The Loveless Estate


Electric Candlelight
Electric Candlelight
Album • 2009

Top Songs

1. Medicine
1. Medicine
The Loveless Estate

2. Lips LIke Memphis
2. Lips LIke Memphis
The Loveless Estate

3. Nicole
3. Nicole
The Loveless Estate

4. Burden
4. Burden
The Loveless Estate

5. Something We're Not
5. Something We're Not
The Loveless Estate

6. Last Be The Least
6. Last Be The Least
The Loveless Estate

7. Map the Distance
7. Map the Distance
The Loveless Estate

8. Consider This
8. Consider This
The Loveless Estate

9. Lights From Arizona
9. Lights From Arizona
The Loveless Estate

10. Under Your Heel
10. Under Your Heel
The Loveless Estate

11. Silver Bullet Blue
11. Silver Bullet Blue
The Loveless Estate

12. Taste For the Dramatic
12. Taste For the Dramatic
The Loveless Estate

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