Doc McStuffins - Cast

Top Songs

3. You Did It!
3. You Did It!
Doc McStuffins - Cast, Disney Junior, BELLA & Chilly

4. Baby Bath Time
4. Baby Bath Time
Doc McStuffins - Cast

5. Welcome to the Hospital
5. Welcome to the Hospital
Doc McStuffins - Cast

7. Time for Your Check Up (Bella Version)
7. Time for Your Check Up (Bella Version)
Doc McStuffins - Cast, Disney Junior, BELLA & Chilly

9. A Safe and Spooky Time
9. A Safe and Spooky Time
Doc McStuffins - Cast

10. A Monster!
10. A Monster!
Doc McStuffins - Cast

11. I Want to Adopt You
11. I Want to Adopt You
Doc McStuffins - Cast

12. Checkup Song
12. Checkup Song
Doc McStuffins - Cast