Nu World Griots


Loaded Drum
Loaded Drum
EP • 2019

Top Songs

1. On the Popular Kids
1. On the Popular Kids
Nu World Griots & Synnika Lofton [feat. Gregory F. Lee & Rich Mossman]

2. Liberate Me
2. Liberate Me
Nu World Griots & Synnika Lofton [feat. Rich Mossman & Gregory F. Lee]

3. Militant Jazz
3. Militant Jazz
Nu World Griots & Synnika Lofton [feat. Rich Mossman & Gregory F. Lee]

4. Not Concerned with Hate
4. Not Concerned with Hate
Nu World Griots & Synnika Lofton [feat. Rich Mossman & Gregory F. Lee]

5. So Heavy
5. So Heavy
Nu World Griots & Synnika Lofton [feat. Rich Mossman & Gregory F. Lee]

6. A Pistol
6. A Pistol
Nu World Griots & Synnika Lofton [feat. Gregory F. Lee & Rich Mossman]