The Leonard-Cohen-Project


Top Songs

1. Take This Longing (Live)
1. Take This Longing (Live)
The Leonard-Cohen-Project

2. Lady Midnight (Live)
2. Lady Midnight (Live)
The Leonard-Cohen-Project

3. Hallelujah (Live)
3. Hallelujah (Live)
The Leonard-Cohen-Project

4. Who by Fire (Live)
4. Who by Fire (Live)
The Leonard-Cohen-Project

5. Chelsea Hotel #2 (Live)
5. Chelsea Hotel #2 (Live)
The Leonard-Cohen-Project

6. Last Year's Man (Live)
6. Last Year's Man (Live)
The Leonard-Cohen-Project

7. The Partisan (Live)
7. The Partisan (Live)
The Leonard-Cohen-Project

8. Winter Lady (Live)
8. Winter Lady (Live)
The Leonard-Cohen-Project

9. Suzanne (Live)
9. Suzanne (Live)
The Leonard-Cohen-Project

10. Sisters of Mercy (Live)
10. Sisters of Mercy (Live)
The Leonard-Cohen-Project

12. Bird on the Wire (Live)
12. Bird on the Wire (Live)
The Leonard-Cohen-Project

Top Albums