1. CECEindie tribe, nobigdyl. & Jon Keith 3. STILL HOLYindie tribe, nobigdyl. & Torey D'Shaun [feat. Jon Keith & Mogli the Iceburg] 4. RED FLAGSindie tribe, nobigdyl. & Jon Keith [feat. Torey D'Shaun] 6. LIKE MEindie tribe, DJ Mykael V & Mogli the Iceburg [feat. nobigdyl., Jon Keith & Torey D'Shaun] 8. PULP FICTIONindie tribe, nobigdyl. & Torey D'Shaun [feat. Mogli the Iceburg] 9. MANDATORYindie tribe, Torey D'Shaun & Mogli the Iceburg [feat. nobigdyl. & Jon Keith] 10. SLIDINindie tribe & nobigdyl. [feat. Jon Keith] 12. PEPE LE PEWindie tribe & nobigdyl. [feat. Mogli the Iceburg & Jon Keith]