John "Tbone" Paxton


Album • 2023

Top Songs

1. Sweet and Slow
1. Sweet and Slow
John "Tbone" Paxton

2. This Will Make You Laugh
2. This Will Make You Laugh
John "Tbone" Paxton

3. Push-ka Pee-Shee Pie
3. Push-ka Pee-Shee Pie
John "Tbone" Paxton

4. Milenberg Joys
4. Milenberg Joys
John "Tbone" Paxton

5. Lost Mind
5. Lost Mind
John "Tbone" Paxton

6. Cease The Bombing
6. Cease The Bombing
John "Tbone" Paxton

7. Estate
7. Estate
John "Tbone" Paxton

9. Lulu's Back In Town
9. Lulu's Back In Town
John "Tbone" Paxton

10. Them There Eyes
10. Them There Eyes
John "Tbone" Paxton

11. Junco Partner
11. Junco Partner
John "Tbone" Paxton

Top Albums

1. Joys
1. Joys
Album • 2023