The Bloodstained Bastards

Top Songs

1. Ominous Nihility
1. Ominous Nihility
Bonedust & The Bloodstained Bastards

2. Fetal Armageddon
2. Fetal Armageddon
Bonedust & The Bloodstained Bastards

3. Embryonic Apocalypse
3. Embryonic Apocalypse
Bonedust & The Bloodstained Bastards

4. Everybody Loves You
4. Everybody Loves You
Bonedust & The Bloodstained Bastards

5. A Dying Spirit
5. A Dying Spirit
Bonedust & The Bloodstained Bastards

6. Blossoms of Winter
6. Blossoms of Winter
Bonedust & The Bloodstained Bastards

7. Whores Not for Heroes
7. Whores Not for Heroes
Bonedust & The Bloodstained Bastards

8. Ghost
8. Ghost
Bonedust & The Bloodstained Bastards

9. Promise Keeper
9. Promise Keeper
Bonedust & The Bloodstained Bastards

10. A Song for You
10. A Song for You
Bonedust & The Bloodstained Bastards

11. Moonlight Blue
11. Moonlight Blue
Bonedust & The Bloodstained Bastards