Cassie Watson Francillon

New Release

Django / You're Thinking of All That Could Have Been (Live at the Marigny Opera House)
Django / You're Thinking of All That Could Have Been (Live at the Marigny Opera House)
Cassie Watson Francillon [feat. Arséne DeLay, Simon Lott, Gladney, Aquiles Navarro & Sulyiman], Apr 22, 2024

Top Songs

1. Django / You're Thinking of All That Could Have Been (Live at the Marigny Opera House)
1. Django / You're Thinking of All That Could Have Been (Live at the Marigny Opera House)
Cassie Watson Francillon [feat. Arséne DeLay, Simon Lott, Gladney, Aquiles Navarro & Sulyiman]

2. Honey
2. Honey
Cassie Watson Francillon & Sasha Masakowski

3. part four (live)
3. part four (live)
Cassie Watson Francillon [feat. Wino Willy]

4. part one (live)
4. part one (live)
Cassie Watson Francillon [feat. Wino Willy]

5. part three (live)
5. part three (live)
Cassie Watson Francillon [feat. Wino Willy]

6. part two (live)
6. part two (live)
Cassie Watson Francillon [feat. Wino Willy]

7. Fullness / The Lies You Tell
7. Fullness / The Lies You Tell
Cassie Watson Francillon

8. Dances Under a Warm Eye
8. Dances Under a Warm Eye
Cassie Watson Francillon

9. Letter To Someone I Haven't Met
9. Letter To Someone I Haven't Met
Cassie Watson Francillon

10. In Some Awe
10. In Some Awe
Cassie Watson Francillon

11. Sisyphean
11. Sisyphean
Cassie Watson Francillon

12. Old Shine
12. Old Shine
Cassie Watson Francillon

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