DJ Castilator


Eternal Light
Eternal Light
Single • 2020
Ground Shake
Ground Shake
Album • 2020

Top Songs

1. Clear Shadows
1. Clear Shadows
DJ Castilator

2. Queen of Drums
2. Queen of Drums
DJ Castilator

3. Cleansing Rains
3. Cleansing Rains
DJ Castilator

5. King of Dragons
5. King of Dragons
DJ Castilator

6. Metal Mine
6. Metal Mine
DJ Castilator

7. Golden Heart
7. Golden Heart
DJ Castilator

8. Chasing Dreams
8. Chasing Dreams
DJ Castilator

9. Churning Butter
9. Churning Butter
DJ Castilator

10. Ground Shake
10. Ground Shake
DJ Castilator

Top Albums

1. Ground Shake
1. Ground Shake
Album • 2020