Military OneSource Podcast — Safeguarding Democracy: Trusted Election Information From Your State’s Chief Election Official

Military OneSource Podcast

09-09-2024 • 31 mins

Learn about the critical role of secretaries of state in the electoral process. Two distinguished members of the National Association of Secretaries of State share insights into how they ensure a secure, fair and trustworthy election process and discuss the vital support they provide to service members and their families, helping them exercise their right to vote no matter where they are stationed. Host Bruce Moody speaks with Hon. Steve Simon, NASS President and Minnesota Secretary of State, and Hon. Michael Watson, NASS President-elect and Mississippi Secretary of State. NASS is a nonpartisan organization that represents chief election officials from across the United States and its territories. Visit Military OneSource at to learn more about the absentee voting process. Bruce Moody is a public affairs specialist with the office of Military Community and Family Policy. Share your feedback about this podcast as well as ideas for future episodes by visiting the Military OneSource Podcasts Feedback Form at The Military OneSource Podcast series is an official resource of the Defense Department. For more information, visit or call 800-342-9647. Military OneSource is your 24/7 connection to information, answers and support to help you reach your goals, overcome challenges and thrive.

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