The Strong Life Project Podcast

The Strong Life Project

The Strong Life Project Podcast Daily is a 10-minute podcast hosted by Shaun O'Gorman, where he shares his personal experiences and practical advice on building resilience, emotional intelligence, high performance, and living a great life. Each episode is designed to inspire listeners and provide them with actionable tips and insights that they can apply to their daily lives. Shaun O'Gorman is a former police officer, high-performance coach, author, and founder of The Strong Life Project, a platform dedicated to helping people live their best lives. Shaun's personal journey has been one of overcoming adversity and building resilience after a diagnosis of PTSD, depression and a battle with suicide. He now shares his insights and strategies with others through his podcast, books, keynote speeches, and workshops. On The Strong Life Project Podcast, Shaun shares his lessons learned from 20 years of education and experience focused on personal development, mental health, and high performance. The show covers a range of topics, including mindfulness, high performance, overcoming fear and anxiety, and building strong relationships. Listeners can expect to receive practical, actionable advice and insights from each episode, delivered in Shaun's authentic and relatable style. If you're looking to build resilience, improve your mental health, and achieve your goals, then The Strong Life Project Podcast is the perfect resource for you. Subscribe today and join Shaun on his journey to living a strong life. read less


EP 2963 Being stuck in your past limits your potential
2d ago
EP 2963 Being stuck in your past limits your potential
In Episode 2963 of The Strong Life Project podcast, titled "Being Stuck in Your Past Limits Your Potential," host Shaun O'Gorman delves into the profound impact that living in the shadow of one's past can have on future possibilities and achievements. Throughout the episode, Shaun emphasizes the psychological and emotional barriers that individuals create when they allow their past experiences to dominate their current life and future ambitions. He argues that this fixation on the past not only drains mental energy but also inhibits growth, innovation, and the pursuit of new opportunities. Shaun explores several key areas where past experiences typically hold people back, including personal relationships, career advancement, and personal development. He illustrates his points with real-life examples, sharing stories from listeners and his own experiences to highlight how past fears and failures can lead to a cautious and constrained approach to life. To combat this stagnation, Shaun introduces various strategies to help individuals detach from their past. He discusses the role of mindfulness in fostering a present-oriented mindset, techniques for emotional regulation, and the power of setting visionary goals. Additionally, Shaun stresses the importance of self-reflection, encouraging listeners to honestly assess the amount of time they dedicate to dwelling on past events compared to planning and working towards future goals. The episode is also enriched with advice from psychological experts and motivational speakers, who provide additional insights into the mechanics of letting go and moving forward. Shaun wraps up by issuing a call to action for his listeners to start making small, consistent changes in their thought patterns and behaviors. This, he suggests, will gradually shift their focus from past regrets to future aspirations, thereby unlocking their full potential and enabling a more fulfilled and ambitious life trajectory.
EP 2962 It's not about perfection. It's about effort
3d ago
EP 2962 It's not about perfection. It's about effort
In Episode 2962, titled "It's Not About Perfection, It's About Effort," Shaun O'Gorman of The Strong Life Project podcast explores the liberating idea that true personal growth and achievement hinge more on sustained effort than on achieving flawless perfection. Throughout this episode, Shaun offers a wealth of insights and personal stories that exemplify how the pursuit of ongoing improvement can profoundly impact one’s satisfaction and resilience in life. Shaun emphasizes the critical role of effort over perfection across multiple dimensions of life, including physical fitness, mental health, and professional development. He shares his own experiences and those of individuals he has coached, demonstrating how a focus on consistent effort can lead to substantial achievements and a more contented life. The podcast episode provides listeners with actionable advice on how to cultivate a mindset that values progress over perfection, suggesting daily practices that can help individuals remain committed to their goals. Additionally, Shaun discusses the psychological benefits of embracing imperfections and viewing them as opportunities for growth rather than signs of failure. This perspective, he argues, can reduce stress and increase resilience by fostering a more forgiving and motivational approach to challenges. By encouraging his audience to celebrate small victories and learn from setbacks, Shaun aims to inspire a more robust and compassionate approach to personal development. The episode concludes with Shaun reinforcing the importance of effort, urging listeners to focus on what they can control and to persevere, regardless of the obstacles they may face.
EP 2961 How much $$$ do you invest in your mind
4d ago
EP 2961 How much $$$ do you invest in your mind
In Episode 2961 titled "How Much $$$ Do You Invest in Your Mind?" of the Strong Life Project Podcast, host Shaun O'Gorman delves deeply into the essential topic of financial and time investments in mental health and cognitive enhancement. He passionately argues that the resources one allocates towards personal mental development—such as purchasing books, enrolling in educational courses, engaging in therapy, and seeking coaching—play a pivotal role in shaping one’s resilience, happiness, and success in life. Throughout the episode, Shaun explains how investing in mental health is akin to investing in physical health or financial planning, yet often overlooked in terms of priority. He provides listeners with a detailed analysis of how mental health investments not only enhance cognitive abilities but also improve emotional stability and overall life satisfaction. To bring this point home, Shaun shares compelling stories from his own life and the lives of others who have seen transformative results from such investments. Adding depth to the discussion, Shaun interviews several leading experts in psychology, education, and personal development. These experts share insights into the science of mental health investment and offer practical advice on how individuals can effectively incorporate mental health expenses into their budgets. They discuss various tools and techniques that can be utilized to foster mental strength and well-being, ranging from meditation practices and mindfulness training to professional psychological services. This episode serves as an inspirational and informative guide, urging listeners to reevaluate how they view and allocate resources for mental health. Shaun’s engaging dialogue and the expert contributions make a strong case for why investing in the mind is critical for anyone looking to lead a more fulfilled and successful life. The overarching message is clear: prioritizing mental health is not just beneficial but essential, and it requires both commitment and financial investment to truly nurture and sustain.
EP 2960 Pay attention to how people react to your success
5d ago
EP 2960 Pay attention to how people react to your success
In episode 2960 of The Strong Life Project, Shaun O'Gorman delves into the intriguing theme of how individuals respond to others' successes and what these reactions reveal about their intentions and feelings towards you. The episode begins with Shaun sharing personal anecdotes, illustrating varied responses he has encountered following his own achievements. He emphasizes that while some reactions are overtly supportive, others can be subtly undermining or even overtly negative. Shaun discusses the psychological underpinnings behind these diverse reactions, explaining how jealousy, insecurity, or genuine happiness for others can influence how people behave. He offers insights into recognizing these patterns and understanding their implications for personal and professional relationships. Throughout the episode, Shaun provides practical advice on how to handle different responses constructively. He suggests ways to foster relationships with those who genuinely support your endeavors while maintaining healthy boundaries with those who may not have your best interests at heart. Additionally, he touches on the importance of self-awareness and maintaining humility, regardless of others' reactions to your success. This episode is filled with actionable tips and thoughtful reflections, aimed at helping listeners navigate their social interactions more effectively as they strive for success in various aspects of their lives.
EP 2959 A problem shared is not a problem solved
6d ago
EP 2959 A problem shared is not a problem solved
In this insightful episode of The Strong Life Project, hosted by Shaun O'Gorman, the focus shifts to a common misconception in managing personal and professional challenges: the belief that merely talking about problems is sufficient for solving them. Shaun delves into the reasons why discussing issues, while cathartic, often doesn't lead to resolutions unless accompanied by actionable strategies and a commitment to follow w through. Throughout the episode, Shaun emphasizes the importance of moving beyond the initial relief that comes from sharing difficulties. He argues that while voicing problems can be an essential step in the healing process, it is just the beginning. The real work begins when individuals take concrete steps towards change, leveraging the support and advice received during discussions to make tangible improvements. The podcast explores various scenarios where individuals might feel stuck after sharing their struggles, expecting that this alone will alleviate their burdens. Shaun offers practical advice on how to transition from discussing problems to solving them, including setting specific goals, seeking expert guidance, and implementing a structured plan of action. Listeners are encouraged to reflect on their own experiences and consider how they can more effectively use conversations about challenges as a springboard for actual change. Through engaging stories and actionable tips, Shaun inspires his audience to take control of their situations and demonstrates that while sharing is an important part of the process, it is the proactive steps afterward that truly count towards solving problems.
EP 2957 Why would you want to live like anyone else?
EP 2957 Why would you want to live like anyone else?
In this eye-opening episode of the Strong Life Project, Shaun O'Gorman delves into a provocative discussion on the reasons people conform to societal expectations, despite widespread dissatisfaction and misery. Shaun challenges his listeners to rethink their pursuit of 'fitting in' with the norm, especially when the norm does not equate to happiness or fulfillment. He argues that the majority of people are miserable not because of their circumstances, but because they choose to live in a way that is inconsistent with their true desires and potential, merely to adhere to societal standards. Throughout the episode, Shaun emphasizes the importance of authenticity and living a life aligned with one's own values and aspirations rather than mimicking others. He explores how societal pressure often leads individuals to suppress their unique traits and follow a prescribed path that might not necessarily lead to personal happiness. Shaun encourages his audience to break free from these confines and to dare to live differently. By sharing insights and personal anecdotes, Shaun provides listeners with practical advice on how to embrace their individuality and create a life that truly reflects who they are, rather than who society expects them to be. The episode is a powerful call to action for anyone feeling trapped by the need to conform, offering a fresh perspective on the liberation and satisfaction that comes from choosing to be distinctively themselves.
EP 2955 The psycho is taking you on a museum tour
EP 2955 The psycho is taking you on a museum tour
In episode 2955 of "The Strong Life Project" podcast, titled "The Psycho is Taking You on a Museum Tour," host Shaun O'Gorman delves into the fascinating workings of the human psyche, particularly focusing on the "monkey brain" and its role in keeping us tethered to the past. Throughout the episode, Shaun likens the mind to a museum, where each exhibit represents memories and past experiences that shape our reactions and behaviors in the present. Shaun explores how the monkey brain, often driven by primal instincts, prioritizes safety and survival by holding onto past experiences. He discusses how this part of the brain can dominate our thought processes, leading to repetitive patterns and behaviors that may no longer serve us in our current situations. The episode is rich with examples of how individuals can become trapped in their own mental museums, revisiting the same old exhibits of fear, anxiety, and caution. With his characteristic insightful analysis, Shaun provides listeners with strategies to recognize when their monkey brain is in control and how to gently guide it towards more present-focused thinking. This involves acknowledging the protective intent of these mental patterns while also challenging the necessity of such defenses in everyday life. This episode is not only an eye-opener for those interested in understanding the psychological mechanisms behind staying stuck in the past but also offers practical advice for those looking to break free from these cycles and live a more empowered and forward-looking life.
EP 2951 It is never as bad as you think
EP 2951 It is never as bad as you think
In Episode 2951, titled "It is Never as Bad as You Think," from Shaun O'Gorman's "The Strong Life Project" podcast, the focus is on the common human tendency to catastrophize and assume the worst in challenging situations. Shaun delves into the psychology behind why people often exaggerate the severity of their problems and the impact this can have on their mental and emotional well-being. Throughout the episode, Shaun explores the concept of catastrophizing in depth, explaining how this negative thought pattern can lead to increased stress, anxiety, and a sense of helplessness. He discusses the importance of recognizing when we're falling into this trap and shares strategies for gaining perspective, such as mindfulness, cognitive restructuring, and seeking support from others. Shaun also emphasizes the role of resilience and positive thinking in overcoming the tendency to catastrophize. He encourages listeners to focus on the things they can control, to practice gratitude, and to reframe challenges as opportunities for growth. By sharing personal anecdotes and practical advice, Shaun aims to inspire listeners to adopt a more balanced and optimistic approach to life's hurdles. This episode serves as a reminder to listeners that while life can be tough and unpredictable, the power of our mindset can significantly influence how we perceive and respond to difficulties. Shaun's message is clear: it's rarely as bad as it seems, and with the right tools and attitude, we can navigate through tough times with strength and optimism.
EP 2950 Everyone thinks you're crazy until it works
EP 2950 Everyone thinks you're crazy until it works
In Episode 2950 of the Strong Life Project podcast, titled "Everyone Thinks You're Crazy Until It Works," Shaun O'Gorman explores the challenging journey of pursuing unconventional ideas in a world that often values conformity. He delves into the concept of taking bold, innovative steps toward goals that may initially seem unrealistic or impractical to the majority. Through personal anecdotes and real-life examples, Shaun illustrates how many successful ventures were once met with skepticism and disbelief. The episode emphasizes the importance of trusting one's instincts and not waiting for universal approval before taking action. Shaun encourages listeners to embrace their unique visions and to pursue their passions with conviction, even in the face of doubt and criticism. He highlights the notion that groundbreaking achievements often come from thinking outside the box and daring to be different. Shaun also addresses the fear of judgment and the societal pressures that can hold individuals back from pursuing their true aspirations. He offers practical advice on how to overcome these obstacles and stay focused on one's goals. The episode serves as a motivational call to listeners to believe in themselves and their ideas, and to persistently work towards making their dreams a reality, regardless of the skepticism they may encounter. Overall, "Everyone Thinks You're Crazy Until It Works" is a powerful reminder that the path to success is often paved with challenges and that true innovation requires courage, resilience, and a willingness to defy the odds.
EP 2949 It's not a problem until it's a problem
EP 2949 It's not a problem until it's a problem
In Episode 2949 of "The Strong Life Project" podcast, titled "It's Not a Problem Until It's a Problem," host Shaun O'Gorman addresses the common tendency of individuals to stress over potential problems before they actually materialize. He emphasizes the importance of staying present and focusing on the current moment rather than getting caught up in the "what ifs" of the future. Shaun discusses how this preemptive worrying can lead to unnecessary stress and anxiety, detracting from one's overall well-being and quality of life. Throughout the episode, Shaun provides practical advice on how to shift one's mindset to avoid falling into the trap of anticipatory stress. He encourages listeners to adopt a more proactive approach by dealing with issues as they arise, rather than expending energy on hypothetical scenarios that may never occur. By doing so, individuals can cultivate a stronger sense of resilience and inner peace, allowing them to navigate life's challenges with greater ease and confidence. Shaun's insights are grounded in his own experiences and the lessons he has learned throughout his journey in personal development and mental health advocacy. He shares relatable anecdotes and real-life examples to illustrate his points, making the episode both engaging and informative. "It's Not a Problem Until It's a Problem" is a reminder to stay grounded in the present and to approach life's uncertainties with a calm and rational mindset.
EP 2947 You can’t outsource self worth and value
EP 2947 You can’t outsource self worth and value
In this thought-provoking episode of The Strong Life Project, host Shaun O'Gorman delves into the essential topic of self-worth and value, emphasizing that these are skills that need to be developed and nurtured internally rather than outsourced to external sources. Shaun shares his insights on how individuals often seek validation and a sense of worth from others, such as through social media likes, career achievements, or relationships, and how this external dependency can lead to a fragile sense of self. He discusses the importance of cultivating a strong sense of self-worth from within, highlighting that true value comes from understanding and accepting oneself, rather than relying on external approval. Shaun provides practical tips and strategies for listeners to work on developing their self-worth, such as practicing self-reflection, setting personal boundaries, and engaging in activities that bring joy and fulfillment. Throughout the episode, Shaun shares personal anecdotes and experiences to illustrate his points, making the content relatable and impactful. He encourages listeners to take responsibility for their own self-worth and to invest in themselves, emphasizing that this is a continuous journey that requires effort and dedication. Overall, this episode of The Strong Life Project is a powerful reminder that self-worth and value are skills that can be developed over time, and that true strength comes from within.
EP 2946 You can thrive in the jungle or survive in the zoo
EP 2946 You can thrive in the jungle or survive in the zoo
Summary: In this compelling episode of the Strong Life Project, Shaun O'Gorman explores the profound metaphor of thriving in the jungle versus merely surviving in the zoo, drawing a parallel to human life and resilience. He delves deep into the notion that adversity is not just an obstacle, but a necessary component of personal growth and strength. Shaun articulates how, in the same way that animals in the wild are constantly challenged and thereby forced to adapt and evolve, humans too are inherently built to face and overcome adversity. Throughout the episode, Shaun shares personal stories and real-life examples to illustrate how embracing the 'jungle' of life, with all its uncertainties and challenges, can lead to a more fulfilling and robust existence. He stresses the importance of stepping out of one's comfort zone, confronting fears, and actively seeking out challenges as a means to develop resilience and mental toughness. Moreover, Shaun provides listeners with practical advice and strategies on how to cultivate a mindset that views adversity as an opportunity for growth rather than a setback. He encourages embracing discomfort, learning from failures, and persistently pushing personal boundaries to not only survive but thrive in the ever-changing landscape of life. In conclusion, Shaun's message is clear: while the 'zoo' of comfort and predictability might offer temporary ease, it is in the 'jungle' of adversity that true strength and fulfillment are found. This episode serves as a powerful reminder that facing challenges head-on is not just about enduring hardship, but about seizing the opportunity to grow, evolve, and live a strong, vibrant life.