pineapple tours


Album • 2022
the messenger shot me
the messenger shot me
Album • 2021
gold rush
gold rush
Single • 2020
did u laugh?
did u laugh?
Single • 2019
king trash
king trash
Single • 2018
think i’m in love
think i’m in love
Single • 2018

Top Songs

1. then i fell
1. then i fell
pineapple tours

2. well-tempered
2. well-tempered
pineapple tours

3. don't
3. don't
pineapple tours

4. toll-free
4. toll-free
pineapple tours

5. stones
5. stones
pineapple tours

6. cellophane (demo)
6. cellophane (demo)
pineapple tours

7. i believe in you
7. i believe in you
pineapple tours

8. sub-urban love song
8. sub-urban love song
pineapple tours

9. no such thing
9. no such thing
pineapple tours

10. king trash
10. king trash
pineapple tours

11. computers
11. computers
pineapple tours

Top Albums

1. 1-800-PATOURS
1. 1-800-PATOURS
Album • 2022