Somatic Tribe


Temet Nosce
Temet Nosce
Album • 2024
The Healing
The Healing
Album • 2021

Top Songs

1. Forward
1. Forward
Somatic Tribe

2. One
2. One
Somatic Tribe

3. Hard Dark Time
3. Hard Dark Time
Somatic Tribe

4. Conseparation
4. Conseparation
Somatic Tribe

5. Escape
5. Escape
Somatic Tribe

6. Misunderstood
6. Misunderstood
Somatic Tribe

7. Bitter Man
7. Bitter Man
Somatic Tribe

8. The Weight
8. The Weight
Somatic Tribe

9. Warm
9. Warm
Somatic Tribe

10. Beautiful
10. Beautiful
Somatic Tribe

12. Restless
12. Restless
Somatic Tribe

Top Albums

1. Temet Nosce
1. Temet Nosce
Album • 2024
2. The Healing
2. The Healing
Album • 2021