Channeling Wisdom from higher dimensions

Moumita Paul

Moumita is a transformative coach, clairaudient, and gifted vocal channeler. As a vocal channeler, Moumita brings through divine wisdom of extraterrestrial and higher dimensional beings.

She enters into an altered state of consciousness and allows beings like Archangel Michael, The Arcturian Council of 7, Nomura Lemurians, HOD, etc. speak through her voice.
Through her channeling sessions, individuals have gained a deeper understanding of the spiritual significance of their life events, formed profound connections with their inner selves and spirit guides, and received mind-blowing insights into spirituality and metaphysics.

With a wealth of experience and a strong commitment to her clientโ€™s well-being, Moumita is a beacon of inspiration for those seeking profound healing & purposeful life.

Check out her website for full video transmission details, courses, workshops, and upcoming live channeling events where you can participate & ask questions to these beings:

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You create your illnesses & you can heal it too - Channeling The Arcturian Council
You create your illnesses & you can heal it too - Channeling The Arcturian Council
Did you know illnesses are created by negative emotions and thoughts? Discoverโ€ฆ The Mind-Body Connection: Your thoughts and emotions can create physical illness in your body.How Emotions Affect the Body: Emotions are like signals that tell your body how to respond. Positive emotions create positive responses, while negative emotions stored in your body can create imbalances and illness.The Role of Suppressing Emotions: Suppressing emotions can prevent them from flowing through your body and being released. This stuck energy can lead to illness.How Illness Develops: Illness can develop very quickly after a negative emotional experience. Pay attention to what events happened before you first noticed the symptoms of your illness.The Connection Between Thoughts and Emotions: Negative thoughts and negative emotions go hand in hand. Identifying the negative thought that triggered the negative emotion is a key part of healing.Healing Techniques:Self-love can help you process negative emotions.Exposing the body part to the opposite vibration of the emotion can promote healing.Energy healing can address the energetic imbalance caused by stuck emotions. Importance of Emotional Awareness: Becoming more aware of your negative thoughts and emotions is the first step to healing.Healthy Emotional Coping Mechanisms: Allow yourself to feel your emotions instead of suppressing them. This allows them to be processed and released from your body. โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€” Get your free self-healing blueprint basic copy by subscribing to my newsletter: Watch the self-healing blueprint video in my โ€œ5-day meditation challengeโ€ (day 3):  Learn vocal channeling (workshop):  10% Discount code on the vocal channeling workshop: CHANNEL
What are limiting beliefs?
What are limiting beliefs?
Are you wondering why you are experiencing repeated negative patterns in your life? Or so many challenges or triggers? The less known fact is that they are sponsored by โ€˜limiting beliefsโ€™. Everyone has limiting beliefs, but very few are aware that they do. You can release them when you understand how they control your life. In this video, I shared: Limiting Beliefs: How negative thoughts about yourself can hold you back and distort your reality. Benefits of Releasing Limiting Beliefs: By letting go of limiting beliefs, you can experience more happiness, make better decisions, and live a more fulfilling life that aligns with your purpose. Source of Limiting Beliefs: They can come from childhood trauma, ancestors, or past lives. The Impact of Beliefs: Beliefs shape your emotions, behavior, and decisions in all areas of life, including career, relationships, health, and spirituality. Identifying Limiting Beliefs: While limiting beliefs can be disguised, I share some ways to recognize them, including the source (often childhood experiences) and the negative thoughts and emotions they trigger. The Core Belief: There can be a core limiting belief that acts like a "sponsor" for many other negative thoughts. I shared an example from my own experience of discovering my core belief ("I am not source") and the many negative thoughts and behaviors it had created. Join my Facebook community: Subscribe to my newsletter:
Balancing Divine Love, Light & Power - Channeling Archangel Michael
Balancing Divine Love, Light & Power - Channeling Archangel Michael
About the trailer: Archangel Michael brings a fresh perspective on what is divine love, light, and power and what happens when you have these three aspects balanced in you. Also, he shares what happens if those are imbalanced and how you can identify and bring these three aspects into balance within you. More details about the transmission are available on the product page shared above (full transmission link). The full transmission contains a 33-minute monologue, a 15-minute permission slip, and 40 minutes of Q&A. ----------------------------------------------------------------- About The Full Transmission (available on my website, link at the bottom): Divine Light: So, the transmission is going to be about balancing wisdom and intelligence, which we would be referring to as the divine light aspect. Represents clarity of thought, intelligence, wisdom, and the ability to see things for what they truly are. Lack of divine light can lead to difficulty understanding information, negativity clouding your aura, and a lack of creativity. This in turn can affect your abundance & wealth-creation abilities. Green Tara that this channel channels represents the divine light aspect, the divine wisdom aspect. We will talk about how a lack of divine light can create specific challenges in your life and how you can find balance. We will also talk about how will you know if this aspect is balanced in you. Divine Love: Being loving and compassionate to yourself and others, which we are going to refer to as a divine love aspect. Encompasses compassion, empathy, mercy, love, harmony, and connection. When balanced, it allows for easy connection with others, fearlessness, and open communication. It's important to distinguish love from people-pleasing and to prioritize self-love. Mary Magdalene represents the divine love aspect. This is also connected to another layer of your aura and any disbalance in this aspect affects your aura. We will go in-depth into what divine love is, and how will you know when it is balanced and when it is not. And how to balance it. Divine Power: The divine power aspect is the power to act, standing up for yourself, not tolerating toxic behaviors, and setting boundaries. The divine power aspect is all about taking action towards what you prefer. Represents the ability to take action, set boundaries, stand up for yourself, and influence others. Lack of divine power can manifest as feeling powerless, low energy, and procrastination. We as the Archangel Collective of Michael are representations of the divine power aspect. Here again we will explain how you can understand if you have sufficient divine power aspect or not. And how you can tune into more divine power. So all human beings have these three aspects, but they are not balanced. As of today, it is becoming more obvious as to which aspects of a person are not balanced. When there is a disbalance in these three aspects, it shows up as challenges and difficulties in one's life. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Full transmission: Vocal channeling classes: 10% Discount code for vocal channeling: CHANNEL
Aliens Created Humans, Quantum Realms & More - Channeling Annunakis
Aliens Created Humans, Quantum Realms & More - Channeling Annunakis
I am very excited to publicly present a channeled video of the Annunakis to you for the first time. The Annunakis are aliens from the anti-matter realm (a parallel solar system) who are responsible for creating us (homo sapien species). And in this channeled transmission, they talk more about that, about themselves and also the quantum realm, one of my favorite topics. If you are interested in spiritual ascension, this video is part of the new series from them that focuses exactly on that. If you have difficulty connecting the dots as to what spiritual ascension has to do with the quantum realm, I urge you to watch this video till the end. ๐Ÿ™‚ As I said earlier, I am starting a new series of videos on personal development, releasing limiting beliefs, shadow work, etc which are a perfect compliment to this spiritual ascension topic. Because in my opinion, spiritual development & personal development go hand in hand. While there are many other ways to grow and develop in the spiritual realm, the path of personal development, emotional resilience, and character building is my hallmark, my signature area which I am very passionate about. ----------------------------------------------- Topics covered in the video: Who are the Anunnakis? The Anunnaki are a race claiming to have created the Homo Sapien species.They disagree with information about them at the beginning (shared by me).They come from a planetary system composed of antimatter, complementing our solar system. Antimatter and The Quantum Realm Everything has a matter and antimatter counterpart.The quantum realm allows travel between these realms.Understanding the quantum realm is crucial for spiritual ascension. Anunnaki on Earth They needed gold to travel the material world and stabilize themselves.They discovered Earthโ€™s gold reserves and made contact with Homo erectus.Through genetic manipulation, they created Homo sapiens (us). Human Potential and DNA Homo sapiensโ€™ early access to superpowers caused problems.The Anunnaki deactivated these abilities and locked them in our DNA.Human evolution unlocks these powers by raising our vibration.Emotional and mental work is necessary to use these powers responsibly. The Illusion of Reality Both matter and antimatter are illusions of the source aspect.Our perspective determines how we perceive reality.Spiritual ascension involves seeing things from all dimensions and angles. The Quantum Realm Explained The quantum realm is the source of everything, a โ€œmagic slateโ€ for manifestation.It allows access to anything instantly and contains various forms of existence.Mastering the quantum realm allows the perception of these other universes. Implications and Next Steps Physical reality is an illusion, and the quantum realm holds immense potential.The Anunnakis promise to teach methods for harnessing the quantum realm in future sessions.The channeling concludes with the importance of this knowledge and responsible use of power. What is Vocal channeling? For those who are new to vocal channeling, hereโ€™s a little bit about what it is. In vocal channeling, a person enters into an altered state of consciousness and serves as a vessel or conduit for higher beings, allowing them to communicate and share their wisdom through spoken words. What you hear is not my opinion, but that of the being I am channeling. My eyes remain closed throughout the channeling because I am in a trance state. This allows for unadulterated information to pass through without much interference from the ego. I have channeled 18 divine entities, dragons, and extraterrestrials so far, mostly in private sessions, and a few in public. If you love channeling and want to learn to channel too, check out my courses on channeling: Or if you want to have a private channeling session with me, you are most welcome :)
Ask Your Questions to Archangel Michael + Upcoming Transmission Topic Announcements
Ask Your Questions to Archangel Michael + Upcoming Transmission Topic Announcements
Ask your questions to the beings I channel! I am taking your questions again. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ Post your questions as comments on this post. -------------------------------------------------------------- Links mentioned in the video:  My shop link:  Email:  My podcast link:   ---------------------------------------------------------- Below are the timestamps of the key things discussed in the audio. ---------------------------------------------------------- 00:03 - 1st Announcement: I am accepting questions from the audience (You)  00:19 - Where to submit your questions  00:40 - Submission deadline 00:49 - Type of questions you can ask that will get picked 1:05 - Format of the upcoming transmission where your question will be answered 1:18 - Where to purchase the transmission when it is released 1:32 - 2nd Announcement: New video series on self-development & spiritual growth 1:50 - Why I am creating videos on personal development? 2:23 - Upcoming transmission topic (Balancing Divine love, light & power) for which you can submit your question 2:59 - Channeling Archangel Michael who gives an intro on the topic 4:12 - What is divine love, light and power and why do you need to balance it? 4:50 - Beings who represent the divine love, light & power aspect 5:40 - Challenges that happen when you are missing the divine power aspect 6:28 - Challenges that happen when you are missing the divine love aspect 7:09 - Challenges that happen when you are missing the divine light aspect 7:05 - Benefits of balancing these 3 aspects
7 Secret Archangels who govern our universe and change every 50,000 years - Channeling (Trailor)
7 Secret Archangels who govern our universe and change every 50,000 years - Channeling (Trailor)
Imagine a hidden team of 7 powerful beings secretly shaping the destiny of your galaxy & your life. This transmission unlocks a groundbreaking message channeled from Archangel Michael, revealing the 7 SECRET Archangels who oversee your entire galaxy, not just Earth! They are NOT Uriel, Chamuel (Camael), Jophiel, or Zadkiel as mentioned in religious texts! What makes this transmission different? * Forget what you thought you knew! This isn't your typical angel message. Discover the unique roles they play and how it affects you. * Galactic impact revealed! Understand how these Archangels influence your life path and the well-being of our entire world. (This goes way beyond personal angels!) * Practical ways to connect to them! Learn how to tap into their energy for greater growth and fulfillment. (No religious affiliation needed!) Here's a glimpse of the extraordinary: * Archangel Michael (you might know him!) - He's not just about punishment. Discover his true role in cleansing and putting things back in place. * Archangel Gabriel (another familiar name!) - He goes beyond communication. Learn how he helps you connect and share information across the universe. * Archangel Raphael - The ultimate healer, restoring balance and well-being. * (And 4 MORE revealed inside!) - You've never heard of them and what they do! Discover these unseen forces guiding your abundance, emotions, and the very lifeblood of our galaxy. Plus, learn: * Why do these 7 Archangels change every 50,000 years? * How these Archangels secretly influence your life path and fulfillment. * And also why they change the trajectory of the galaxy in the universe. * A practical "permission slip" to connect with them for specific help. * A symbol to connect with them to manifest your desires FASTER. Get it now and start manifesting a life aligned with your desires! P.S. This information is not found in any religious text! Be among the first to unlock this secret knowledge. Questions answered in the full transmission: What is the Holy Spirit? How do we learn more about it? Does anyone channel the Holy Spirit?Is Nicolas Tesla an ascended master?Have you been incarnated on Earth? If so, what was your main mission? Thereโ€™s also a belief that you were incarnated on Earth as Jesus Christ. Is this true?I had a contact dream where I saw a ship fairly close to the ground. It was a cube. It appeared greenish brown in color with round shapes on the sides of the ship. I saw this as I was awakening. And also heard a piece of a song I have never heard before. The lyrics were "I am having a terrible life." The song sounded like a love song. Could you please tell me which race or collective this ship belongs to? What can I learn about this contact experience? What might the song mean in regards to myself and that contact event? Does anyone from this ship or collective wish to communicate with me?On 8 September, two fossil remains of an ancient human relative species Homo Naledi and Australopithecus Sediba were launched in a commercial spaceflight aboard Virgin Galactic's spaceship VSS Unity. What reflection do you have on this?What if we have feelings of not feeling safe when following our bliss, and doing our best? It feels like we'll get attacked, lose control, get humiliated, or embarrassed by others. I tell myself, I am not afraid of The Unknown. I am empowered. I am in control. Yet I still feel "unsafe." Maybe I need to learn new skills, such as discovering and learning about healthy boundaries. and that is my main question. Can you help us with that?Guide me on how to use "sunflowers" to solve the problem of radioactive poisoning that exists in the surrounding environment... after a nuclear bomb explodes.  I realize that today's world political situation is at risk of nuclear war, so I need your help on (nuclear detoxification with sunflowers)? ------------------------------------------------------------------ Buy the Full transmission here: ------------------------------------------------------------------ Book a private channeling session: Learn how to channel: Join our Facebook community to post your questions for upcoming transmissions: Join my newsletter:
The Feminine principle: what you seek is seeking you - Channeling Green Tara
The Feminine principle: what you seek is seeking you - Channeling Green Tara
๐—ง๐—ถ๐—ฟ๐—ฒ๐—ฑ ๐—ผ๐—ณ ๐—ฐ๐—ต๐—ฎ๐˜€๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ด ๐˜†๐—ผ๐˜‚๐—ฟ ๐—ฑ๐—ฟ๐—ฒ๐—ฎ๐—บ๐˜€? This video reveals the feminine principle, a powerful secret to attracting what you truly desire. I channeled the deity Green Tara for the first time publicly and she shared invaluable tips on embodying the feminine principle to attract whatever you wish. Here's what you'll learn: - How to shift your energy from chasing to attracting (think money, love, success!) - Why anyone can embody the feminine principle (it's not about gender!) - Practical steps to vibrate at the frequency of your desires - Law of Attraction - finally, a method to hold the right vibration for manifestation ----------------------------------------------------------- Book a private channeling session here: Access my premium channeled videos here: Learn how to channel like me: Subscribe to my newsletter to receive a gift - the self-healing ebook (that cures 99% of illnesses): Join my Facebook community: Like my Facebook page:
Become like God: Channeling Lucifer for Self-Love & Abundance
Become like God: Channeling Lucifer for Self-Love & Abundance
Finally, I dared to channel Lucifer publicly lol! I had been postponing this for 3 months now since he first asked me to channel him publicly. Lucifer is the master of transmuting darkness into light, and he offers his medicine to the world now! This is my first public channeling of Lucifer, where he offers a unique perspective on self-discovery and manifestation. Many hold misconceptions about Lucifer, but this message highlights a path toward self-love and abundance through shadow work. If you want to hear Lucifer's true story from Archangel Michael, check out this transmission: And here's how to do shadow work: ------------------------------------------------------------- ๐—ž๐—ฒ๐˜† ๐—ง๐—ฎ๐—ธ๐—ฒ๐—ฎ๐˜„๐—ฎ๐˜†๐˜€: - Total self-love and self-acceptance allow us to become like 'Source', thus increasing our manifestations rapidly. - The world around us reflects our inner state. Use it as a mirror for self-discovery. - Embrace all parts of yourself, including the "shadows," for true self-acceptance. - Self-love is the key to powerful manifestation and fulfilling relationships. - Feeling triggered? It's a sign! Utilize these triggers to identify areas for growth. By embracing your true self, you unlock limitless potential. Is this message for you? Trust your intuition! Explore further if it resonates and embark on a transformative journey of self-love and manifestation. ---------------------------------------------------------------- For private 1:1 channeling sessions, book here: Subscribe to my newsletter to receive a free 'self-healing your illness' ebook:
Sacred Sexuality - Channeling Mary Magdalene
Sacred Sexuality - Channeling Mary Magdalene
Full transmission is available for purchase here: Mary drops a bomb, again! She talks about sacred sexuality because it is an important force in kickstarting your kundalini. People who have their Kundalini activated are extremely charismatic, very abundant, and successful and they become leaders. If you have negative attitudes, beliefs, or thoughts about sex, then your kundalini activation will become difficult or incomplete. Tantra is a well-known, ancient, Indian spiritual practice that explores this aspect of sexuality. Understanding the true power of our sexuality allows us to harness it in our physical and spiritual well-being. This audio is the prelude to part 2 of the video (available in the full transmission) where she shares 4 powerful techniques to - - Cleanse your sexual energy, - Transmute sexual energy in 2 different ways to increase the body's cellular repair and regeneration, - New shadow work techniques to eliminate shame, traumas, and negative thoughts about sex/sexuality for personal & spiritual growth. - Heal sexual traumas using self-love & acceptance. Full transmission is available for purchase here: In this podcast, she talks about - 1:59: Kundalini and sexuality 4:49: Why sex was tabooed & shamed in society 8:23: Why people don't experience abundance 13:59: LGBTQ community's role in lifting sexual traumas of society 18:15: Tantra and sexual practices in spirituality 21:26: Benefits of awakening the kundalini 24:26: Why is sexuality sacred? 25:30: Benefits of Healthy Sexual Energy 28:09: How men can use undischarged sexual energy for productivity 29:44: Sexual energy creating Stem cells and how they help regenerate cells & prevent brain illnesses like dementia Full transmission is available for purchase here: