The Romanian Viking


Romanian Viking
Romanian Viking
Album • 2024
Album • 2023

Top Songs

1. The Journey Ended
1. The Journey Ended
Edoducar & The Romanian Viking

2. The Battle Of Bran Castle
2. The Battle Of Bran Castle
Edoducar & The Romanian Viking

3. The Dacian Wolfpack
3. The Dacian Wolfpack
Edoducar & The Romanian Viking

4. The Jorney aweaits
4. The Jorney aweaits
Edoducar & The Romanian Viking

5. Defenders Of The Carpathians
5. Defenders Of The Carpathians
Edoducar & The Romanian Viking

6. The Rise Of The Dacians
6. The Rise Of The Dacians
Edoducar & The Romanian Viking

7. Savage Blades Of The Carpathians
7. Savage Blades Of The Carpathians
Edoducar & The Romanian Viking

8. Project Omega
8. Project Omega
Edoducar & The Romanian Viking

9. Let the Trap begin
9. Let the Trap begin
Edoducar & The Romanian Viking

10. Oh No It's Techno
10. Oh No It's Techno
Edoducar & The Romanian Viking

11. Tech-No
11. Tech-No
Edoducar & The Romanian Viking

12. WTF
12. WTF
Edoducar & The Romanian Viking

Top Albums

1. Romanian Viking
1. Romanian Viking
Album • 2024
2. Tech-No
2. Tech-No
Album • 2023