Mr. & Mrs. Muffins

Top Songs

2. The Carefree Day
2. The Carefree Day
Mr. & Mrs. Muffins

4. The Painter
4. The Painter
Mr. & Mrs. Muffins

5. The Dream
5. The Dream
Mr. & Mrs. Muffins

6. The Magic Cloud
6. The Magic Cloud
Mr. & Mrs. Muffins

7. The Little Red Fox
7. The Little Red Fox
Mr. & Mrs. Muffins

8. The Merry-Go-Round
8. The Merry-Go-Round
Mr. & Mrs. Muffins

9. The Misty Cowboy
9. The Misty Cowboy
Mr. & Mrs. Muffins

11. The Music Box Reprise
11. The Music Box Reprise
Mr. & Mrs. Muffins

12. The How Do You Do Song
12. The How Do You Do Song
Mr. & Mrs. Muffins