Elmar Gilbertsson

Top Songs

1. Edda, Pt. 2, Op. 42 "The Lives of the Gods": III. Goddesses
1. Edda, Pt. 2, Op. 42 "The Lives of the Gods": III. Goddesses
Hanna Dóra Sturludóttir, Elmar Gilbertsson, Schola Cantorum Reykjavík, Iceland Symphony Orchestra & Hermann Bäumer

2. Edda, Pt. 2, Op. 42 "The Lives of the Gods": IV. Valkyries
2. Edda, Pt. 2, Op. 42 "The Lives of the Gods": IV. Valkyries
Elmar Gilbertsson, Schola Cantorum Reykjavík, Iceland Symphony Orchestra & Hermann Bäumer

3. Edda, Pt. 2, Op. 42 "The Lives of the Gods": I. Odin
3. Edda, Pt. 2, Op. 42 "The Lives of the Gods": I. Odin
Hanna Dóra Sturludóttir, Elmar Gilbertsson, Kristinn Sigmundsson, Schola Cantorum Reykjavík, Iceland Symphony Orchestra & Hermann Bäumer

4. Okkar jörð
4. Okkar jörð
Elmar Gilbertsson & Gunnar Þórðarson

5. Amor eða Aþena
5. Amor eða Aþena
Elmar Gilbertsson