In this mind-bending episode of Unexplained Legends, Roger and Denis investigate the strange and little-known story of the “Chronovisor”—a mysterious device allegedly invented by a team of scientists, including an Italian priest, that could view past events. According to legend, this device, resembling a futuristic television, was capable of tuning in to historical moments, from ancient Rome to the crucifixion of Jesus. But was the Chronovisor a true marvel of lost technology, or just an elaborate Vatican hoax?
The hosts explore the origins of the Chronovisor tale, its connections to Father Pellegrino Ernetti, and theories surrounding time travel, secret technology, and the Vatican’s involvement in hiding the device. With their usual humor, Roger and Denis debate whether this was a true glimpse into history or just a sci-fi fever dream gone viral. This episode serves up a unique mix of mystery, laughter, and philosophical pondering about humanity’s fascination with time.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.