Did President Trump Win Arizona?, TX Dems Dereliction of Duty, and Why So Many People Believe the Election was Rigged | 7.22.21

Blue to Red

Jul 25 2021 • 53 mins

This episode analyzes the BOMBSHELL reports that have been coming out of Arizona, in regards to the audit of Maricopa County's 2020 election results. The data is provided here, along with intriguing political commentary on how we move forward as a nation. Later in the episode, I read a tweet thread, by Darryl Cooper (@martyrmad), about why so many Trump supporters believe that the election was rigged.

In this episode, I also talk about how the Texas state representatives fleeing for D.C are a prime example of dereliction of duty, how Biden can't seem to fill an auditorium, the White House conspiring with Big Tech, and more!