Children of Sorrow


Top Songs

1. Your Need
1. Your Need
Children of Sorrow

3. Holy Man
3. Holy Man
Children of Sorrow

4. Heart and Steel
4. Heart and Steel
Children of Sorrow

5. Cushioned Walls
5. Cushioned Walls
Children of Sorrow

6. Whish Way Next
6. Whish Way Next
Children of Sorrow

7. Opaque Faces
7. Opaque Faces
Children of Sorrow

8. Born Free (To Die!)
8. Born Free (To Die!)
Children of Sorrow

9. Superficiality
9. Superficiality
Children of Sorrow

10. One Too Many
10. One Too Many
Children of Sorrow

11. This Island Earth
11. This Island Earth
Children of Sorrow

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