Bishop Joel, Pastor Ylawnda & The Voices of The City

Top Songs

1. Hallelujah
1. Hallelujah
Bishop Joel, Pastor Ylawnda & The Voices of The City

2. Bishop Joel Peebles Intro
2. Bishop Joel Peebles Intro
Bishop Joel, Pastor Ylawnda & The Voices of The City

3. It Shall Come To Pass
3. It Shall Come To Pass
Bishop Joel, Pastor Ylawnda & The Voices of The City

4. Trust In You (Reprise)
4. Trust In You (Reprise)
Bishop Joel, Pastor Ylawnda & The Voices of The City

5. Praise Him
5. Praise Him
Bishop Joel, Pastor Ylawnda & The Voices of The City [feat. Lorraine Stancil]

6. Our God
6. Our God
Bishop Joel, Pastor Ylawnda & The Voices of The City

7. Trust In You
7. Trust In You
Bishop Joel, Pastor Ylawnda & The Voices of The City

8. Freedom (Reprise)
8. Freedom (Reprise)
Bishop Joel, Pastor Ylawnda & The Voices of The City

9. Freedom
9. Freedom
Bishop Joel, Pastor Ylawnda & The Voices of The City

10. I Will
10. I Will
Bishop Joel, Pastor Ylawnda & The Voices of The City [feat. Crystal Aikin]