Vince Miller Podcast

Vince Miller

Get ready to be inspired and transformed with Vince Miller, a renowned author, and speaker who has dedicated his life to helping men become the best version of themselves. With over 31 books under his belt, Vince has become a leading voice in the field of manhood, masculinity, fatherhood, mentorship, and leadership. He has been featured on major video and radio platforms such as RightNow Media, Faithlife TV, FaithRadio, and YouVersion, reaching men all over the world. Vince's Men's Daily Devo has touched the lives of thousands of men, providing them with a daily dose of inspiration and guidance. With over 28 years of experience in ministry, Vince is the founder of Resolute, a platform that aims to build better men through its bible studies. If you're looking for a way to improve your life and become a better man, then look no further than Vince Miller and his inspiring work at read less
Religion & SpiritualityReligion & Spirituality


Battling Misinformation | Galatians 5:11
Battling Misinformation | Galatians 5:11
Has your reputation ever been under attack? Today, our call-out goes to Jody Jones from Newcomerstown, OH. Thanks for your support, Jody! Today, our text is Galatians 5:11. But if I, brothers, still preach circumcision, why am I still being persecuted? In that case the offense of the cross has been removed. — Galatians 5:11 What is apparent in this statement is that someone claimed Paul was a proponent of circumcision. We know Paul isn't, and Paul knows he isn't. Yet, someone misappropriated a small reference from him and then borrowed his credibility to manipulate others. Eventually, this happens to everyone. Someone with some influence uses it to intentionally or unintentionally spread disinformation about us. It's a troubling experience, especially if you care about your image and reputation. But Paul's concern is not his own reputation. His concern is Jesus's reputation and representing the Gospel truth. Therefore, Paul is determined to defend it. He confronts the false teachers and defends the Gospel because God's grace is at stake. The salvation of the people he knows and loves hangs in the balance, so the veracity of his defense is for them and not for himself. So the next time people spread disinformation about you, seek the truth over seeking vindication. Instead of engaging in pointless battles to defend yourself, your image, and your reputation, stay focused on sharing God's grace and defending the message of truth with others because God's truth is the only thing worth defending. #DefendTheFaith #GraceOverGossip #TruthPrevails #FaithfulWitness #IntegrityMatters ASK THIS: How can you discern between defending your reputation and defending the Gospel when faced with accusations or misinformation?In what ways can you prioritize sharing God's grace and truth over seeking personal vindication when confronted with false allegations or rumors? DO THIS: Defend the Gospel truth, not yourself. PRAY THIS: Lord, grant me the strength to uphold your truth with integrity, even in the face of false accusations. Help me to prioritize your Gospel above my own reputation, seeking your grace and wisdom in every circumstance. Amen. PLAY THIS: My Defender.
3 Good Responses To Bad Theology | Galatians 5:10
3 Good Responses To Bad Theology | Galatians 5:10
Are there people peddling bad theology in your church? Today, we'd like to express our heartfelt gratitude to Michael Forte from Astoria, OR. Michael, your support through purchasing materials from our website is invaluable to us. We honestly couldn't do this without you! Let's dive into our scripture for today, a thought-provoking verse from Galatians 5:10. I have confidence in the Lord that you will take no other view, and the one who is troubling you will bear the penalty, whoever he is. — Galatians 5:10 One Bad Apple Continuing with yesterday's lesson, Paul points out that the bacteria of legalism stems from one bad person. He assumes that this guy, whoever he is, is the peddler of all the bad theology that has infiltrated the churches in the area. If you are a new believer, you need to know that sometimes people peddle bad theology. Some people and pastors peddle bad doctrine that is harmful to the Gospel. Usually, it stems from one charismatic person peddling a charismatic idea and spreading it to numerous churches. In my lifetime, I have seen this spread, just like it did here, through the churches in Galatia. So, how do we respond to bad theology? Here's a clear, three-step process: Three Good Responses First and foremost, you need to know that not all theology is good theology. Bad theology exists, and it's harmful. As we discussed yesterday, it's like a bacteria that will infect and alter the composition of the truth. Second, make sure you are listening and learning from people who teach from the Bible. The people and pastors that you listen to need to be people who open the Bible. They should be people who read the Bible, reference it, and live according to it. They will have a rich understanding of biblical truth and teachings because they don't skip over texts and subject their life to the text. In the case of the Galatians, Paul was that man. Paul's intention with this letter was to guide them back to the purity of the Gospel. Fortunately for the churches there, he had enough sense to engage with the issue and point people back to the Bible and the pure Gospel. In the same way, we need to listen to proven teachers like Paul, not simply the ones with the latest and greatest charisma. So, seek out great biblical teachers. Lastly, the most effective way to detect bad theology is to raise obvious questions when something seems off and wait until you get a logical, biblical answer. When I hear something from a teacher that raises a red flag, questions usually start firing off in my mind, like: What was that again? How does that work? You want me to do what? For example, suppose you are listening to a teacher who declares that all the men ready to go to the next step in their faith need to line up at the altar for a circumcision ceremony, and Pastor Richard is going to lend a hand. In that case, some questions should be firing off in your mind. Questions like: Pastor Richard is going to do what? Even this suggestion might seem absurd to you, but that's precisely what happened in Galatia, and men were lining up to do it. They lined up to do it because false teachers had manipulated the Old Testament Law to prove a point that wasn't valid, and it appears people lined up without questioning it. Their explanations failed to account for the fact that everything in the Old Testament Law pointed to one man, one birth, one death, and one resurrection accomplished in Jesus—not by the rite of circumcision. Therefore, if you detect bad theology and it doesn't prove itself in Jesus' accomplished work on the Cross, then it's time to ask Pastor Richard that question that is stirring in your mind before you unbuckle your pants. #GuardAgainstFalseDoctrine #BewareThePeddlers #PureGospelTruth #SpottingRedFlags #DefendTheFaith ASK THIS: How can you actively discern between sound biblical teaching and potentially harmful theology in your own church community?Reflecting on your own spiritual journey, what steps can you take to ensure that you are rooted in the truth of the Gospel and not swayed by charismatic but erroneous teachings? DO THIS: Ask questions when you encounter questionable doctrine. PRAY THIS: Father, grant me wisdom to discern between truth and falsehood, and the courage to stand firm in the purity of your Gospel amidst the noise of deceptive teachings. Guide me to seek out and learn from faithful teachers who faithfully proclaim your Word, so that I may grow deeper in my understanding and application of your truth. Amen. PLAY THIS: Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me.
The Leaven of Legalism | Galatians 5:9
2d ago
The Leaven of Legalism | Galatians 5:9
Are you adding bacteria to the Gospel? Today, we want to extend a special thank you to Chuck Peter from Roseville, MN. Your support of our ministry is invaluable, and we truly appreciate it. We couldn't do this without you! A little leaven leavens the whole lump. — Galatians 5:9 How Leaven Works Here is your science lesson for the day. Leavening causes dough to rise by introducing microorganisms into it. Yeast is the most common form of bacteria. When this is added to a dough, it begins to feed on the sugars. As the yeast feeds on them, it produces carbon dioxide gas. The carbon dioxide gas forms bubbles within the dough, causing it to expand and rise. One of the byproducts of this reaction is alcohol fermentation, which gives bread its taste. How Legalism Works Paul is making a parallel. Like leaven in a dough, legalism works the same way. Legalism is like bacteria. It is a small additive that spreads fast from one believer to the next. Therefore, a tiny thought of legalism inserted into the Gospel story affects the whole story. We may think that adding this in is good, but it's not. It changes the composition of the story, thus changing the whole story. Don't Improve The Gospel With Bacteria Here's the point. You don't need to improve God's story. It belongs to him. He is the one who told it. Tell it like it is, and stop adding bacteria to it. When you add anything to it, you puff yourself up and distract others from the one who saves. Besides, you can't save anyone anyway. Only Jesus saves, so let's point them all to him. #GospelIntegrity #LegalismWarning #PureGospel #SpiritualContamination #JesusSaves ASK THIS: How can we actively guard against adding our own "leaven" of legalism or personal agendas to the Gospel message in our conversations and teachings?How can we ensure that our presentation of the Gospel remains faithful and true to its original message without being diluted or contaminated by human ideas or traditions? DO THIS: Don't contaminate the gospel with your bacteria. PRAY THIS: Lord, help me to recognize and resist the temptation to add anything to your perfect Gospel, knowing that your message stands alone in its power to save. Keep my heart focused on pointing others to you, the only true Savior. Amen. PLAY THIS: The Gospel.
Running The Marathon Of Faith | Galatians 5:7-8
3d ago
Running The Marathon Of Faith | Galatians 5:7-8
Are you ready to run a long spiritual marathon? Today, we extend a warm welcome to Patrick Hurley from Liberty Hill, TX, who has recently joined our community by signing up for Video Access on our website. Patrick, we're thrilled to have you on board! You were running well. Who hindered you from obeying the truth? This persuasion is not from him who calls you. — Galatians 5:7-8 A few times in Paul's letters, he uses a running metaphor to describe the spiritual race. This is one of those instances. So, let's lace up our spiritual running shoes and explore three key parallels Paul makes here. There is a Form for the Run Form is crucial when running in any race. Just as a marathon runner needs to maintain proper form to endure the demanding miles ahead, we, too, must cultivate a form that will sustain us. There will be seasons when our spiritual form feels effortless, and we must commit this form to memory. Because there will be more challenging stretches of the race, we will get sloppy, and then we will need to return to the memory and habits of that form. There are Obstacles on the Run No marathon is without obstacles. Runners encounter hills to climb, rugged terrain, and unexpected hurdles. In the same way, our spiritual journey is thick with obstacles that threaten our progress. Whether it's temptation, doubt, or the pressures of the world, there will be moments when we stumble and lose our stride. Yet, as Paul reminds us, these obstacles are not insurmountable, and we can quickly get back to form. There are Voices as We Run As we race towards the finish line, we are bombarded with voices vying for our attention. Just as an athlete hears the cheers and heckles of the crowd, we, too, encounter voices along our spiritual journey. There are two persuasive voices: the voice that is from God and the voice that is not. Both are persuading you at the same time. One is giving you good advice, and one is giving you bad advice. One is from the Holy Spirit and speaks truth, offering wisdom, guidance, and encouragement that leads you back to the proper form. Conversely, the enemy seeks to deceive and derail us with lies and distractions that lead to bad form. As you reflect on the text today, here's the call to action: check your form, watch the obstacles, listen to the Spirit's voice, and fix your eyes on the prize. Let us charge ahead with unwavering resolve, ready to run the long race of faith with our eyes fixed on the ultimate prize—eternity with Jesus Christ. #SpiritualMarathon #RunTheRace #FaithEndurance #KeepTheFaith #EternalPrize ASK THIS: How can you actively cultivate and maintain your spiritual form to endure the challenges of the long spiritual marathon?Reflecting on your recent spiritual journey, what obstacles have you encountered, and how have you overcome them to stay on course in your race of faith? DO THIS: Run and keep your form. PRAY THIS: Father, guide me as I lace up my spiritual shoes and embark on this marathon of faith. Grant me strength to overcome obstacles, discern your voice, and run with endurance towards the eternal prize awaiting me. Amen. PLAY THIS: Run To The Father.
Faith in Free Fall | Galatians 5:5-6
4d ago
Faith in Free Fall | Galatians 5:5-6
Does your spiritual life, as of late, feel like it is in an endless free fall? Today's callout goes to Rolf Jostad from Birchwood, WI, who recently signed up for Video Access on our website. For through the Spirit, by faith, we ourselves eagerly wait for the hope of righteousness. For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision counts for anything, but only faith working through love. — Galatians 5:5-6 The Free Fall of Faith Our spiritual journeys can sometimes feel like free falls. This is how faith works. But faith is not like free-falling out of a plane without a working parachute attached to our back or jumping off a cliff without a bungee cord securely attached to our ankles. The spiritual journey comes with an assurance attached—the Holy Spirit. The Free Fall Instinct Yet here is the problem with the free fall of faith. When we take a leap of faith for the first time, we may not completely trust the security of the Holy Spirit. If we don't, we will instinctively reach for something. This something, whatever it is, is usually something tangible. It is something we have reached for in the past. We reach for it to create a sense of security in the fall. But all this does is tangle our parachute, propelling us faster toward the ground; thus, we end up rejecting our security and salvation through the Holy Spirit. In the free fall of faith, we need to do what Paul recommends in the text. We need to stop reaching for other things. Rites and rituals are not the right things to reach for in a fall of faith. The right thing to reach for is our security in the Holy Spirit. We must trust that the Holy Spirit is going to catch us. That the Spirit cares about us. That he is interceding for us. He will ensure the parachute will deploy at precisely the right time because he loves us. And this is what Paul means by, "faith working through love." #FaithJourney #HolySpiritGuidance #TrustInGod #SpiritualFreeFall #EmbraceTheUnknown ASK THIS: Reflecting on your own spiritual journey, what tangible "securities" have you instinctively reached for during challenging times? How can you shift your reliance towards trusting in the Holy Spirit's guidance instead?In what areas of your life do you struggle the most to let go of control and trust in God's timing and provision? How can you actively cultivate a deeper sense of faith and surrender in those areas? DO THIS: Trust in the love of the Holy Spirit. PRAY THIS: Father, help me release my grip on earthly assurances and trust wholeheartedly in Your guiding Spirit, knowing that Your love will catch me in every free fall of faith. May my journey be a testament to Your faithfulness and grace. Amen. PLAY THIS: Give Me Faith.
The Salesman in Your Mind | Galatians 5:4
5d ago
The Salesman in Your Mind | Galatians 5:4
Are you convincing yourself to do the wrong thing? Today's callout goes to Takoda Ruble from Pace, FL, who recently signed up for Video Access on our website. You are severed from Christ, you who would be justified by the law; you have fallen away from grace. — Galatians 5:4 Your Mind Is Powerful Our minds are powerful tools. They perpetually and privately persuade us. In fact, today, the salesperson living in your mind has already convinced you to say and do things you probably should not do. If people heard even half the thoughts you have in your mind, they would think you are crazy—and maybe a little abusive, insecure, or maybe demented. But here's the deal: Our minds are always stirring. They process information so quickly that sometimes we grab onto thoughts and ideas that are dead wrong. Then, we privately persuade ourselves these thoughts and ideas are true. Without anyone knowing it and with great speed, our minds have convinced us of things that are untrue about ourselves and about God. Our Thoughts Don't Justify As Paul says, this is exactly how we fall away from grace: We justify thoughts that do not justify. This is exactly why you and I need to read and ruminate on Scripture daily. Scripture renews and resets our minds because they need to be renewed moment by moment. Scripture tells the salesmen in our heads to "Shut up" and "Stop selling me that." Besides, in the end, your self-justifying thoughts don't justify anything. The only one who justifies is God alone. #MindOverMatter #GraceOverJustification #RenewingTheMind #SilencingTheSalesman #GodsTruth ASK THIS: How can you identify and challenge the self-justifying thoughts that lead you away from grace?What practical steps can you take to renew your mind daily with the truth of Scripture and resist the persuasive narratives of self-justification? DO THIS: Stop listening to the voices in your head and listen to God through Scripture. PRAY THIS: Lord, help me recognize the deceptive thoughts that lead me away from Your grace, and grant me the strength to silence them with the truth of Your Word. Renew my mind daily, guiding me to align my thoughts with Your will and resist the temptation of self-justification. Amen. PLAY THIS: Purify My Heart (Refiner's Fire).
Peer Pressure in the Church | Galatians 5:2-3
6d ago
Peer Pressure in the Church | Galatians 5:2-3
Look: I, Paul, say to you that if you accept circumcision, Christ will be of no advantage to you. I testify again to every man who accepts circumcision that he is obligated to keep the whole law. — Galatians 5:2-3 CALL OUT: Today's callout goes to Keron Taylor from Sterling, VA, who recently signed up for video access on our website. Are you feeling the pressure in our culture to conform to practices when they contradict the Gospel of Grace? We have discovered through Galatians that circumcision was the big issue in these churches. Jewish teachers were putting pressure on non-Jewish new male converts to fit in with the new Christian culture by being circumcised. In the following ten verses, Paul will be very direct about addressing this matter among men. What I find interesting about this issue is that new converts, and even some well-known believers, are falling for it. They are succumbing to the pressure to conform because they are convinced there is no harm, and it might enhance their relationship with God. This is evidence that the peer pressure we faced as young teens will manifest into adulthood. Peer pressure never goes away. You don't outgrow it. You are going to experience it everywhere, including in the church. Sometimes, this peer pressure can be good, helping us avoid sinful actions. On the other hand, sometimes it can be bad, leading us toward feelings, beliefs, and actions that are abominable in our relationship with God. The latter is Paul's concern here. We often succumb to social pressure because we give too much credence to the people who expose certain ideas. For example, let's consider some of the comments made by Whoopi Goldberg just a few days ago on The View. She used one of the Ten Commandments to justify abortion. Obviously, you and I believe her statement is blasphemous. But don't forget some people give Goldberg and the things she says a lot of credence, so much so they will follow her right off the cliff in blasphemy. And that is Paul's concern here. That new converts are going to follow false teachers right off the cliff into blasphemy. But did you know there is a way to test when a false teaching or false teacher is pressuring us? The test is quite simple. Paul presents it in our text, in verse three. It's this: Play the principle out practically. Here is what Paul says: I testify again to every man who accepts circumcision that he is obligated to keep the whole law. All you need to do is play the concept out. If it plays out and doesn't align with the intended outcomes of the Gospel, then it's not the Gospel. And if it isn't the Gospel, then don't listen to it, don't be pressured to do it, and definitely don't share it with others. #FreedomInChrist #RejectingConformity #GospelOverCulture #DiscerningTruth #StandingFirm ASK THIS: How can we discern between beneficial peer pressure that aligns with the Gospel and harmful pressure that leads us away from Christ? Reflecting on your own experiences, what are some practical steps you can take to guard yourself against conforming to cultural practices that contradict the principles of grace found in the Gospel? DO THIS: Test the pressure by playing it out. PRAY THIS: Lord, help me to stand firm in the truth of your Gospel, resisting the pressures of this world that lead me astray. Grant me discernment to recognize and reject falsehoods, and empower me to live boldly according to your Word. Amen. PLAY THIS: Pressure.
Resist The Yoke | Galatians 5:1
1w ago
Resist The Yoke | Galatians 5:1
For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery. — Galatians 5:1 CALL OUT: Today's callout goes to Jay Riggleman from Williamson, NY, and his group, which is using our study 7 Challenges Men Encounter on RightNow Media. Thank you so much. Do you see what Paul is doing here? Paul is persuading the Galatians that it's time to resist. This text is both a charge and a command. Paul wants believers to anchor themselves in a truth that can only be realized if they refuse to return. They must resist. If they don't, they will be drawn in and dragged down, yoked like slaves to their former ways. What an image! You see, the war a believer fights is fought in our hearts and minds for the soul. Each day, believers go to war empowered with the Holy Spirit—the very power of our risen Savior. As we go to war, we must remember we are not fighting for freedom. Freedom has been won by Jesus. We are also not fighting against people. We are fighting against the temptation within us to submit to any of our former ways. Our former ways are so devious and insidious that the temptation to return is strong. But we must resist. If we don't, it's like walking up to the yoke and willingly putting our neck back in it. That would be preposterous! Today resist. Resist the old temptations. Resist the old thoughts. Resist the old language. Resist the return. Plant your feet and spiritual identity firm in the freedom already won for you. That is good news! #FreedomInChrist #StandFirm #ResistTemptation #AnchoredInTruth #VictoryInJesus ASK THIS: How can you actively resist the temptation to return to your former ways and instead embrace the freedom that Christ has won for you?What practical steps can you take today to anchor yourself firmly in the truth of Christ and avoid being yoked again to the slavery of sin? DO THIS: Resist all your old yokes. PRAY THIS: Father, grant me the strength to resist the allure of past temptations and to stand firm in the freedom that Christ has secured for me. Help me to anchor myself in Your truth and walk boldly in the victory You have provided. Amen. PLAY THIS: Who You Say I Am.
Freedom from Legalistic Voices | Galatians 4:30-31
Freedom from Legalistic Voices | Galatians 4:30-31
But what does the Scripture say? “Cast out the slave woman and her son, for the son of the slave woman shall not inherit with the son of the free woman.” So, brothers, we are not children of the slave but of the free woman. — Galatians 4:30-31 CALL OUT:  Today's call-out goes to Jay Turner from Seabrook, SC, and his group, who is using our study Attributes for Men on RightNow Media. Thank you so much. Are you hearing voices that are competing with the truth? Paul's words in this text pierce through the legalistic voices we all hear. He urged us to cast off the shackles of slavery that entangle our souls. Just as Sarah demanded the expulsion of Hagar and Ishmael, so too are we called to purge our lives of legalism and legalistic voices that come from anywhere or anyone who would speak anything but the truth. As you travel your spiritual journey, you will encounter people and voices that seek to ensnare you. Certain Jewish teachers in Galatia did. They sought to impose circumcision and obedience to the law as requirements for salvation, which was a denial of the sufficiency of Christ's sacrifice on the Cross. Some believers silently accepted this, assuming it was the truth. But Paul's voice rose louder. He spoke back to these people and their voices, proclaiming that legalism has no place in the life of a believer. Today, instead of passively accepting everything you hear, it may be time to test these people and their voices. When they do not align with Scriptural truth, speak back to them. Preach the truth to them and know that sometimes just saying it is enough to reject the voices and people who entangle us all. God, give the believer listening today the strength to reject and speak back to any untruth that is stirring in their mind or resting on their soul. Liberate them from legalism. In Jesus's name, amen. #FreedomInChrist #RejectLegalism #VoiceOfTruth #CastOutShackles #EmbraceGospelFreedom ASK THIS: How can you discern between voices that align with Scriptural truth and those that promote legalism or falsehood?In what areas of your life do you feel the pull of legalistic pressures or voices? How can you actively cast out these influences and embrace the freedom found in Christ? DO THIS: Speak back to the voice of untruth. PRAY THIS: Lord, grant me discernment to recognize and reject the voices of legalism that seek to entangle my soul. Empower me to boldly embrace the freedom found in Your truth. Help me to speak out against falsehood and stand firm in the liberty secured for me by Christ's sacrifice on the cross. Amen. PLAY THIS: Truth I'm Standing On.
Spiritual Joy | Galatians 4:27-29
Spiritual Joy | Galatians 4:27-29
For it is written, “Rejoice, O barren one who does not bear; break forth and cry aloud, you who are not in labor! For the children of the desolate one will be more than those of the one who has a husband.” Now you, brothers, like Isaac, are children of promise. But just as at that time he who was born according to the flesh persecuted him who was born according to the Spirit, so also it is now. — Galatians 4:27-29 CALL OUT:  Our call-out today goes to Thomas Hine and his men's group that has been using our book 30 Men Who Lived With Conviction. Thank you so much. This text can be confusing because it combines several different genres and literary devices. Paul uses a historical account with an allegorical interpretation, followed by a prophetic text (Isaiah 51:1), in a letter to the Galatians. This makes it very hard to interpret this text with precision because it is hard to understand Paul's intent. The simplest interpretation is: Rejoice! You are people of the promise. The life you enjoy is a miracle. Cast out all other means and methods, but faith alone. Thus, we witness a profound reversal—believers move from barrenness to fruitfulness, from despair to joy, from desolation to blessing—which is only accomplished by Divine intervention. This text reminded me today that we need to regularly celebrate God's work in our lives. It's appropriate to sing praises to his name and thank him for his faithfulness. We are all prone to move too quickly past moments of great spiritual joy—the salvation of a friend, the birth of a child, the answer to a prayer, or a physical, emotional, or spiritual healing. We move too quickly past these divine events to get on with the next thing. But when we take the time to celebrate, it communicates to God that we know what he did, and it sears this emotional event to our soul, which benefits us down the road. Sometimes, it becomes the emotional, mental, and spiritual anchor that reminds us of God's faithfulness when we need him the most. So the next time God does something for you, to you, or with you, take the time to rejoice like a child of the promise. #RejoiceInGodsPromises, #DivineIntervention, #CelebrateGodsWork, #Faithfulness, #ChildOfThePromise ASK THIS: How can we actively cultivate a mindset of celebration and gratitude for God's work in our lives, even in the midst of challenges?In what ways can we ensure that we don't overlook or rush past moments of spiritual joy, but instead anchor them in our hearts and minds for future encouragement and faith? DO THIS: Rejoice in your relationship and celebrate God. PRAY THIS: Father, thank You for Your unfailing faithfulness and the miraculous work You do in my life. Help me to rejoice continually in Your promises and to anchor every moment of spiritual joy in my heart, trusting in Your enduring love and provision. Amen. PLAY THIS: Celebrate.
Faithful To Testify About The Trial | Daniel 3:24-30
Faithful To Testify About The Trial | Daniel 3:24-30
GET THE BOOK: Daniel: A Strong Man Is Faithful here Do you testify to others about your fiery trial of faith? Then King Nebuchadnezzar was astonished and rose up in haste. He declared to his counselors, “Did we not cast three men bound into the fire?” They answered and said to the king, “True, O king.” He answered and said, “But I see four men unbound, walking in the midst of the fire, and they are not hurt; and the appearance of the fourth is like a son of the gods.” Then Nebuchadnezzar came near to the door of the burning fiery furnace; he declared, “Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, servants of the Most High God, come out, and come here!” Then Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego came out from the fire. And the satraps, the prefects, the governors, and the king's counselors gathered together and saw that the fire had not had any power over the bodies of those men. The hair of their heads was not singed, their cloaks were not harmed, and no smell of fire had come upon them. Nebuchadnezzar answered and said, “Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who has sent his angel and delivered his servants, who trusted in him, and set aside the king's command, and yielded up their bodies rather than serve and worship any god except their own God. Therefore I make a decree: Any people, nation, or language that speaks anything against the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego shall be torn limb from limb, and their houses laid in ruins, for there is no other god who is able to rescue in this way.” Then the king promoted Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the province of Babylon. — Daniel 3:24-30 We live in times ruled by the spirit of Babylon. Satan roams the earth, and men like Nebuchadnezzar still exist. They will till the end of this time. This means we're going to have trouble in this life. We might even have long seasons of fiery trials. We will experience trials on a macro-level in the world, in our countries, with governments, politicians, and leaders. We'll also experience trials on a micro-level in our marriage, family, workplaces, and personal lives. Somedays, the furnace of these trials is going to rage on both levels.  Occasionally, the heat is going to get turned way up. But know this — a man of faith always has God standing by their side. God will stand by you through the fire, even when a vengeful spirit walks you to the edge of the furnace and pushes you in. God will not let you be burned. Not a hair on your body. Not a singe of your skin. Not even a smell of flame. But you'll have to have faith that the Spirit of God is greater than the spirit of this world. In fact, I bet you have a story like this—a tale of a test where God intervened for you. This story is a testimony of God’s greatness and faithfulness through you. It’s worth recalling and retelling because it tells the tale of a faithful God who is ready to save.  So do that today. Testify about God by telling the tale of your trial and his salvation. Give some hope to others who are walking through the same test or trial that you did. Because the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego is not the only great story of God’s salvation. It’s one of many God has done through men just like you. God, use our stories to testify about the great works you do. As we share them, may they testify to your faithfulness and greatness and help others know there is hope in their tests and trials. May our stories of you be salvation to others. In Jesus’s name, amen. If you liked this devotional series, check out the 30-day Devotional Book that partners with this study—Daniel: A Strong Man Is Faithful, which you can find on Amazon at the link below.
Freedom’s Allegory | Galatians 4-24-26
Freedom’s Allegory | Galatians 4-24-26
Now this may be interpreted allegorically: these women are two covenants. One is from Mount Sinai, bearing children for slavery; she is Hagar. Now Hagar is Mount Sinai in Arabia; she corresponds to the present Jerusalem, for she is in slavery with her children. But the Jerusalem above is free, and she is our mother. — Galatians 4:24-26 CALL OUT: Our call-out goes to Kenneth Webber from Irmo, SC. Thank you so much for your support, brother. You are in our prayers today! In this allegory, Paul contrasts two mothers: Hagar, a slave, and Sarah, a free woman. Through their respective sons, we witness the birth of two distinct covenants. Hagar symbolizes covenant slavery through Ismael, representing the former religious system. Sarah embodies the covenant of freedom, corresponding to the present family of faith born from above. Essentially, one is the mother of bondage, the other the mother of freedom. Paul's contrast is not just a literary device but a tool he is using to explain the freedom we have in faith. Using this allegory, Paul proclaims a truth that would be offensive to a devout Jew. He is saying that Jerusalem, the Temple, and all its priests and practices are a sign of religious bondage. The time of adherence to these legal regulations is done. Circumcision, festivals, and former religious systems and practices hold no meaning anymore. In fact, those who still do them are like Ishmael, sons of a slave woman birthed into slavery. However, Paul's illustration can easily be understood as outdated and irrelevant to us today. But it's not, and here's why. Anytime we embrace even a subtle belief that our good works will earn us status, standing, or salvation with God, we link ourselves to the lineage of Hagar and slavery. And it's easy to be conned into doing this. We might think, "If I just prayed more, read my Bible more, and attended church more, then maybe God will reward me and be pleased with me." Now, there is nothing wrong with these activities—we should do each of them—but believing that doing them will save you is an enslaving lie. It has led many believers right back into the arms of Hagar, the mother of bondage. These works-based religious beliefs result in a mentality of trying to earn God's favor through our efforts. Think about it. When we believe that our performance dictates our standing with God, we're essentially saying that Jesus's sacrifice on the Cross wasn't enough. We're saying that we need to add our good deeds to the equation to experience salvation. But that's not the message of the Gospel. Paul has been telling us throughout Galatians that we are saved by grace through faith, not by our works. It's not about what we do; it's about what Jesus has already done for us. He paid the price for our sins on the Cross, once and for all. When we put our trust in him, we are set free from the bondage of trying to earn our salvation, and we do good deeds as a result. So, while this allegory might feel outdated and antiquated, it's not. Don't fall into the trap of works-based systems of belief. Remember that you are a descendant of the free woman born into freedom by the Son who came from her seed—Jesus Christ. Embrace the truth that you have been saved by grace, not by your own efforts. And let's live our lives in response to grace and freedom. #FreedomInFaith #GraceOverWorks #AllegoricalWisdom #GalatiansInsights #LiberatedByGrace ASK THIS: Reflecting on your beliefs and practices, do you find yourself leaning more towards a works-based mentality or embracing God's grace? How can you shift your focus to relying on His grace rather than your own efforts?In what ways can you practically live out the truth of being saved by grace through faith in your daily life? How can you share this message of freedom with others who may be trapped in a works-based mindset? DO THIS: Rid yourself of works-based religious lies. PRAY THIS: Father, help me fully grasp the depth of Your grace and live in the freedom You have provided through Christ. Guide me to share this liberating truth with others so that they, too, may experience the joy of salvation by faith alone. Amen. PLAY THIS: Freedom.
The Tale of Two Sons | Galatians 4:22-23
The Tale of Two Sons | Galatians 4:22-23
For it is written that Abraham had two sons, one by a slave woman and one by a free woman. But the son of the slave was born according to the flesh, while the son of the free woman was born through promise. — Galatians 4:22-23 CALL OUT: Our call-out goes to Richard Diguer from Ingleside, Canada. Thank you so much for your support, brother. You are in our prayers today! In this section, Paul will reference a story of immense significance for every Jew. It's not just any story but the narrative of a promise to Abraham that illuminates the very origins of faith in God. But you'll notice that Paul has been pointing back a lot. This is intentional. He is trying to show Gentile and Jewish believers that the basis of faith in God was established long before the law ever existed. Its origins began with a promise God made to Abraham. God promised to provide a son through his line of Abraham, establishing him as the father of many nations. Yet there was a problem. Abraham and Sarah were old, and Sarah was unable to have children. In disbelief, Sarah encouraged Abraham to take matters into his own hands. She persuaded him to sleep with his slave woman Hagar, and she quickly bore them a child — Ishmael. But soon after, Sarah became pregnant and bore them a legitimate son — Isaac. Despite the improbability of their age, God made good on his promise to give them a child. But he was only the first son in a long lineage that led to God's provision of the Messianic son — Jesus. By faith, Abraham believed, and even though he did not see the Savior, he knew God would provide a Savior. Therefore, Abraham put his faith in God, which was counted as righteousness. This is what Paul establishes yet again. Before any provision or works of the law, faith saved the patriarch of the faith in the same way all men are saved. By faith alone in Jesus Christ, who saved the world from sin. Paul keeps doing the same thing repeatedly, pounding home the same point from every possible angle. But some people need the truth presented this way. They need to see it from every possible angle. You know what that means. You can't give up on the people you love. If they have a corrupt understanding of the faith, find another angle and try another approach. Present the case until it makes sense. It was my grandfather who eventually convinced me. One day, we were taking a ride in his old 1958 Chevy Apache truck, and as we pulled over to stop, he paused and turned to me and said: "I know your mother and father say God is not real because Christians are hypocrites, and the church is full of broken people. And I want you to know they are right. Christians are hypocrites, and the church is full of broken people. In fact, I am a hypocrite and a broken person. But I don't put my faith in a hypocrite or in broken people. I put my faith in a man, his name was Jesus. He was not a hypocrite, and his life was broken for me and for you." That conversation turned my world upside down. It helped me see the one thing I was unable to see: Faith in a person, Jesus, is what saves, nothing else. And because my grandfather did not give up on me, I became a man of faith. So don't quit on the people you love. Keep telling them the story. Find another angle. Present the Gospel yet again. And remember, God never quit on us. #FaithVsFlesh #PromiseKeeper #LegacyofFaith #GospelPerspective #NeverGiveUp ASK THIS: How does the story of Abraham, Sarah, and their sons Ishmael and Isaac challenge your understanding of faith and obedience to God's promises in your own life?Reflect on a time when you faced a situation where you were tempted to take matters into your own hands instead of trusting in God's promises. How can you apply the lesson from Abraham's story to approach similar situations with faith and patience in the future? DO THIS: Don't quit on people you love. God didn't PRAY THIS: Father, help me to trust in Your promises and have faith in Your perfect timing, even when circumstances seem impossible. Guide me to persistently share Your Gospel with love, never giving up on those I care about. PLAY THIS: Don't Quit.
Law, Liberty, and the Leading of the Spirit  | Galatians 4:21
Law, Liberty, and the Leading of the Spirit | Galatians 4:21
Tell me, you who desire to be under the law, do you not listen to the law? — Galatians 4:21 CALL OUT: Our newest men's ministry book, Sculpting Men, is now available in paper. Pick this up now if you are leading men. It contains over 50+ articles on the Foundations for Men's Ministry, Mentoring Men, & Practical Steps to Get Started. Why The Law? Laws are crucial. They safeguard and guide individuals and communities. Without laws, chaos would reign, and conflicts would escalate. They provide a necessary structure for life. However, laws can also be misused to enforce conformity, leading to excessive regulation and the stifling of freedoms. The challenge of governance lies in finding the right balance between too few and too many laws. At some point, it is tempting for those who govern to become intoxicated with power by legislation. When they don't get the behaviors they want, they legislate behavior, which is precisely what happened in Scotland overnight. Formerly a country known for its savage and merciless defense against harsh conditions and hostile enemies now has made hate speech a criminal offense that could land someone in prison for up to seven years. Leveraging The Law This was the situation in Galatia. New converts were being persuaded by Jewish Christians that their faith in Jesus was insufficient. They were told they needed to follow additional rites and rituals from the Mosaic Law to be in good standing with God. This was a legal overstep, a power move by religious leaders. You see, laws are good guides until they encounter two critical challenges: they are ignored by adherents or leveraged by authorities. The ultimate reason for the religious law was to point out the sinful nature of our selfish desires. The law, given by God, was supposed to stir us to examine our motivations and actions. It should redirect us toward good and godly guidance from God's Word and be led by the Spirit. Believers who do this have no need for the law. This is not an endorsement of lawlessness but the joy of freedom. Freedom in faith to be led by the power of God's Spirit. Those who the Spirit leads do not need the law because their sin was justified not by the law but by faith. In addition, they are indwelled by a daily guide—the Holy Spirit. This is the joy of being a believer. We are not regulated by the former law and oppressed by it. Instead, we live under the law of grace, as evidenced by how we are sealed and led by the Holy Spirit. Live Free From The Law Given this, how is the Spirit directing your steps today? Are you aware of his presence? Are you listening to him? Are you letting him have total control of your motivations and desires? Here's my prayer for you today as you reflect on these questions: Spirit of the Living God, direct my steps today. Convict me of any selfishness and sin. Direct me to your holiness. Make your desires my desires. Amen. #LawAndGrace #FreedomInFaith #SpiritLedLife #GalatiansInsights #GraceOverLegalism ASK THIS: How does your understanding of the law impact your daily decisions and interactions with others?In what ways can you actively seek to live in the freedom and grace offered through Jesus Christ rather than being bound by legalistic tendencies or expectations? DO THIS: Invite the Spirit to lead you to freedom. PRAY THIS: Spirit of the Living God, direct my steps today. Convict me of any selfishness and sin. Direct me to your holiness. Make your desires my desires. Amen. PLAY THIS: Spirit of the Living God.
Birth Pangs to Breakthroughs  | Galatians 4:19-20
Birth Pangs to Breakthroughs | Galatians 4:19-20
My little children, for whom I am again in the anguish of childbirth until Christ is formed in you! I wish I could be present with you now and change my tone, for I am perplexed about you. — Galatians 4:19-20 CALL OUT: Our newest men's ministry book, Sculpting Men, is now available in paper. Pick this up now if you are leading men. It contains over 50+ articles on the Foundations for Men's Ministry, Mentoring Men, & Practical Steps to Get Started. The Invested Parent With these words, we encounter raw emotion. Paul perceives himself as a parent to the Galatians. He has parent-like aspirations for their spiritual growth and maturity. He likens this desire for them to the pains of birth, which speaks volumes about the labor and struggle involved in nurturing spiritual growth. This communicates something vital about discipleship and mentorship. It's not a passive endeavor. It requires a deep personal investment that is sometimes agonizing. For some of you who have been too disengaged in discipling those around you, this is a poignant reminder of the gravity of your role. Discipleship is more than imparting knowledge. It's about walking alongside others, sharing in their joys and sorrows, and helping them grow in intimacy with Christ. It's about investing time, energy, and passion into the lives of those we love. It involves both affirmation and admonition, speaking truth in love even when it's uncomfortable or confrontational. It requires discernment and sensitivity to a disciple's needs, knowing when to encourage, when to challenge, and when to comfort. Responsible To Not For But, like Paul, there will come a moment when the process pushes you over the edge. You will eventually scratch your head and contemplate questions like: "Have I wasted my time?" "Am I that bad of a teacher?" "Are they that stupid?" You will have these thoughts and questions. But right at this moment, you need to remember a simple principle: "You are responsible to them, but you are not responsible for them." All you can do is invest as much as possible, show them the truth, and let them decide for themselves. These are the pangs of spiritual birth that often our "children" do not know. #SpiritualParenting #DiscipleshipJourney #MentoringMen #AgonizingLove #InvestingInOthers ASK THIS: How can you deepen your commitment to nurturing spiritual growth in others, embracing the joys and pains of discipleship?Reflect on a time when you felt the tension between responsibility for others' spiritual growth and the realization that, ultimately, their choices are their own. How did you navigate this tension, and what did you learn from the experience? DO THIS: Disciple and invest. PRAY THIS: Lord, grant me the strength and perseverance to invest deeply in the spiritual growth of others, even when it involves agonizing labor and uncertainty. Help me to trust in Your timing and sovereignty as I walk alongside those You have entrusted to my care. Amen. PLAY THIS: Follow Me.
When Truth Makes You the Enemy | Galatians 4:16-18
When Truth Makes You the Enemy | Galatians 4:16-18
Have I then become your enemy by telling you the truth? They make much of you, but for no good purpose. They want to shut you out, that you may make much of them. It is always good to be made much of for a good purpose, and not only when I am present with you, — Galatians 4:16-18 CALL OUT: I want to give a shout-out to Alan Cox from Napa, CA. Thanks for supporting the ministry, brother! If you have a friend who is about to make a mistake, and you know a truth that could help them avoid it, do you typically intervene? Some will and some won't. It all depends on two factors: the depth of the relationship and how much damage it might do. If you have a deep relationship with them, you will probably intervene. If their decision could do a lot of damage, you will also be more inclined to intervene. Ultimately, the decision depends on how much you know and care about this person's future. Telling them the truth is hard when you know it might sting. It's uncomfortable and scary, but it's often the most caring thing to do. By telling the truth, you demonstrate how much you care about their future well-being, even if it means having a difficult conversation. In the end, the decision is theirs. They may heed your advice, or they may not. Some might take offense and perceive you as an enemy because you told them the truth. This is precisely what Paul is concerned about here. But this is where faith comes in. All you can do is speak up, share the truth in love, and let God own the outcome. If you do this, you have done your part. Then get out of the way of God and let God work, even if you feel like, for a season, the relationship is in disrepair. Remember, the truth always wins because God's good purposes always prevail. #TruthInLove #SpeakUpWithCourage #FaithfulFriendship #NavigatingRelationships #GodsGoodPurposes ASK THIS: Reflecting on your own experiences, can you recall a time when someone spoke a difficult truth to you out of love? How did you respond, and what did you learn from the experience?In your current relationships, is there someone you feel compelled to share the truth with, even though it might be uncomfortable? What steps can you take to approach this conversation with love and humility? DO THIS: Share the truth in love. PRAY THIS: Lord, grant me the courage and wisdom to speak the truth in love, even when it's difficult or uncomfortable. Help me trust in Your good purposes and surrender the outcome to Your hands, knowing that Your truth always prevails. Amen. PLAY THIS: The Truth.
Providence in the Problem | Galatians 4:13-16
Providence in the Problem | Galatians 4:13-16
You know it was because of a bodily ailment that I preached the gospel to you at first, and though my condition was a trial to you, you did not scorn or despise me, but received me as an angel of God, as Christ Jesus. What then has become of your blessedness? For I testify to you that, if possible, you would have gouged out your eyes and given them to me. Have I then become your enemy by telling you the truth? — Galatians 4:13-16 CALL OUT: I want to give a shout-out to Dan Clements from Lawrenceville, GA. He bought a few Galatian Scripture Journals the other day. Thank you for leading men. God's providence works in surprising ways. Sometimes, a weakness, sickness, pain, or problem gives way to an opportunity to present the Gospel. When it comes to our relationship with God, I think sometimes we get a little frustrated because we don't see what God is doing at the moment. We encounter times when it feels like our plan gets postponed by an inconvenience, illness, loss, or layoff. But the older I get, the more I realize these apparent problems are usually precursors to God's providence. God uses problems to display the power of his providence. In Scripture, God did this with believers and unbelievers alike: Consider how God used Job's loss or Nebuchadnezzar's insanity. Consider how God used Jonah's resistance or persuaded Pharaoh with the pressure of increasing plaques. Or, for the best example, consider Saul (a.k.a. Paul) and Ananias. God afflicted Saul with blindness, bringing two improbable men together—a hater of God and a humble believer in God—which led to an incredible advancement of the Gospel. To see this in your life, you'll have to focus less on the problem of your pain and more on God's providence in the pain. You must force yourself to see the issues from God's providential purpose. This is not pretending that there is not a problem. There could be a very real problem that needs to be addressed. All you are doing is keeping in mind that God has a more purposeful purpose for your problem than the pain that we may see. A purpose and a path that may produce greater results than you expect. So, if something is not going your way today, look at that situation again. Stop focusing on why it is not going your way, and force yourself to see it God's way. If you cannot see God's present plan, then stay in a place of present trust. Be patient and keep faith because suddenly, God will reveal it. Like God sent Ananias to pray for Saul, suddenly you will see God's plan, and the scales will fall from your eyes, revealing the power and advancement of the Gospel. #GodsProvidence, #DivinePurpose, #TrustInTrials, #FaithOverFear, #SeeingGodsPlan ASK THIS: How can you shift your perspective during times of adversity to focus more on God's providential purpose rather than solely on the pain or inconvenience you're experiencing?Reflecting on past experiences, can you identify a time when what initially seemed like a setback or problem turned out to be an opportunity for God to work in a surprising or unexpected way? How can you apply the lessons learned from that experience to your current challenges? DO THIS: See beyond your problem to His providence. PRAY THIS: Lord, help me to trust in Your providence, especially in times of adversity, knowing that You can turn my weaknesses and trials into opportunities for Your glory and the advancement of Your kingdom. Grant me the faith to see beyond my immediate circumstances and to embrace Your plan with patience and trust. Amen. PLAY THIS: There Will Be A Day.
Poking and Patting | Galatians 4:12
Poking and Patting | Galatians 4:12
Have I then become your enemy by telling you the truth? They make much of you, but for no good purpose. They want to shut you out, that you may make much of them. It is always good to be made much of for a good purpose, and not only when I am present with you, — Galatians 4:16-18 CALL OUT: I want to give a shout-out to Alan Cox from Napa, CA. Thanks for supporting the ministry, brother! If you have a friend who is about to make a mistake, and you know a truth that could help them avoid it, do you typically intervene? Some will and some won't. It all depends on two factors: the depth of the relationship and how much damage it might do. If you have a deep relationship with them, you will probably intervene. If their decision could do a lot of damage, you will also be more inclined to intervene. Ultimately, the decision depends on how much you know and care about this person's future. Telling them the truth is hard when you know it might sting. It's uncomfortable and scary, but it's often the most caring thing to do. By telling the truth, you demonstrate how much you care about their future well-being, even if it means having a difficult conversation. In the end, the decision is theirs. They may heed your advice, or they may not. Some might take offense and perceive you as an enemy because you told them the truth. This is precisely what Paul is concerned about here. But this is where faith comes in. All you can do is speak up, share the truth in love, and let God own the outcome. If you do this, you have done your part. Then get out of the way of God and let God work, even if you feel like, for a season, the relationship is in disrepair. Remember, the truth always wins because God's good purposes always prevail. #TruthInLove #SpeakUpWithCourage #FaithfulFriendship #NavigatingRelationships #GodsGoodPurposes ASK THIS: Reflecting on your own experiences, can you recall a time when someone spoke a difficult truth to you out of love? How did you respond, and what did you learn from the experience? In your current relationships, is there someone you feel compelled to share the truth with, even though it might be uncomfortable? What steps can you take to approach this conversation with love and humility? DO THIS: Share the truth in love. PRAY THIS: Lord, grant me the courage and wisdom to speak the truth in love, even when it's difficult or uncomfortable. Help me trust in Your good purposes and surrender the outcome to Your hands, knowing that Your truth always prevails. Amen. PLAY THIS: The Truth.
Faithful In The Flames Of Persecution | Daniel 3:19-23
Faithful In The Flames Of Persecution | Daniel 3:19-23
GET THE BOOK: Daniel: A Strong Man Is Faithful here Do you sense the persecution is heating up? Then Nebuchadnezzar was filled with fury, and the expression of his face was changed against Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. He ordered the furnace heated seven times more than it was usually heated. And he ordered some of the mighty men of his army to bind Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, and to cast them into the burning fiery furnace. Then these men were bound in their cloaks, their tunics, their hats, and their other garments, and they were thrown into the burning fiery furnace. Because the king's order was urgent and the furnace overheated, the flame of the fire killed those men who took up Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. And these three men, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, fell bound into the burning fiery furnace. — Daniel 3:19-23 I doubt that you and I will experience something like this during our lifetime. I could be wrong, but I think there's almost no chance.  Yet, we'll all encounter immensely hot moments in our lives—moments when we feel powerless and overcome by someone who has the upper hand. This could happen on the job, at home, or in the courtroom. It might happen before a boss, a spouse, or a leader. But let’s realize that most of the time, this happens when we've done something wrong. But that is not the situation here. This fiery test had nothing to do with sin. These men never sin against God. Instead, they stood up for God, which demanded taking a stand against a king who proclaimed to be a god. These men chose to do what was right and righteous and were suffering for it at the hands of a cruel, self-righteous, and angry man. Now that we might experience.  At some point, every one of us suffers for doing what is right and righteous in this life. We will suffer the fury of our Nebuchadnezzar. At present, this could be happening to you. If so, you shouldn't back down, especially if you have done what is right and have been righteous. Instead, this moment could be your moment. It is a time for increased faith in God, who is taking you to the edge of the flame. It's only here at the edge of the flame that the possibilities of natural solutions are entirely removed. These moments require more faith and more resistance to evil, but in the end, they result in a more glorious and supernatural work of God. So, if things are heating up in your life right now, hold on in faith longer. Stand up for God and against evil. God might be waiting to provide a supernatural solution revealed through you that turns the powers and people toward him. God, give those men whose lives are standing at the edge of the flame greater faith. Strengthen the Spirit within them so that they pay attention to every action and every word. May they be right and righteous in every way. In Jesus’s name, amen.
From Exasperation to Exhortation | Galatians 4:10-11
From Exasperation to Exhortation | Galatians 4:10-11
You observe days and months and seasons and years! I am afraid I may have labored over you in vain. — Galatians 4:10-11 CALL OUT: I want to give a shout-out to Ron Ruch from Emmanuel Church in Minneapolis, MN. He's a legacy disciple-maker and sold-out man of God. Ron has lived a lot of life, but he also won't quit. I love you, brother. Have you ever been so exasperated that you've wondered if you've wasted your time? We all have. We have felt his way at painful points in our career, during a repetitive issue with a problem child, or in the middle of a project that's gone awry. And Paul feels this way right now. He wonders if all the time and training he has invested into these Galatian churches was a waste of time because they have returned to old rites and rituals instead of living in a relationship with Christ. I am so glad Paul expresses his emotion here. He is vulnerable just enough to expose his irritation with these people. Because sometimes people and processes can be very irritating. Can't they? So, if you are exasperated today, you need to know you are not alone. It's okay to feel this way and to share that you feel this way. It is also appropriate to tell the people draining you that they are depleting you of resources because they are unresponsive. Paul does. And he is not being vindictive. He's merely being honest and vulnerable because he has explained the same thing to them 1000 times. I believe this is how some pastors feel every Easter. Yesterday, thousands of inactive members piled into worship services across the world. Most assume that their semiannual pilgrimage to church is all the Lord requires of them. But a pastor will stand in a pulpit twice a year and tell them the same two messages. One about the birth of a Savior and one about the resurrection of a Savior. They are the same story. It is a story about a man who saved sinful men so we could have a relationship with God. Yet people hear the message and are absent from church the other 50 weekends of the year. And why?  Because they believe that their rites and rituals are enough. They don't understand the necessity of a relationship with God. So stop irritating your pastor. It's your relationship with Christ that matters—rituals and rites mean nothing to God. Jesus wasn't born into this world to defeat death, so you could come to church twice a year. What he wants is for you to have a vibrant relationship with God. #RitesVsRelationships #AuthenticFaith #PaulineExasperation #BeyondEmptyObservance #LivingInChrist ASK THIS: How can we ensure that our religious practices and observances are not merely rituals, but genuine expressions of our relationship with God? In what ways can we shift our focus from seasonal or occasional religious activities to cultivating a consistent, vibrant relationship with Christ throughout the year? DO THIS: Change your environment in some small way. PRAY THIS: Father, help me to move beyond empty rituals and embrace a deeper, more authentic relationship with You. Guide me in living out my faith daily, not just on special occasions, so that my life reflects the love and truth of Christ to those around me. Amen. PLAY THIS: O Come to the Altar.