod/ Our Discord Server: https://discord.gg/kHmmrjptrq Our Website: www.whatthehellpodcast.com Give us your money on Patreon  https://www.patreon.com/Whatthehellpodcast The Show Line: 347 687 9601 Closing Music: https://youtu.be/ORJzGGHa2OQ?si=b6qgHcCCjjTPp91H We are a proud member of the Seltzer Kings Podcast Network! http://seltzerkings.com/ Citations Needed: Wikipedia: Jimmy Swaggart https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jimmy_Swaggart Wikipedia: Tent Revivals https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tent_revival About Jimmy Swaggart https://www.jsm.org/about-jimmy-swaggart JIMMY SWAGGART AND THE SNARE OF SIN https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/lifestyle/1988/02/25/jimmy-swaggart-and-the-snare-of-sin/d07127d2-c412-4738-98d9-3b186d1b92f9/ The Fall of Jimmy Swaggart https://people.com/archive/cover-story-the-fall-of-jimmy-swaggart-vol-29-no-9/ Woman Riding in Swaggart Car Says She’s a Prostitute https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1991-10-12-mn-202-story.html Swaggart: God Says `It's None Of Your Business' https://web.archive.org/web/20200219033627/https://archive.seattletimes.com/archive/?date=19911017&slug=1311458 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
Summer Short 2 Cause of Death: POP ROCKS!
Summer Short 2 Cause of Death: POP ROCKS!
Show Notes Summer Short #2: Cause of Death: Pop Rocks This week Host Dave Bledsoe tries to impress an old drunk lady at the bar by offering to demonstrate the size of his Eructation, and gets tasered before she learned it meant burps. (She tasered him again after she did learn it) On the show this week, it’s a Summer Short, smaller episodes we do to give our writers a break during the Summer.  This week, the tragic death of Life Cereal’s Mikey by Pop Rock consumption. (Hint: It didn’t happen.) Along the way we learn that Dave ‘s poor life choices are part of a long history with him. (Ask his parents) Then we move right into an abbreviated history of all things carbonated candy. We meet the inventors and companies that shepherded this life changing product to store shelves.(For a little while) Then comes the tragic story of how Coke took the life of an American icon. (The soda, not the nose candy.) Finally we expose the REAL TRUTH ™ behind the story of Pop Rocks. (Hint: It wasn’t exploding kids.) Our Returning Sponsor this week is The Year 1983, 1983, we gave you Nintendo and took everything else you loved  in exchange!  We open the show with a 1979 commercial for the Death Candy and close with Steven DeLio who has some thoughts on things that go “pop”.  Show Theme: Hypnostate Prelude to Common Sense The Show on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheHell_Podcast The Show on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/whatthehellpodcast/ The Show on Youtube:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjxP5ywpZ-O7qu_MFkLXQUQ The Show on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whatthehellwereyouthinkingpod/ Our Discord Server: https://discord.gg/kHmmrjptrq Our Website: www.whatthehellpodcast.com Give us your money on Patreon  https://www.patreon.com/Whatthehellpodcast The Show Line: 347 687 9601 Closing Music: https://youtu.be/Jo4T9MZe_M0?si=N4zVhG8K8DHEU-fK We are a proud member of the Seltzer Kings Podcast Network! http://seltzerkings.com/ Citations Needed: When Pop Rocks Exploded In the 1970s https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/646469/pop-rocks-candy-explosion-1970s Did Pop Rocks and Soda Kill 'Little Mikey'? https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/pop-rocks-soda/ M I K E Y : A N   I N V E S T I G A T I O N . https://web.archive.org/web/20070610224045/http://www.mcsweeneys.net/2002/10/07mikey.html How the Explosive 'Pop Rocks and Coke' Legend Destroyed an Iconic Candy Brand https://www.thrillist.com/eat/nation/pop-rocks-urban-legend-mikey-death Pop Rocks - The Candy that Killed a Child T.V. Star https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/pop-rocks-candy-killed-child-tv-star-gregory-farrell-pqole Wikipedia: Pop Rocks https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pop_Rocks Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
Episode 452: Subterranean Homesick Alien Autopsy
Episode 452: Subterranean Homesick Alien Autopsy
Show Notes Episode 452: Subterranean Homesick Alien Autopsy This week Host Dave Bledsoe is back from his tax deductible “research trip” where he was researching a story about a old, fat, drunk man who gets thrown out of bars in a small southeastern Tennessee town screaming “You can’t do this, I was born here!” (He was, and they can.) On the show this week we examine a television show that purported to show an alien autopsy that aired on Fox in 1995. (Fox, bringing the bullshit for over thirty years!) Along the way we learn that Dave saw a UFO on his flight, or at least what he thought was one. (It wasn’t. He was drunk.) Then we dive right into why Americans Wanted To Believe in UFOs back in the mid 90’s. (It was more that they wanted to have a threesome with Scully and Mulder.) We meet the “brains” behind Alien Autopsy: Fact or Fiction and ask the question, was Jonathan Frakes having money troubles when he did this? From there we introduce you to the English record producer who “accidentally” discovered footage proving that life exists on other planets and were visiting Earth for decades. (They aren’t and he didn’t.) Finally, we discuss WHY people believed it was real. (people are very stupid.) Our returning Sponsor is Morley Cigarettes, America Smokes a Morely.  We open with the Fox Special and close with Warrenmusic who met a friend on the subway. Show Theme: Hypnostate Prelude to Common Sense The Show on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheHell_Podcast The Show on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/whatthehellpodcast/ The Show on Youtube:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjxP5ywpZ-O7qu_MFkLXQUQ The Show on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whatthehellwereyouthinkingpod/ Our Discord Server: https://discord.gg/kHmmrjptrq www.whatthehellpodcast.com Give us your money on Patreon  https://www.patreon.com/Whatthehellpodcast The Show Line: 347 687 9601 Closing Music:https://youtu.be/uZpDRZMWyM4?si=aPWV555CD--CE3rK We are a proud member of the Seltzer Kings Podcast Network! http://seltzerkings.com/ Citations Needed: The Last Time There Was a Craze About UFOs and Aliens https://www.thebulwark.com/p/the-last-time-there-was-a-craze-about-ufos-and-aliens E.T. or B.S.? When Fox Aired Its Infamous 'Alien Autopsy' in 1995 https://www.mentalfloss.com/posts/fox-1995-alien-autopsy-hoax AUTOPSY OR FRAUD-TOPSY? https://content.time.com/time/subscriber/article/0,33009,983764,00.html Santill's Controversial Autopsy Movie http://www.v-j-enterprises.com/kjeff396.html Man behind infamous ‘alien autopsy’ video finally reveals the whole truth behind it https://metro.co.uk/2017/09/25/man-behind-infamous-alien-autopsy-video-finally-reveals-the-whole-truth-behind-it-6954667/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
Episode 451: Blame Old Bumble Butt
Episode 451: Blame Old Bumble Butt
Show Notes Episode 451: Blame Old Bumble Butt This week Host Dave Bledsoe gets into a drunken row with a taxi driver when he claims he should have to pay because he has thumb out and is clearly hitchhiking. (The driver blackened his eye and took his wallet. Again.) On the show this week we look back on the lost art of hitchhiking and why no one does it anymore. (Blame Edmund Kemper) Along the way we discover that Dave had Tiny Bladder Syndrome as a child. (And today as well) Then we dive right into the long history of thumbing a ride from strangers on the side of the road. (Along with a VERY dubious Chaucer quote.) Then we move along to hitching in America from Depression era necessity to flower children wearing flowers in their hair right up until the murders started.  Then we debunk all that nonsense about the murders.  Finally, we wrap up with the REAL reason we don’t hitch anymore. (Did Dave find a way to blame technology? He did indeed!) Our Sponsor this week is the Electronic Thumb, taking the fun out of hitchhiking but leaving all the risks! We open the show with Kai’s colorful interview and close with some Canadian Cold Water Review picking up hot chicks on the highway. Show Theme: Hypnostate Prelude to Common Sense The Show on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheHell_Podcast The Show on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/whatthehellpodcast/ The Show on Youtube:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjxP5ywpZ-O7qu_MFkLXQUQ The Show on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whatthehellwereyouthinkingpod/ Our Discord Server: https://discord.gg/kHmmrjptrq www.whatthehellpodcast.com Give us your money on Patreon  https://www.patreon.com/Whatthehellpodcast The Show Line: 347 687 9601 Closing Music:https://youtu.be/uZpDRZMWyM4?si=aPWV555CD--CE3rK We are a proud member of the Seltzer Kings Podcast Network! http://seltzerkings.com/ Citations Needed: Hitchhiker's guide - what you should know? https://myluggage.io/en/blog/article/hitchhiker-s-guide-what-you-should-know Looking At America Through A Hitchhiking Lens https://www.wbur.org/hereandnow/2020/04/08/hitchhiking-america-jack-reid HITCHHIKING: a ’60s & ’70s Form of Transportation, Real Human Social Networking, and Fearless Fun! https://00individual.wordpress.com/2019/12/11/hitchhiking-a-60s-70s-form-of-transportation-real-human-social-networking-and-fearless-fun/ Wikipedia: Edmund Kemper https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edmund_Kemper#:~:text=Between%20May%201972%20and%20April,%2C%20smother%2C%20or%20strangle%20them. Thumbs Down: America and the Decline of Hitchhiking https://digitalcollections.wesleyan.edu/_flysystem/fedora/2023-03/23377-Original%20File.pdf Thumbs Up, Then And Now: Hitchhiking Stories From The Road https://www.npr.org/2015/08/09/430079847/thumbs-up-then-and-now-hitchhiking-stories-from-the-road Hitchhiking’s Dead End (repost from ’88) https://davemargulius.com/hitchhikings-dead-end-repost-from-88/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
Summer Shorts Volume 1: Toxic Pink Houses
Summer Shorts Volume 1: Toxic Pink Houses
Show Notes Summer Shorts Volume 1: Toxic Pink Houses It is Memorial Day Weekend here in the US of Murka and that means that all across the land people are heading out for the traditional start of Summer! That also means Host Dave Bledsoe has retreated to the dankest, darkest, dingiest dive bar he can find, swearing he will not come out until Halloween. (He says this every year, he never lives up to it!)  That also means the start of our series of minisodes (OK, slightly shorter than normal episodes) so the WTH Team can take some time off. (Dave is making Gavin regrout the WTH Studio Bathroom over the long weekend.  What a dick!) These are episodes with topics we found just a little thin for a full length show but didn’t want to give up on entirely. (Because content is content!) This week we are talking about MTV’s Paint The Mutha Pink contest where they gave away a house to a lucky listener! The catch, the house is on a toxic waste dump! (Yay Capitalism!)  Our return Sponsor is Davey Beer, the cheap beer with Dave’s face on the can. Please enjoy it responsibly. We open with the winner of the house and close with Amanda Watkins talking real estate. Show Theme: Hypnostate Prelude to Common Sense The Show on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheHell_Podcast The Show on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/whatthehellpodcast/ The Show on Youtube:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjxP5ywpZ-O7qu_MFkLXQUQ The Show on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whatthehellwereyouthinkingpod/ Our Discord Server: https://discord.gg/kHmmrjptrq www.whatthehellpodcast.com Give us your money on Patreon  https://www.patreon.com/Whatthehellpodcast The Show Line: 347 687 9601 Closing Music:https://youtu.be/4vHIl9l-1jk?si=IvspnvtMhNuakWDT We are a proud member of the Seltzer Kings Podcast Network! http://seltzerkings.com/ Citations Needed: MTV’s Pink Houses John Cougar Mellencamp Contest Disaster https://www.ghosttownpod.com/blog/mtvs-pink-houses-john-cougar-mellencamp-contest-disaster/ Neal's Landfill (Bloomington) https://www.toxicsites.us/site.php?epa_id=IND980614556 Viacom to Buy MTV and Showtime in Deal Worth $667.5 Million https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1985-08-27-fi-25404-story.html Pink Houses, Black Lives, And John Mellencamp’s Misunderstood Legacy
 https://www.indianapolismonthly.com/news-and-opinion/news/pink-houses-black-lives-and-john-mellencamps-misunderstood-legacy%E2%80%A8/ Pink Houses, Yuppie Scum and Beastie Boy Kidnappings: Relive MTV’s Most Insane Contests https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/pink-houses-yuppie-scum-and-beastie-boy-kidnappings-relive-mtvs-most-insane-contests-832009/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
Episode 450: Gloom, Despair and Agony on Me
Episode 450: Gloom, Despair and Agony on Me
Show Notes Episode 450:”Gloom, Despair and Agony on Me” This week Host Dave Bledsoe staggers into what he thought was a cornfield drunk out of his gourd on moonshine. Only to be kicked out of the WalMart Garden Department for telling off color jokes to the other shoppers. (again) On the show this week, we celebrate nine years of podcasting by paying tribute to the wellspring of all our humor: Hee Haw! Along the way we discover why Dave is the uncultured oaf he is. (Don’t blame his Aunt Bonnie, she TRIED!) Then we dive right into the story of Hee Haw, after we explain why Nashville is the heart of Country Music. (Hint: A lot of out of work musicians.) We follow two Canadians who came south to make television and the reasons why they made the greatest comedy variety show of all time in a fake cornfield. (The sets were left over from Green Acres.) We meet the hosts and cast of Hee Haw and then explain why Hee Haw is more than just bad jokes and hillbilly stereotypes. (We mean, there is a LOT of that too!) Finally we explain why Dave chose Hee Haw to celebrate nine years of this show. (He misses his Papaw.) Our Sponsor this week is the Kornfield Kounty Chamber of Commerce who say “SALUTE” to all the visitors! We open the show with KORN News and close with Pickin and Grinnin’ Show Theme: Hypnostate Prelude to Common Sense The Show on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheHell_Podcast The Show on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/whatthehellpodcast/ The Show on Youtube:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjxP5ywpZ-O7qu_MFkLXQUQ The Show on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whatthehellwereyouthinkingpod/ Our Discord Server: https://discord.gg/kHmmrjptrq www.whatthehellpodcast.com Give us your money on Patreon  https://www.patreon.com/Whatthehellpodcast The Show Line: 347 687 9601 Closing Music:https://youtu.be/2m7FifTu39I?si=EpIS16ux4R47HOgf We are a proud member of the Seltzer Kings Podcast Network! http://seltzerkings.com/ Citations Needed Wikipedia: The Nashville Sound https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nashville_sound#:~:text=The%20Nashville%20sound%20is%20a,tempos%22%20associated%20with%20traditional%20pop. Country Music by Ken Burns: The Nashville Sound https://www.pbs.org/kenburns/country-music/nashville-sound-branches-of-country-music How Did Nashville Become the Hub of Country Music? https://entertainment.howstuffworks.com/nashville-become-hub-country-music.htm Wikipedia: Peppiatt and Aylesworth https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peppiatt_and_Aylesworth John Aylesworth, a ‘Hee-Haw’ Creator, Dies at 81 https://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/04/arts/television/04aylesworth.html Hee Haw Television Show https://tennesseeencyclopedia.net/entries/hee-haw-television-show/ Wikipedia: Roy Clark https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roy_Clark#Career The Weird History of Hillbilly TV https://bittersoutherner.com/the-weird-history-of-hillbilly-tv In praise of Hee Haw’s old-time country laughs – and music https://troymedia.com/in-the-news/in-praise-of-hee-haws-old-time-country-laughs-and-music/ Reconciliation Blog: How Hee Haw Changed My Life https://edwardg.wordpress.com/2009/03/22/how-hee-haw-changed-my-life/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
Episode 291: “The Ruror Furor” Redux
Episode 291: “The Ruror Furor” Redux
Episode 291: “The Ruror Furor” Redux This week Host Dave Bledsoe is taking off to recharge his batteries. (Meaning he suddenly came into some money we are unable to find which shitty bar he is currently on a bender within.) So while we waited for him, we thought we would run a companion piece from the archives to last week’s AND next week’s show.  It is one of our favorites and includes the single finest topic segue in podcasting history.  (According to Dave anyway.) So  sit right back and hear a tale about the time CBS canceled every show featuring a pig on their network! It was called “the rural purge” Show Theme: https://www.jamendo.com/track/421668/prelude-to-common-sense The Show on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheHell_Podcast The Show on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/whatthehellpodcast/ The Show on Youtube:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjxP5ywpZ-O7qu_MFkLXQUQ The Show on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whatthehellwereyouthinkingpod/ Our Discord Server: https://discord.gg/kHmmrjptrq www.whatthehellpodcast.com Give us your money on Patreon  https://www.patreon.com/Whatthehellpodcast The Show Line: 347 687 9601 Closing Music: https://youtu.be/hV85sDCRGkE We are a proud member of the Seltzer Kings Podcast Network! http://seltzerkings.com/ Citations Needed: Rural Purge Wiki https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rural_purge American Rural Comedies of the Sixties Part Six http://mercurie.blogspot.com/2013/09/american-rural-comedies-of-sixties-part_23.html All In the Family Wiki https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/All_in_the_Family Mobituaries Podcast The Rural Purge: Death of the Country Broadcasting System https://www.mobituaries.com/the-podcast/the-rural-purge-death-of-the-country-broadcasting-system/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
Episode 449: Good Evening From Captain Midnight
Episode 449: Good Evening From Captain Midnight
Show Notes Episode 449: “Good Evening From Captain Midnight” This week Host Dave Bledsoe was found trapped on the 8th floor fire escape of his building after drunkenly trying to install an illegal cable hook up.(Which is odd since he doesn’t own a TV, but again, he was drunk at the time.) On the show this week we travel back to the golden age of satellite dishes when millions of Americans had a big ass dish in the front of their trailer homes.  Along the way we discover that Dave’s parents TRIED to teach him valuable skills as a child but he just wanted to become a podcaster. (He CLAIMS he was very ahead of his time!)  Then we dive into a brief history of all the ways one could get a television signal into your home. (Many of them are kind of illegal) Then we take you to the brief heyday of free pay cable channels if you had a couple of thousand dollars for a satellite dish. (A surprising number of people went for it!) Finally we explain how HBO ruined it for everyone and what one man would do in the name of justice.  (Briefly interrupt HBO’s signal in the middle of the night.) Our sponsor this week is Mega Dish, because bigger is BETTER! We open the show with news coverage of Captain Midnight and close with Luca Carpenter’s space obsession.. Show Theme: Hypnostate Prelude to Common Sense The Show on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheHell_Podcast The Show on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/whatthehellpodcast/ The Show on Youtube:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjxP5ywpZ-O7qu_MFkLXQUQ The Show on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whatthehellwereyouthinkingpod/ Our Discord Server: https://discord.gg/kHmmrjptrq www.whatthehellpodcast.com Give us your money on Patreon  https://www.patreon.com/Whatthehellpodcast The Show Line: 347 687 9601 Closing Music:https://youtu.be/5s1pGVCawKs?si=PMo4aYojvt7EEeWn&t=8 We are a proud member of the Seltzer Kings Podcast Network! http://seltzerkings.com/ Citations Needed: Wikipedia Telstar Sattelites https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telstar#:~:text=Telstar%201%20launched%20on%20top,was%20launched%20May%207%2C%201963. Deep Dish: For a short period in the early 1980s, giant satellite dishes ruled the land. https://tedium.co/2015/08/27/early-satellite-dish-history/ TUNING INTO SATELLITE TV https://www.nytimes.com/1981/07/14/business/tuning-into-satellite-tv.html SATELLITE DISHES SURVIVE GREAT SCRAMBLE OF 1980S https://web.archive.org/web/20171007120130/https://www.deseretnews.com/article/81378/SATELLITE-DISHES-SURVIVE-GREAT-SCRAMBLE-OF-1980S.html?pg=all Signal to Noise dot net archive: The Story of Captain Midnight https://archive.robertianhawdon.me.uk/sites/~ian/pages/signal_hijacking/captain_midnight_hbo/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
Episode 448: Outrageous, Egregious, Preposterous!
Episode 448: Outrageous, Egregious, Preposterous!
Show Notes Episode 448: Outrageous, Egregious, Preposterous! This week Host Dave Bledsoe angrily insists he should NOT have to pay for the drink that he drunkenly spilled all over himself because the bartender clearly knew he was too drunk to lift it! (The case was settled out of court when the bouncers appealed to his sense of self preservation) On the show this week we talk about that time that McDonald’s burned an old lady’s vay jay jay and refused to pay! Along the way we discovered where Dave’s terrible taste in coffee originated. (He takes it black, like his men) Then we dip into the history of coffee (because we have a formula and we stick to it) and finally get around to telling you about that time in the 1990’s when an old lady suffered massive burns on her Hoo Hah because McDonald’s crappy coffee was served WAY too hot! We also explain how the media helped their corporate masters spin the story to fuck over all us little people in court. (Again!) Our Sponsor is “Cuppa Damn Coffee” the place where you can get a cup of damn coffee!  We open the show with Kramer seeking legal counsel and close with La La Life starting their day! Show Theme: Hypnostate Prelude to Common Sense The Show on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheHell_Podcast The Show on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/whatthehellpodcast/ The Show on Youtube:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjxP5ywpZ-O7qu_MFkLXQUQ The Show on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whatthehellwereyouthinkingpod/ Our Discord Server: https://discord.gg/kHmmrjptrq www.whatthehellpodcast.com Give us your money on Patreon  https://www.patreon.com/Whatthehellpodcast The Show Line: 347 687 9601 Closing Music:https://youtu.be/HfjPrbatsMg?si=g8df5a5_EJWXnAYC We are a proud member of the Seltzer Kings Podcast Network! http://seltzerkings.com/ Citations Needed: How America’s Coffee Got Bad — and Then Got Great https://www.eater.com/22966312/coffee-history-america-third-wave-dark-roast A Brief History Of American Coffee Culture https://theculturetrip.com/north-america/usa/articles/a-brief-history-of-american-coffee-culture Did Cocaine Users Cause McDonald's to Replace Their Coffee Spoons? https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/stirring-response/ Remember the Hot Coffee Lawsuit? It Changed the Way McDonald’s Heats Coffee Forever https://www.rd.com/article/hot-coffee-lawsuit/ Calculating the optimum temperature for serving hot beverages https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18226454/#:~:text=Hot%20beverages%20such%20as%20tea,can%20cause%20significant%20scald%20burns. Liebeck v. McDonald’s The Hot Coffee Case https://www.tortmuseum.org/liebeck-v-mcdonalds/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
Episode 447: Tell Him About the Twinkie
Episode 447: Tell Him About the Twinkie
Show Notes Episode 447: Tell Him About the Twinkie This week Host Dave Bledsoe insists he cannot be legally responsible for this bar tab because he was drunk when the charges were incurred! (The bartender dismissed the case with prejudice, meaning the bouncers threw him in the dumpster out back. Again.) On the show this week we examine how a snack cake entered the lexicon of American jurisprudence. (Hint: It was the media.) Along the way we learn why Dave was such a fat little boy! (Little Debbies ARE delicious!) Then we explain the history of the Twinkie, which has absolutely NOTHING to do with the court case we eventually get around to talking about! (This is a very circuitous episode.) Finally we get into the court case in which case the aforementioned Twinkie is tangentially relevant. (We have a formula, folks.) We talk about the San Francisco murders of Harvey Milk and George Moscone. But mostly we talk about the defense their murderer Dan White used in court. (Ergo, the Twinkie Defense.) Our Sponsor this week is Low Rent Legal, because even bad lawyers are still technically lawyers.  We open the show with an explanation of the Twinkie and close with Larry Groce, who has a problem. Show Theme: Hypnostate Prelude to Common Sense The Show on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheHell_Podcast The Show on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/whatthehellpodcast/ The Show on Youtube:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjxP5ywpZ-O7qu_MFkLXQUQ The Show on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whatthehellwereyouthinkingpod/ Our Discord Server: https://discord.gg/kHmmrjptrq www.whatthehellpodcast.com Give us your money on Patreon  https://www.patreon.com/Whatthehellpodcast The Show Line: 347 687 9601 Closing Music:https://youtu.be/jQnIL-XPerQ?si=rFol2hlE5KBieNUl We are a proud member of the Seltzer Kings Podcast Network! http://seltzerkings.com/ Citations Needed:  LGBT culture in San Francisco https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_culture_in_San_Francisco#:~:text=San%20Francisco%27s%20LGBT%20culture%20has,a%20town%20where%20anything%20goes%22. SUSPECT SOUGHT JOB https://www.nytimes.com/1978/11/28/archives/suspect-sought-job-moscone-had-been-asked-to-reappoint-him-as-a.html The Trial of Dan White: An Account https://www.famous-trials.com/danwhite/599-home Myth of the 'Twinkie defense' / The verdict in the Dan White case wasn't based on his ingestion of junk food https://www.sfgate.com/health/article/Myth-of-the-Twinkie-defense-The-verdict-in-2511152.php Dan White's Motive More About Betrayal Than Homophobia https://web.archive.org/web/20120805184657/http://www.sfweekly.com/2008-01-30/news/white-in-milk/1/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
Episode 446: Many Fools Were Pitied
Episode 446: Many Fools Were Pitied
Show Notes Episode 446: Many Fools Were Pitied This week Host Dave Bledsoe is kicked out of a bar for bar tab he claimed he did not commit and is desperately searching for the A-Team to help. (The A-Team in this case is asking Gavin to loan him fifty bucks until Friday.) On the show this week we examine life and career or 80’s pop culture phenom Laurence Tereaud. You know him as Mr. T. Along the way we discover why Dave never wears any jewelry. (He is a cheapskate) Then we dive right into how much America loves to make myths out of men, whether those men deserve it or not.  However, in the case of Mr. T.,he kind of does. We trace T’s origins from the South Side of Chicago (It’s the baddest part of town) to a riot on a college campus, then to T’s lumberjacking in the military and finally to Dingbats, the disco where Mr. T’s personae was developed. (And the lawsuit over the proceeds). We follow his movie and television career to the inevitable moment Nancy Reagan sits on his lap and kisses him. (It was a strange moment in America).  In the end we discover something about Mr. T. and about ourselves. (Meaning Dave couldn’t find anything horrible to say about Mr. T.) Our Sponsor this week is Fools Gold, because REAL gold is expensive.  We open the show with words of advice from Mr. T. and close with Eric Berts explaining an origins story. Show Theme: Hypnostate Prelude to Common Sense The Show on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheHell_Podcast The Show on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/whatthehellpodcast/ The Show on Youtube:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjxP5ywpZ-O7qu_MFkLXQUQ The Show on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whatthehellwereyouthinkingpod/ Our Discord Server: https://discord.gg/kHmmrjptrq www.whatthehellpodcast.com Give us your money on Patreon  https://www.patreon.com/Whatthehellpodcast The Show Line: 347 687 9601 Closing Music:https://youtu.be/XTd6ZFpQKfs?si=wGaFRdLE7Wtpxn0C We are a proud member of the Seltzer Kings Podcast Network! http://seltzerkings.com/ Citations Needed: Actor and professional wrestler Mr. T, known for his mohawk and gold chains, starred in 1980s TV programs like 'The A-Team' and 'Mister T.' https://www.biography.com/actors/mr-t “Silence is a very good weapon” https://pvpantherproject.com/2023/02/silence-is-a-very-good-weapon/ Wikipedia: Mr T https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mr._T Famous Veteran: Mr. T https://www.military.com/veteran-jobs/career-advice/military-transition/famous-veterans-mr-t.html#:~:text=In%201975%2C%20he%20became%20Pvt,leader%20at%20Fort%20McCoy%2C%20Wisconsin. Mr. T loses in court https://www.upi.com/Archives/1996/07/25/Mr-T-loses-in-court/7214838267200/#:~:text=%27I%20was%20the%20originator%20of,and%20promoted%20him%20as%20Mr. How The A-Team sparked the cult phenomenon that was Mr. T https://www.metv.com/stories/how-the-a-team-sparked-the-cult-phenomenon-that-was-mr-t Mr. T Reveals How 'That' Photo of Nancy Reagan Sitting on His Lap Came to Be https://people.com/politics/mr-t-reveals-the-story-behind-nancy-reagan-sitting-on-his-lap/ Mr. T dressed as Santa. Nancy Reagan sat on his lap. It was the most shocking first lady photo ever. https://www.washingtonpost.com/history/2018/12/21/mr-t-dressed-santa-nancy-reagan-sat-his-lap-it-was-most-shocking-first-lady-photo-ever/ 'The A-Team' 's Mr. T https://people.com/archive/cover-story-the-a-teams-mr-t-vol-19-no-21/ Words of Wisdom from Mr. T https://www.beliefnet.com/entertainment/celebrities/words-of-wisdom-from-mr-t.aspx Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
Episode 445: What We Are Talking When We Talk Taco Tuesday
Episode 445: What We Are Talking When We Talk Taco Tuesday
Show Notes Episode 445: “What We’re Talking When We’re Talking Taco Tuesday” This week Host Dave Bledsoe passes out face down in a Big Beef Burrito Supreme and is kicked out of Taco Bell. (Again) On the show this week talk tacos, specifically we are talking out the origins of Taco Tuesday! (Who doesn’t love tacos, right?) Along the way we discover that Dave probably missed out on his once chance for a meaningful relationship but not understanding the fundamental nature of “cruising”. Then we dive right into the history of food wrapped in tortillas, going all the way to Pre-Columbian Mesoamerica! We trace the tasty treats journey from south of the border to the boardroom of megacorporations as they squabble over who owned the rights to use the phrase “taco tuesday” (Come to find out, the legal owner is a bar in New Jersey!) Then we take the time to examine the beauty of the taco and how it can heal us as a nation. Our Sponsor this week is the return Tacopocalypse It’s HERE!  We open the show with a very smart Chihuahua and close with Lucky Diaz singing the national anthem of Taco Tuesday! Show Theme: Hypnostate Prelude to Common Sense The Show on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheHell_Podcast The Show on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/whatthehellpodcast/ The Show on Youtube:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjxP5ywpZ-O7qu_MFkLXQUQ Our Discord Server: https://discord.gg/kHmmrjptrq www.whatthehellpodcast.com Give us your money on Patreon  https://www.patreon.com/Whatthehellpodcast The Show Line: 347 687 9601 Closing Music:https://youtu.be/XTd6ZFpQKfs?si=wGaFRdLE7Wtpxn0C We are a proud member of the Seltzer Kings Podcast Network! http://seltzerkings.com/ Citations Needed: Wikipedia: Taco https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taco Where Did the Taco Come From? https://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/where-did-the-taco-come-from-81228162/ The Trademarking of “Taco Tuesday” https://priceonomics.com/the-trademarking-of-taco-tuesday/ The Crazy Contentious History of Taco Tuesday https://www.thrillist.com/eat/nation/history-of-taco-tuesday-when-did-it-start The Surprisingly Contentious Origins of Taco Tuesday https://www.mentalfloss.com/posts/taco-tuesday-history-origins Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
Episode 444: "Ron, John, and Jodie"
Episode 444: "Ron, John, and Jodie"
Show Notes Episode 444: “Ron, John and Jodie” This week Host Dave Bledsoe asks the bartender “You talking to me, are YOU talking to me?” when they ask him to pay for his drinks. (The bartender replied that he must be since he didn’t see any other deadbeat drunks around there.) On the show this week we head back to 1981 when John Hinckley Jr had his shot at greatness and missed. (A very fine line is being walked) Along the way we discover why Dave is the sad lonely old man he is today. (He is afraid of girls!) Then we dive right into the events of March 30th 1981 when Organized Labor saved Ronald Reagan’s life. (And STILL he fired those air traffic controllers!) We might John Warnock Hinckley Jr, a rich kid living the rich kid life in the mid 1970’s. But then his life took a turn toward darkness (not becoming a stock broker, which is how most rich kids turned to darkness back then.) Follow along as John watches a movie and takes the entirely wrong message and then barks a wrong try by trying to woo a young  Jodie Foster. (She was gay THEN John!) Finally we talk about his trial and how it changed very, very little.  Our Sponsor this week is Boyd’s Body Armor, because somebody probably wants to shoot you. We open with NBC Nightly News and close with J. Fla who wants you to not miss your shot. Show Theme: Hypnostate Prelude to Common Sense The Show on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheHell_Podcast The Show on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/whatthehellpodcast/ The Show on Youtube:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjxP5ywpZ-O7qu_MFkLXQUQ Our Discord Server: https://discord.gg/kHmmrjptrq www.whatthehellpodcast.com Give us your money on Patreon  https://www.patreon.com/Whatthehellpodcast The Show Line: 347 687 9601 Closing Music: https://youtu.be/DPJv5u1EcaM?si=bHA4Zs7RTvXojUTI We are a proud member of the Seltzer Kings Podcast Network! http://seltzerkings.com/ Citations Needed: The First 100 Days: Reagan Pushed His Agenda of Tax Cuts and Less Government https://www.usnews.com/news/history/articles/2009/03/12/the-first-100-days-reagan-pushed-his-agenda-of-tax-cuts-and-less-government John Hinckley, Jr. brings infamy to Lubbock https://web.archive.org/web/20130925143644/http://www.lubbockcentennial.com/Section/1959_1983/hinckley.shtml The Trial of John W. Hinckley, Jr. https://famous-trials.com/johnhinckley/537-home?__cf_chl_tk=FpBcrfEUItcGHJE40s26uuMJWXN8nEjNfUe3GY7mdMs-1711234800- The John Hinckley Case https://www.crimelibrary.org/terrorists_spies/assassins/john_hinckley/4.html From Daniel M’Naughten to John Hinckley, A Brief History of the Insanity Defense https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/crime/trial/history.html#:~:text=Before%20Hinckley%2C%20the%20burden%20of,the%20time%20of%20the%20crime. John Hinckley Jr., who once tried to kill Ronald Reagan, claims he is a victim of ‘cancel culture’ after concert nixed: ‘Keeps happening’ https://nypost.com/2024/03/20/us-news/john-hinckley-jr-claims-he-is-a-victim-of-cancel-culture-after-concert-called-off/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
Episode 443: Hale Bopp MmmHmm Hale Bopp (Part Two of Packing A Purple Shroud)
Episode 443: Hale Bopp MmmHmm Hale Bopp (Part Two of Packing A Purple Shroud)
Show Notes Episode 443: Hale Bopp, Mmmmhmm, Hale Bopp Part Two of Packing a Purple Shroud This week Host Dave Bledsoe drunkenly gets into a white panel van thinking it was an Uber and spent three days in a UFO Cult before they kicked him out for being an asshole. (Again) On the show this week we finish our story about the Heaven’s Gate Cult. (Trigger Warning, balls are cut off) Along the way we discover Dave was quite the connoisseur of uncomfortable ways to fly. Then we pick back up with Herff and Bonnie who are busy building themselves a clique of believers.  We follow along as they assemble their “Away Team” (Honestly, these people were watching too much Star Trek and that is saying something coming from THIS podcast),moving from “starbases” in the woods to a mansion in San Diego. We cover the innovative solution to their sexual desires. (They cut off their balls) Finally, we discuss their ascension and why America found it so fucking funny. (America has bad taste) Our Sponsor this week is Art’s Intergalactic Tours, when it is time to leave the Earth behind, book with Art’s! We open the show with Art Bell and close with Leo Moracchioli who plays us a little bop! Show Theme: Hypnostate Prelude to Common Sense The Show on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheHell_Podcast The Show on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/whatthehellpodcast/ The Show on Youtube:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjxP5ywpZ-O7qu_MFkLXQUQ Our Discord Server: https://discord.gg/kHmmrjptrq www.whatthehellpodcast.com Give us your money on Patreon  https://www.patreon.com/Whatthehellpodcast The Show Line: 347 687 9601 Closing Music: https://youtu.be/1ZxP5g7lMrs?si=GaYz2DIMWkkpuOPK We are a proud member of the Seltzer Kings Podcast Network! http://seltzerkings.com/ Citations Needed: Overview of Present Mission https://heavensgate.com/misc/ovrview.htm Eyes on Glory: Pied Pipers of Heaven's Gate https://www.nytimes.com/1997/04/28/us/eyes-on-glory-pied-pipers-of-heaven-s-gate.html?sec=health&pagewanted=4 Wikipedia: Techniques to enter the next level https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heaven%27s_Gate_(religious_group)#Techniques_to_enter_the_next_level Line separating comedy, tragedy is awfully thin https://www.deseret.com/1997/4/11/19305964/line-separating-comedy-tragedy-is-awfully-thin/ Suicides should inspire curiosity, not jokes Guest columnist Joshua Molina (Not that one) https://osupublicationarchives.osu.edu/?a=d&d=LTN19970409-01.2.18&e=-------en-20--1--txt-txIN------- Fascination over Heaven’s Gate cult continues, 20 years after mass suicide https://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-heavens-gate-20170319-story.html Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices