Holland & Steele


Building the Butterfly
Building the Butterfly
Album • 2021

Top Songs

1. Southwold
1. Southwold
Holland & Steele

2. Engineers
2. Engineers
Holland & Steele

3. Gull on the Wind
3. Gull on the Wind
Holland & Steele

4. Building the Butterfly
4. Building the Butterfly
Holland & Steele [feat. Lee Sinclair]

5. The Ring
5. The Ring
Holland & Steele

6. Resurrection
6. Resurrection
Holland & Steele

7. Wizards
7. Wizards
Holland & Steele

8. Drowsy Maggie
8. Drowsy Maggie
Holland & Steele

9. Scotch Bomb
9. Scotch Bomb
Holland & Steele

10. End to End
10. End to End
Holland & Steele

11. The Russians
11. The Russians
Holland & Steele

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