Frank Zanitti

Top Songs

1. Beatitudes (Divine Liturgy)
1. Beatitudes (Divine Liturgy)
Benedictine Monks of the Soviet Union & Frank Zanitti

2. Cross of Irmi (Canon of the Veneration of the Holy Cross)
2. Cross of Irmi (Canon of the Veneration of the Holy Cross)
Benedictine Monks of the Soviet Union & Frank Zanitti

3. Prokeimenon
3. Prokeimenon
Benedictine Monks of the Soviet Union & Frank Zanitti

4. Trisagion (Hymn, Procession for Holy Saturday)
4. Trisagion (Hymn, Procession for Holy Saturday)
Benedictine Monks of the Soviet Union & Frank Zanitti

5. Kontakion (Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete)
5. Kontakion (Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete)
Benedictine Monks of the Soviet Union & Frank Zanitti

6. Otche Nash (Our Father)
6. Otche Nash (Our Father)
Benedictine Monks of the Soviet Union & Frank Zanitti

7. Troparium (St. John Chrysostom, Tone 8)
7. Troparium (St. John Chrysostom, Tone 8)
Benedictine Monks of the Soviet Union & Frank Zanitti

8. Sticheron (Hymn, Triodion: Book of the 3 Odes)
8. Sticheron (Hymn, Triodion: Book of the 3 Odes)
Benedictine Monks of the Soviet Union & Frank Zanitti

9. Akathist Hymn (Theotokos, 6th Century)
9. Akathist Hymn (Theotokos, 6th Century)
Benedictine Monks of the Soviet Union & Frank Zanitti