TRB's Weekly Thoughts
In this podcast I talk about the things that I have been pondering over the last week. This is an extension of my Weekly blogs so read the week's blog at blog.teeaarbee.com either before or after listening to the episodes
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Nov 14 2021
EP-14 | Children's Day Special
14th November has always been special to me .... to know why🤔 listen to the ep. Summary: TRB wishes everyone a happy Children's Day.He won his first prize 10 years ago on this day in an essay competition by copying from the internet cafe and modifying it.This marked the beginning of his interest in writing, which he now pursues through blogs.TRB remembers Children's Day as one of two important days in a year for him growing up because it was a day when he had freedom to do what he wanted and TV channels played shows related to kids.He hasn't celebrated Children's Day properly since 2015 due to various reasons but still considers his birthday as the only happy day of the year for him.TRB shares this story as part of a "story time" episode and hopes to do more if listeners liked it.
Nov 14 2021
EP-14 | Children's Day Special
14th November has always been special to me .... to know why🤔 listen to the ep. Summary: TRB wishes everyone a happy Children's Day.He won his first prize 10 years ago on this day in an essay competition by copying from the internet cafe and modifying it.This marked the beginning of his interest in writing, which he now pursues through blogs.TRB remembers Children's Day as one of two important days in a year for him growing up because it was a day when he had freedom to do what he wanted and TV channels played shows related to kids.He hasn't celebrated Children's Day properly since 2015 due to various reasons but still considers his birthday as the only happy day of the year for him.TRB shares this story as part of a "story time" episode and hopes to do more if listeners liked it.
Nov 10 2021
What is the compound interest of our behavior?
In this episode I talk about some of my recent changes in the way that I want to approach my goals and how our identity is a compound interest of our behavior
Sep 27 2021
Learning Vs Earning
In this episode I talk about learning and earning, most capitalist have the notion of doing both at the same time, while it may be possible to do so but personally I dont find that feasible for me
Sep 19 2021
Deep Conversations
The podcast returns after it went missing for a week In this episode I talk about my POV on Deep Conversation and then I obviously get side tracked and start talking about bunch of useless things
Sep 7 2021
Two advice, one for audience one for creators
Sorry for being late this week 😥
Aug 30 2021
Can we speak on new topic everyday?
In this episode I give my opinion on a Instagram reel that I watched last week 💀
Aug 22 2021
Copying Idea is a bad Idea + Why do I sound like a robot?
I talk about 2 things in this episode and yet manage to wrap up the episode in under 4 mins 😎 Tam toh bade heavy thought cutter ho moment XD Read the week's blog: https://blog.teeaarbee.com/archives/week-60/
Aug 15 2021
What's at the core of motivation?
I don't answer the question in the podcast but rather tell you how to attain the answer PS: It's not self-introspection !!! Even though that could be a nice way to approach it smh 😳 This week's blog : https://blog.teeaarbee.com/archives/week-59/ check after 8pm IST
Aug 10 2021
We suck at justifying our mental possession
Some of the words sound a bit weird because of the aggressive setting of my audio plugin, something which I will try to fix in the next episode. For now bear with me on this one and try to listen it at 1.5X if possible You can comment your thoughts regarding this ep on my telegram or on this week's blog Link to the week's blog: https://blog.teeaarbee.com/archives/week-58/
Jul 31 2021
My story of future planning so far
Well I wanted to name it under How to series just to maintain my theme of the month but I figured it wouldn't do justice to the episode also by the time I share it on my blog it will be august already so I guess its fine hehe Anyway do listen and lemme know your future plans either by DMing or by commenting on my blogs Link to this week's blog:https://blog.teeaarbee.com/archives/week-57/
Jul 26 2021
How I find peace online
This week I felt a bit emotionally triggered after consuming certain YouTube videos and realized how wonderfully I had managed to stay away from triggers in the last 8-10 months Read this week's blog: https://blog.teeaarbee.com/archives/week-56/
Jul 18 2021
How I See the World
In this episode I talk about my non-bollywood worldview and how it keeps me happier Read this week's blog here: https://blog.teeaarbee.com/archives/week-55/
Jul 10 2021
How I approach learning New things
This is the 2nd episode of my weekly thoughts podcast Incase if you are serious about learning then watch these videos: https://youtu.be/ukLnPbIffxE https://youtu.be/Bxv9lf5HjZM Read this week's blog here: https://blog.teeaarbee.com/archives/week-54/ BLOG WEEK NO: 54 Summary: - TRB is back and surprised to have received 40 playbacks in the last episode - The episode is about learning and TRB shares insights on learning - TRB's approach to learning is by practicing something and not just simply practicing anything, but trying to get some meaningful output - TRB mentions spaced repetition and active recall as magic ways of learning and recommends that people in school or college should learn about them - TRB has been learning HTML and CSS and has been working nonstop on a website for Noctilancer - TRB enjoyed learning by doing and investing all his time in understanding the site and building it - TRB recommends watching Thomas Frank and Ali Abdaal's video on spaced repetition and active recall if someone is struggling with learning - TRB doesn't like setting goals and targets and is more of a habit person - TRB will soon have an outro for the podcast.
Jul 4 2021
How I manage my old files
This is the first in series of my weekly thoughts podcast where I will be sharing my thoughts on whatever interests me Read this week's blog here: https://blog.teeaarbee.com/archives/week-53/ Summary: TRB's weekly podcast is about his thoughts on various topicsHe started the podcast to improve his speaking skills and communicationHe used to be a data hoarder but has learned the benefits of deleting unnecessary filesFile deletion promotes minimalism and helps us realize that nothing is permanentTRB plans to keep the episodes short and minimize editing using software like DescriptHe hopes to improve his quality of speaking in future episodes.