03: Discussing The 33rd Division in WWI with Matt LeMasters

Whiskey & History Podcast

02-01-2023 • 2 hrs 10 mins

In this week's episode I had the privilege of interviewing one of my good friends Matt LeMasters about his research that he is currently conducting about the Illinois 33rd Division in World War One. I hope you guys enjoy a long this long episode about the forgotten history of the men that fought in the WWI. Remember to follow the podcast, leave a review, and check out Whiskey & History Social Media pages. Hope you guys  enjoy this week's episode and thank you for listening.

History Links:
The Last of the Doughboys: The Forgotten Generation and their Forgotten World War. https://www.amazon.com/Last-Doughboys-Forgotten-Generation-Their/dp/0544290488/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3EN7A8DURISKJ&keywords=the+last+of+doughboy+book&qid=1648846575&s=instant-video&sprefix=the+last+of+doughboys+book%2Cinstant-video%2C71&sr=1-1-catcorr

They Shall Not Grow Old. https://www.amazon.com/They-Shall-Not-Grow-Old/dp/B07PMNNGVH/ref=sr_1_1?crid=J9J5LR77UGKQ&keywords=they+shall+not+grow+old&qid=1648846835&s=instant-video&sprefix=They+sh%2Cinstant-video%2C95&sr=1-1

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