Leiland Tanner


Peculiar People
Peculiar People
Album • 2020

Top Songs

1. Konami Code
1. Konami Code
Kolobyte & Leiland Tanner

2. Come Quick
2. Come Quick
Kolobyte & Leiland Tanner

3. Many Are Called
3. Many Are Called
Kolobyte & Leiland Tanner

4. Dawn
4. Dawn
Kolobyte & Leiland Tanner

5. Dragon's Breath
5. Dragon's Breath
Kolobyte & Leiland Tanner

6. Santa Fe
6. Santa Fe
Kolobyte & Leiland Tanner

7. Tribe of Scribe
7. Tribe of Scribe
Kolobyte & Leiland Tanner

8. Coat of Colors
8. Coat of Colors
Kolobyte & Leiland Tanner

9. Osiris
9. Osiris
Kolobyte & Leiland Tanner

10. Calcifer
10. Calcifer
Kolobyte & Leiland Tanner

11. Let It Be Known
11. Let It Be Known
Kolobyte & Leiland Tanner

12. Light Work
12. Light Work
Kolobyte & Leiland Tanner

Top Albums

1. Peculiar People
1. Peculiar People
Album • 2020