Curated by Amazon's Music Experts

Coffee Shop Jazz

Curated by Amazon's Music Experts

The soundtrack for the hippest café in town.


1We Do We2Gabaldon’s Glide [feat. Gerald Clayton & Immanuel Wilkins & Joel Ross & Kendrick Scott & Matt Brewer]3Rapture4Nirvana5Best Left Unsolved (Bonus Track)6Clarity7Thermae8Brightlight9Beautiful Day (Instrumental)10The Devil In The Details11BOND12Yoshi Orange (Ash Walker Remix)13Jeg ville ønske du sad i mit køkken14Autumn Leaves15Fade16Efter Dig17Ellison's Song18Testament 2419Witchcraft20Beam21Orange-coloured day22Tears of Hope23Hide To Seek (Regrown)24Sombras25Southwood26First Love27Voices in my Head28Revival29Dahab Days30The Belos31The Island (feat. Calvin Keys)32At the end of the day33Jamuary34Ti Roro Yanvalou (Sen Jak)35Calder Shapes36Butterflies [feat. Tim Bernardes]37The Coffee Song (I Like You a Latte)38Universal Gratitude (Trio Live)39still blue theme40Baltimore41For My Friends42This Side Of Sunshine (Single Edit)43Darth44Solanin45From The Start46Space Walk47Taivshral48Creeper49The Universe is a House Party50Catalysts51California and Me52Eloquence [feat. Miryam Solomon]53Hope542755Let You Break My Heart Again (Live at The Symphony)56Meditations57Tears I Cannot Hide58Idle Moments59Valentine (Live at The Symphony)60Raven Flies Low (Single Edit) [feat. Benji B & Raven Bush & Theon Cross & Nubya Garcia & Tom Herbert & Shabaka Hutchings & Nikolaj Torp Larsen & Dave Okumu & Nick Ramm & Dan See & Tom Skinner & Martin Terefe]61You62On the Nile63Supermoon64Don't You Wish65Lullaby For a Day Fly66Zanzibar67If I Knew (feat. Burniss Travis & Mark Guiliana)68Skylark69Friday Film Special70Sundance71La Brea & Stocker (feat. Paul Cornish)72mmhmm73Love And Hate74Bitter Head75By the Time I Get to Phoenix76Love Of The Music77Frozen in Profile78What Day Is It? [feat. Reuben Rogers & Walter Smith III]79I Asked80The Light (feat. Bahia Dayes)81Unified Dakotas82Exit Music83Day Glow84Stria85Yield86Mountains, Trees and Seas87New Beginnings88At Last89Sophisticated Lady (Live)90I Think of You91Theme From "Florida Man"92So High93Other Worlds94Variables95Snake Plant Shuffle96central park west