Curated by Amazon's Music Experts

Christian Alt

Curated by Amazon's Music Experts

Incendiary tracks from the ever-evolving world of alternative.


1Dancing In The Courts2signs3Do You Really Love Me4New5Starlight6Fall In Love With The Light7What A Time To Be Alive8THIS WAR IS NOT MY OWN9FINE10Be Somebody [Reignited]11Treetop Dream12The Wilderness And The Wonderland13LIKE A FOOL14PARALLEL [Live]15Up In My Bones16Measure of a Man17Power Play18Worry Less19LIONS (ROAR)20Letting Go of Yesterday21Human Condition22In Between23Try It24Deeper Waters25Found & Alive26Even Better27Forgive Me28The Fall Down29No Man30Shadow of Your Wings31Magnolia32What They'll Say About Us33GOD DID34Inheritance35ALL MY LIFE36Bones37Fall of Jericho38God & Prozac39burning roses40Priests of the Modern Age41Living Water (feat. Josh Wilson)42Eulogy43Heaven Closes Doors44Sweet Surrender45In Christ Alone46Possibility47New Day in the Dark48You Are My Sweater49Kinda Wild50Numb51Whatever It Takes52RIP53Twenty-Four (Tyler Joseph from Twenty One Pilots Version)54In Bloom55I'll Carry You56do you miss me?57Manifesto58Colour59Start Again (feat. Fatai & Noah Rubin) [Living Room Session]60Would Ya Could Ya61numb62mess it up63No Regrets (feat. PEABOD)64Clueless65Stabilizing66Here in the Wild67Soul Easy68I Believe It Now69Patience70Nails71Only Ever Always72Beatitudes (Family Version)73Feels Like A Blessing74Dreams75Eden (Isn't It Just Like You?)76Conversation77Still Believe In The Magic78AMERICAN DREAM79Wendy Darling80NATIVE TONGUE81TESTIFY82HUMAN83You84Love In the Time of Madness85Walk Away86Running Home87Hope to Carry On88May The Lamb89imagination90All In91Just Like That92Anxious Heart93Wild94Glory95I Will Praise You96God and Me97How to Save a Life