Dulles Middle School Symphony Orchestra

Top Songs

1. Wonderful Worlds (Live)
1. Wonderful Worlds (Live)
Ben Sieben, Dulles Middle School Symphony Orchestra & Sally Kirk

2. Return of the Longship (Live)
2. Return of the Longship (Live)
Dulles Middle School Symphony Orchestra & Sally Kirk

3. Carmen Suite No. 1: III. Intermezzo (Arr. R. Meyer for Orchestra) [Live]
3. Carmen Suite No. 1: III. Intermezzo (Arr. R. Meyer for Orchestra) [Live]
Dulles Middle School Symphony Orchestra & James Drew

5. Children of Sanchez (Arr. J. Dennison & B. Phillips for Orchestra) [Live]
5. Children of Sanchez (Arr. J. Dennison & B. Phillips for Orchestra) [Live]
Ben Sieben, Dulles Middle School Symphony Orchestra & Sally Kirk

6. Genesis (Live)
6. Genesis (Live)
Dulles Middle School Symphony Orchestra & Sally Kirk

7. In te Domine speravi (Arr. C. Jacot for Orchestra) [Live]
7. In te Domine speravi (Arr. C. Jacot for Orchestra) [Live]
Dulles Middle School Symphony Orchestra & Sally Kirk

8. American Landscape (Live)
8. American Landscape (Live)
Dulles Middle School Symphony Orchestra & Sally Kirk

9. Clinch Mountain Backstep (Arr. L. Moore) [Live]
9. Clinch Mountain Backstep (Arr. L. Moore) [Live]
Dulles Middle School Symphony Orchestra

10. Wonder of Life (Live)
10. Wonder of Life (Live)
Dulles Middle School Symphony Orchestra

12. The Abandoned Funhouse (Live)
12. The Abandoned Funhouse (Live)
Dulles Middle School Symphony Orchestra