Joshua Young & the Paleontologists


Single • 2022
Mesozoic Era
Mesozoic Era
Single • 2022
Hey! T-Rex
Hey! T-Rex
Single • 2022

Top Songs

1. Kentrosaurus Party
1. Kentrosaurus Party
Joshua Young & the Paleontologists

2. Pteranodon
2. Pteranodon
Joshua Young & the Paleontologists

3. Sauropods
3. Sauropods
Joshua Young & the Paleontologists

4. Archaeopteryx
4. Archaeopteryx
Joshua Young & the Paleontologists

5. Where Did the Dinosaurs Go?
5. Where Did the Dinosaurs Go?
Joshua Young & the Paleontologists

6. Let Us Not Forget
6. Let Us Not Forget
Joshua Young & the Paleontologists

7. Hey! T-Rex
7. Hey! T-Rex
Joshua Young & the Paleontologists

8. Hungry Herbivore
8. Hungry Herbivore
Joshua Young & the Paleontologists

9. Mesozoic Era
9. Mesozoic Era
Joshua Young & the Paleontologists

10. Stegosaurus
10. Stegosaurus
Joshua Young & the Paleontologists

11. Hey! T-Rex
11. Hey! T-Rex
Joshua Young & the Paleontologists

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