The Golden Rail


Silver Linings
Silver Linings
Single • 2022
Sometimes When
Sometimes When
Album • 2019

Top Songs

1. Backyard Blues
1. Backyard Blues
The Golden Rail

2. Still Falling Down
2. Still Falling Down
The Golden Rail

3. A Pair of Cups
3. A Pair of Cups
The Golden Rail

5. I Suppose
5. I Suppose
The Golden Rail

6. Hold Me Tight
6. Hold Me Tight
The Golden Rail

7. Silver Linings
7. Silver Linings
The Golden Rail

8. Wireless Hill
8. Wireless Hill
The Golden Rail

9. Big Sky
9. Big Sky
The Golden Rail

11. Regent Street
11. Regent Street
The Golden Rail

12. You Wear the Crown
12. You Wear the Crown
The Golden Rail

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